'Is that the end?' she asked, waking up. She floundered for something more to say. 'Of course I like dykes themselves. They don't scare me a bit. But stories about dykes bore the bejesas out of me. I just can't put myself in their shoes.
"dyke" はこの後も何度も出てくるので意味を調べます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: offensive an offensive word for a lesbian (=woman who is gay)
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: slang a homosexual woman; a lesbian. Many people consider this word offensive.
・Wiktionary: (slang, pejorative) A lesbian, particularly one who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner. This word has been reclaimed, by some, as politically empowering. (See usage notes.)
Usage notes: In the sense of a gay woman, this term is generally derogatory when used by heterosexuals (and sometimes when used by non-heterosexuals), but, it is also used by some lesbians and bisexual women to refer to themselves, positively. A similar approach to the possibility of reclamation is evident in the use of the word queer among some lesbians, bisexual women, and others; see reclaimed word and reappropriation for discussion. It is important to note that many people do not believe that “queer” is able to be reclaimed, because of its fraught history and continued pejorative usage. Thus, the terms “dyke” and “queer” are both potentially liberatory while also being highly contested.
"... - simply told her I was a dyke."
明日は上の引用文にある "bejesas"の意味を調べます。