from today's Nikkei

2010年02月21日 11時00分14秒 | 新聞記事から
大容量の次世代メモリー 日米韓、一斉生産へ 東芝やサムスン 市況回復で春以降 携帯情報端末の小型化促す

According to sources, major IC makers in the U.S.,Japan and South Korea likely start to mass-produce so-clled next-generation,ultra-large scale memory chips beginning this spring together.
South Korean Samsun,the first-ranked maker, and the second-running Toshiba will participate in this movement. This comes after the market condition has recovered for such makers, and other manufactures also likely follow the suit.
This mass-production of cutting-edge IC chips will lead to further downsizing of mobile information terminals like cellular phones or mobile PCs.
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