The short story - 居場所 A place to stay

2020年10月11日 | 日記




This place is to stay for me

Looking for and find

Then looking for again



グリップの裏側でまどろんでいた小柄な蜘蛛は、突然の衝撃に驚いた。何が起きたのだろう? チョロっと顔を上げて巣の状態を確認した。大丈夫だ、糸はどこも切れていない。しかし細かい振動が伝わってくる。これは何だろう△






After roaming for a short time, He found here. He made his own web spending a day. When it was completed, it cought a small moth. He thought that he was luckey enough to find here.

M unlocked the key of her bicycle then kicked the stand. The hight of bicycle got down, M soon noticed that the grip pulled something that was like a few of threads on that. Looked over there, M found a cobweb.

The slpeepy spider on the backside of the grip was surprised with the impact. He was wondering what happened. He got up his face a bit, his web seemed to be OK, but he felt a little fluctuation.

"I haven't just used this bicycle for a few days, but a spider made a cobwe?". M was going to clear it away but when M looked into that, the cobweb looked like new, all the threads are connected beautifully, no breaken, then shining. M was shortly thinking about clearing, I should go right now without caring the cobweb otherwise I will be late to my job.

The spider was in silent, seeing what was going on. Soon, from the edge of his cobweb started to break. I made it well...

M tried to be kind to clean it but didn't work well. The cobweb was shrunk. M felt sorry for that. The spider didn't understand what happened, calmy stayed on the grip. He would find some new place to stay where M reached at. 

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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日乗 diary - 中途半端なんだ I always end up in the air

2020年10月10日 | 日記




I always end up in the air

About anything, my life

And also the future









Around three weeks ago, I worte about myself, I always do end up in the air...when I do something. It's like one of my sicknesses... How do I change this behaviour?

About the series of weekly magazines. I only bought the first magazine then stopped. Another weekly ones, it was stopped around in the middle. I didn't remember if I would have no money or lost my interest on that. I forgot a reason to it. I put a lot of magaines in the bookshelf, never read them.

You may know KonMari who is a adviser to tidy your rooms. I read her two books, I understood her methods, buy my room has still been cluttering. Why?

I should try it again, to follow her methods, sparkle with joy, to tidy my room. Otherwise, my life will end up in the air all the time...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.



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オサンポ walk - 虫bug & 植物plant : 雨にそぼぬれる生きものたち the insects & plant are getting wet from the rain

2020年10月09日 | 日記




 The bagworms &

The spider are getting

wet from the rain





ツユクサをまた最近見かける。ツユクサに出会い始めるのは六月ごろの印象が強いから、雨粒とのセットで思い出すことが多い。雨に降られることを全然厭わない?むしろ喜ばしい? 濡れた方があの、花びらの青が際立つと思う△




The typhoon is coming to Japan again. So that, it's raining heavily then changing to be a little, stop but start raining. All the time, chainging.

When I am here not to get wet by the rain, I lose myself in thought to living natures, such as bagworms, a spider and dayflower. When I got out, I found the three bagworms that were haning on the crash barrier. There were three ones. 

As I photographed some plants under the crash barrier, I found them. At the first, my eye cought something underneath of the barrier, then.

Another day, I found a huge cobweb that might have hold upper body of human. The spider of the owner had yellow and black stripes and around 5 cm body. The cobweb was a few hundreds times bigger than the owner. They must have been greedy or hard working, or both.

I've seen many dayflowers in these days.Usually, I start to meet them around June though a year, when I remeber them, it's with rain. They seem to be happy with having rain. When their flowers get wet, the blue colour are more colourful, I believe so.

When I am here in a calm room then I never get wet from the rain, I deeply think about liveing natures that would get wet. I'd like to know what things they think about rain. Is it bad luck or thankful to them? I'd like to have a skill to know about that. 

