21th of September
It's today
It's peace day
提唱した方はイギリスの方で、国連が、じゃあそうしよう! っと決めたらしいです。
そりゃ「平和」が一番いい、に決まっているじゃないか! と思いますが、それをわざわざ大きな声で言わないといけない…ってところが、ニンゲンの面倒くさくてイヤな部分ですね。このニンゲン、いつになったら頭一つ、出せるようになるんでしょうか…。
Its advocate is a British man. United Nations agreed with him then decided to set it as the peace day on 21th of September.
I agree with them and it's the best thing, in peace. Why should we speak out about it? Isn't it a common sense? I wouldn't like this part of human's behaviours. When can we become clever enough?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
21th of September
It's today
It's peace day
提唱した方はイギリスの方で、国連が、じゃあそうしよう! っと決めたらしいです。
そりゃ「平和」が一番いい、に決まっているじゃないか! と思いますが、それをわざわざ大きな声で言わないといけない…ってところが、ニンゲンの面倒くさくてイヤな部分ですね。このニンゲン、いつになったら頭一つ、出せるようになるんでしょうか…。
Its advocate is a British man. United Nations agreed with him then decided to set it as the peace day on 21th of September.
I agree with them and it's the best thing, in peace. Why should we speak out about it? Isn't it a common sense? I wouldn't like this part of human's behaviours. When can we become clever enough?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.