from today's Nikkei

2014年11月01日 14時55分20秒 | 新聞記事から
日銀が追加緩和策  国債購入30兆円増 投信は3倍 物価上昇の鈍化懸念 

Yesterday, on Ocotober 31,the Bank of Japan decied to ease its monetary policy further, so that it will be able to increase the upper limit of fund for buying the government-issued bonds by 30 trillion yen up to 80 trillion yen. What's more, it will triple the amount of fund for purchasing ETF and REIT products. The BOJ Govenor Haruhiko Kuroda said at a press conference after a policy bord meeting that now is a crucial point of time for getting the country's economy completely out of a deflationary cycle.
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