from today's Nikkei

2009年04月03日 09時09分56秒 | 新聞記事から
2010年成長回復へ協調 年内、1900万人の雇用確保 「あらゆる行動とる」 金融サミット

The summit meeting of the Group of 20 countries and areas consisting of emerging economies as well as Japan,the U.S. and European countries will close on the evening of April 2(JST: at midnight of April 2),after adopting its summit declaration.The meting,or the financial summit,is to make clear its coordinated attitude of the participants,with an eye to seeking to make a global economic growth recovery by the end of the year 2010, saying they will take all necessary actions including their budgetary stimulus packages.Another feature of its declaration is that they will seek to create the employment of as many as 190 million people in the world within the year(in 2009).
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