from today's Nikkei

2008年10月02日 09時40分46秒 | 新聞記事から
富士通、米大手に売却へ 年商3300億円 電機、最大級の撤退 ハードディスク駆動装置 700-1000億円で交渉

Fujitsu Limited has decided to sell out its division of the hard disk-driving equipment business to U.S. company, Western Digital Corporation,the world's second largest company in the field, and entered into the final negotiation stage with the firm.The deal is expected to be concluded within the year.Fujitsu's business of HDD is ranked 6th in the industry with the annual sales of more than 330 billion yen.In the history of a domestic major electric machinery company's selling the business division, this deal would be the biggest ever.The negotiation likely will go on about how much the business could be evaluated,which is speculated to be 70 to 100 bilion yen.
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