修正版 from September 7 Nikkei

2013年09月16日 07時03分22秒 | 新聞記事から
米緩和縮小の影響監視  世界経済「下振れリスク」 G20首脳宣言 シリア問題は言及なし

The summit meeting of leaders from the Group of 20 nations and regions in the world, including Japan,Europe and the U.S., closed on the evening of September 6 (nightof the same day Japan time ),issuing a joint communique. According to the communique,the leaders agreed in their awareness that there is still a possibility that the world economy would go downward, and also that they have to watch fallout of the upcoming change of U.S. monetary policy toward shrinkage of its easing policy, for there is a concern that the U.S. policy change would give a significant effect to the so-caled emerging economies. There is no reffering to the Syrian issue in the communique because the opinions of leaders have remained divided.

The above was written September 8.


The summit meeting of the Group of 20 nations and regions closed Spetember 6, and issued a joint communique. According to the statement, the leaders agreed there is still a possibility global economy go downward, and then that they have to carefully watch the proceeding of U.S. monetary policy going toward reducing easing elements because the Washington's change would give a significant effects to the emerging economies.Concerning the Syrian problem, leaders could not get to the consensus, so there is nor referring to it in the document.

The summit meeting of the Group of 20 nations and regions closed Spetember 6, and issued a joint communique. According to the statement, the leaders agreed there is still a possibility global economy go downward, and then that they have to carefully watch the proceeding of U.S. monetary policy going toward easing one in the coming months. There was a concern among leaders that Washington's change of policy would give a significant effects to the emerging economies.Concerning the Syrian problem, leaders could not get to the consensus, so there is nor referring to it in the document.
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