English Collection



2014年03月31日 | 英語学習
"Landscape Gardening in Japan" は全国各地の庭園について紹介していますが、その中の東京の浜離宮の個所から引用します。
The cascade at the head of the lake, the water for which was brought from the river Tamagawa, was picturesquely designed. A striking feature of this garden is a long winding bridge crossing the lake, covered in parts with wistaria trellises, which are loaded with immense racemes of purple flowers in the season. The Hama Rikiu is now chiefly known for its unrivalled show of double cherry blossoms in spring, forming an attraction honoured yearly by an Imperial visit and reception.
藤の花の話なので "racemes" は垂れ下がっている花の房と関係がありそうですが、辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: an inflorescence in which the flowers are borne along the main stem, with the oldest flowers at the base. It can be simple, as in the foxglove, or compound: I bought a laburnum'Vossii' in autumn 1998. In 2000, it flowered quite well, but this year produced only one raceme.
・Wiktionary: a simple inflorescence (as in the lily of the valley) in which the flowers are borne on short stalks of about equal length at equal distances along an elongated axis and open in succession toward the apex
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