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 金木犀 The orange osmanthus

2020年10月08日 | 日記




It's an orange osmanthus

I didn't know a name of you

I was passing you sometimes









It's frequently raining. I thought that it rained but not it stopped. The clouds that looked like heavy was stayed at the corner of the sky. Around here, there were brighten clouds around here. I gussed that it was not going to rain, anyway.

The asphalt roads were wet but shining. It would have told me that it has just stopped raining. It was not obscurity yet but not so bright, between day and night. The winds might have explained us about that, the one was dry and cool but the other one was a bit wet, that were chainging when the directions of wind swtitched places.

I've seen two cats there. But recently, I have'nt seen one of them. I saw a cat that looked like one of the cat(stripe), but I was not sure, beause the cat ran away as soon as we bumped into each other. The other cat(white), he(she?) was under the car, he made his body like a box.

I was walking ahead along the concrete walls. I found a little plant that had very tidy leaves at the narrow gap on the walls. I took a glance at them when passing by.

Turning left then walking straight to the supermarket. There was only on tree that had many green leaves and height was taller than me at my direction. I've know the tree there. I was going to just pass by. But I found that something orange colour among the leaves.

That's was orange osmanthus! Their flower, the colour was vivid but the fragrance was soft though I thought stranger. It was the day that I had known this tree was orange osmanthus.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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日乗 diary - 予定通りであれば… If I could catch up with my schedule...

2020年10月07日 | 日記




My travell was cancelled

It was the first time for my life

Oh such a miserable last year






予定通りに稼げてカラダの不調も落ち着けば、今年は行くぞだった。GO TO で多勢が動き、成り行きに不安を感じていたが、今のところは静観できそうなのだろうか。しかし先行きが不透明な中では気軽になれない。そんなに遠くも無い場所が、遠い。



Last year, we'd got a lot of typhoons, too much, we were fed up with that. It's now coming a typhoon to Japan island.

I was planning to visit my old friend with a friend of mine last year in the same as this season. But it was cancelled because of the big typhoon. It was the firt time for me in my life.

My old friend prepared to have us with treat special meals such as Japanese chestnut in rice, wagyu steak and visiting at a Soba restaurant, etc. A friend of mine and me ate nothing, all of them would have been eaten by my old friend.

Last year, for me, it was tough time. It was like one unfortunate occurrence after another. So, I'd like to feel change and take a bath for a ceremony to drive away evil spirits, also relaxed.

And, we've go coronavirus. Our government has been having the campaign, GO TO travell. Many people go travelling, I'm afraind if a number of the patient will be increasing... My old friend is nor so far from my home but I feel so far...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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日乗 diary - それが何だったのかは…。 What happened to me

2020年10月06日 | 日記




When I opened the box

Something was poping out

Then hit on my between the eyebrows









This story would have happened around 10 years ago. I looked around small goods at the shop.

I found a square box that something was inside of the box, the illustrations explained that belonged to some character.  I would have liked to see the inside, so I opened the lid that was set on the side of the box.

Suddenly, something hard small thing would have hit on my glabella. I didn't understand what happened to me. But I felt pain my glabella. I thought that something must have popped out of the box then hit me. Was there a spring something? I looked into the box, but there was no sping.

I didn't understand what thing was in the box. Though I didn't remember it cearly. I was wondering what this impact was. Something would have dropped on the floor? I searched around there as much as I could, however, I couldn't find anything.

I imaged that what the box was like, it might have been a Jack-in-the box. When we open the box, a doll with spring comes out. But the box didn't have any spring. Even though there would have been a spring that has strong one, it must have been dangerous, because that hit my face. It was a bit luckey, something hit my glabella. If it would have hit my eye.....I felt scared.

After that, when I saw myself in a mirror, my glabella got red. It meant that defenitely something hit on my face. What was that?

*I'm not sure if my English grammar are correct. 

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日乗 diary - カラダの重い日 The day that my body feels heavy

2020年10月05日 | 日記




When my body feels heavy

Is that someone's negative feeling

I dubious









Sometimes my body feels heavy. So I lose my can-do feelings for today's plan, and I also feel languid. 

