

the 22st アメリカ火星協会の年会 (October 17-20) 参加登録中!

2019-10-03 00:55:25 | 火星協会

今年のテーマは「The Space Launch Revolution: Opening the Way to Mars」です。


9:30am - Plenary
Luther Beegle - Deputy Division Manager of JPL’s Science Division:
Exploring Mars Underground / Search for Water & Life

8:00pm – Debate NASA's Proposed Gateway:
Robert Zubrin, President, The Mars Society and Greg Autry, Director, SoCal Commercial Spaceflight Center

10:30am - Plenary
Dave Poston, NASA Kilopower Project:Mars Nuclear Power Production

11:00am - Plenary
Tom Hoffman- Insight Project Manager, NASA
Mars InSight Mission Update

11:30am - Economic Panel - Opportunities for Space Entrepreneurs
Panelists: Dr. Alexander C. MacDonald, Program Executive for Emerging Space, Office of the Chief Technologist, NASA HQ
Sean McClinton, President, Seattle Space Entrepreneurs & Founder, SDM Enterprises, Inc., Lennart Lopin, Founder & President, The Marscoin Foundation. President/CEO, ByteFederal. James L. Burk, IT Director, The Mars Society & Senior Manager of Business Mgmt Services, Artic Consulting

1:00pm - 5:00pm - Session Tracks:
2:00pm Track 1:Doug Plata/SpaceX's Starship:SpaceX's Starship:Moon or Mars Rocket?
              Track 2:Edward Heisler /In Defense of Elon Musk and SpaceX
2:30pm   Track 3:Shannon Rupert/Crewed Mars Missions: Who Should Go?
3:30pm   Track 1:Jeffery Greenblatt/Design and Modeling of an Electrochemical Device Producing Methane, Oxygen and polyethylene from In-situ resources on Mars  
              Track 3:Julio Rezende, Davi Souza/Design of Mars Analog habitat: The Case of Habitat Narte (Brazil)
4:00pm   Track 1:Gerald Black/SpaceX's Super Heavy and Starship
              Track 3:Susan Ip-Jewell,Karan Ghatora, Ashok Narayan-amoorthu, Saran Subba/
                           Mars Medics Analog Astronaut Missions During Austere I.C.E. - Nepal Scenarios

6:00pm - 9:00pm – MARS ROCKS!
A BENEFIT CONCERT FOR THE MARS SOCIETY This is 21 years of age and over event The Globe Theatre 740 Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90014

MARS ROCKS! is the Mars Society's first ever Benefit Concert featuring the bands
REVOLUSHN and THE HAILERS plus several musical guests from bands like Pink Floyd, DEVO, and Janes Addiction. Come out and join us for an awesome night of Music, Comedy, and SCIENCE.

9:00am – Plenary
Carol Stoker, NASA Ames/Drilling for Life on Mars

9:30am - Plenary
Shannon Rupert - Director, Mars Desert Research Station/ 20 Years on Mars

10:30am - Plenary
Kurt Chankaya . The Mars Society/The Mars Society University Rover Challenge

11:00am – Plenary
Anastasiya Stepanova/Institute of Biomedical Problems, Mars Society Russia Comparison of Space Analogue Simulations Mars160 and SIRIUS19

11:30am – Plenary
Ashwin Vasavada, MSL Project Scientist, Planetary Geosciences, JPL/MSL (Curiosity) Rover Update

1:00pm - 5:30pm
Mars Colony Prize Contest の発表があります。


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