This assistance for defectors from North Korea is just one problem deepening the rift between the two groups.(韓国系、北朝鮮系の2つの日本での団体が長年の争いから和解に向けて合意し、又先ほどの北朝鮮のミサイル発射で解消にいたった話しに関連して)
この場合のdeepeningの主語はなにか?problemgが deepen の主語でしょう。one problem which deepens the rift と同じいみです。
A series of earthquakes jolted the Izu island chain south of Tokyo from Sunday evening through Monday morning, registering a seismic intensity of $ on the Japanese sacle of 7 on Shikenejima island,according to the Meteorological Agency.
のregistering の主語は、本文の主語である a series of earthquakes です。
The international community is struggling to find ways to cope with new tensions in East Asia produced by a series of missile launches by North Korea last week.
のproduced の主語は、new tensions です。new tensions is produced です。
This assistance for defectors from North Korea is just one problem deepening the rift between the two groups.(韓国系、北朝鮮系の2つの日本での団体が長年の争いから和解に向けて合意し、又先ほどの北朝鮮のミサイル発射で解消にいたった話しに関連して)
この場合のdeepeningの主語はなにか?problemgが deepen の主語でしょう。one problem which deepens the rift と同じいみです。
A series of earthquakes jolted the Izu island chain south of Tokyo from Sunday evening through Monday morning, registering a seismic intensity of $ on the Japanese sacle of 7 on Shikenejima island,according to the Meteorological Agency.
のregistering の主語は、本文の主語である a series of earthquakes です。
The international community is struggling to find ways to cope with new tensions in East Asia produced by a series of missile launches by North Korea last week.
のproduced の主語は、new tensions です。new tensions is produced です。