I envy other people who seem to be lively. A person who told me their story. When they woke up, their eyes opened, clearly, like as the sound of click. I really want to get this body.

Mieko Kakami, she is a Japanese novelist. I thought that I read something in her essay. She wrote like this, "I'd like to know about that, when some ideas come up in my head, is that mine or other people's?" I agreed with her. It also happens on me, I was wondering if...

Suddenly, I remember a conversation with a friend without any thread. What thing would make me remember about that? When I wouldn't get any thread, would that friend think about me so that I would catch their thinking?

If it would be happy feelings, it sould be ok but if it would be negative feelings... What happens on me?

When suddenly my body feesl heavy without any thread, I duvious about that...if it would cause to eel heavy.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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オサンポ walk - 虫bug : 日々観察 Everyday, observation

2020年10月04日 | 日記




During I am walking

When I find something

I will oberve





彼らはビビット芋虫の、生まれて間もない頃からと少し成長した頃の姿なのかもしれないと思った。こんな風に変化していくのかと興味深い。あっちの葉、こっちの葉と総数は15〜20 匹くらいか△




When I am walking, I would find something then sometimes I will observe them. My iPhone has a camera even it's telephone. It's so useful!
A few weeks ago, I found some caterpillars on the leaves of a plant. The caterpillars were so vividly colourful, their bodies were light green, yellow and green lines on their backs. I wouldn't like caterpillar but I was trapped by them because such a well-made design.
After a few days from that that day, I found that more baby-like caterpillars than the vivid ones. They were much smallr and a bit smaller, 1-4cm. The small ones were just light green, but biggers ones had lemon yellow spots on their backs on line. I roughly counted them, around 15-20.
Today, I went there. No one was there. Some of them wouldn't have been eaten by birds, they would have pupated? Or, some humans would have killed them?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct. 


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オサンポ walk - 虫bug : 日々蟻の巣 Everyday, nest of ant!

2020年10月03日 | 日記




I'm interested in

Any nest of ant

Look  down the ground









In these days, when I go outside, I look up then look down on the ground. To look up means to check the sky, how they are, it will be fine or rain. To look down means to check nests of ant. I'm interested in seeing their nests and activities, they have still acted.

In this rainy season, I had seen, how to reconstruct their nests, when the entrances of them were buried after rain. It was soon. When the last night was raining, tomorrow morning, it was buried but next day, it was reconstructed.

How wonderful their constructional technique !!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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日乗 diary - かみストロー paper straw

2020年10月02日 | 日記




Now we've got paper straw

It will make us be interented in

Ecological movement









It's about paper straw. I bought a fruit juice at the juice bar. They provided me a papare straw this time, before they used plastic ones. It's the first time for me, it was soft to my lips. It's a new thing, I thought that, then I found something another.
However, the cup and lid were still plastic. If we cared about the amount of plastic, the company should have started paper materials to the cup and lid. Or, let's change everything at the same time. I would understand, there might be some problems, the cost or stock.
Plastic cup can show you the colours of fruit juice? My brain was busy to think about environment problems. We cannot stop thinking about that. The company decided to use the paper straw. It is much better than not use that ones.
My ideas went to eco-friendly shopping bag(we call it eco bag in Japan). A few years ago, many supermarkets in Japan that decided to  take money for the plastic bag. Many eco bags started to sell at that time. It was toooo many. They became a present, gift and giveaway by companise and people. It didn't seem to be eco bag.
Since this summer, the all of shops started to take monery for shopping bag(except biomass ones). It follows our law. Also this time, many and many kind of eco bags have been sold everywhere. It's too many. If we are truly serious about reduce to use plastic, we should chose a few of fabric bags, then use such a long time with fixing some holes.
But, how many people can do that? I'd like to have hopeful to create paper straw by mankind.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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