AsimovのI, ROBOTを読み始めました。
The Talking Robot was a tour de force, a thoroughly impractical device, possessing publicity value only. Once an hour, an escoreted group stood before it and asked questions of the robot engineer in charge in careful wispers. Those the engineer decided were suitable for the robot's circuits were transimitted to the Talking Robot.
"tour de force" は外来語ですね。英英辞典にも載っているはずです。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A performance or achievement that has been accomplished or managed with great skill.: his novel is a tour de force
・Collins Dictionary: If you call something such as a performance, speech, or production a tour de force, you are emphasizing that it is extremely good or extremely well done or made.: Stevenson's deeply felt performance is a tour-de-force.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an achievement or performance that shows great skill and attracts admiration: a technical/musical/political tour de force
The Talking Robot was a tour de force, a thoroughly impractical device, possessing publicity value only. Once an hour, an escoreted group stood before it and asked questions of the robot engineer in charge in careful wispers. Those the engineer decided were suitable for the robot's circuits were transimitted to the Talking Robot.
"tour de force" は外来語ですね。英英辞典にも載っているはずです。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A performance or achievement that has been accomplished or managed with great skill.: his novel is a tour de force
・Collins Dictionary: If you call something such as a performance, speech, or production a tour de force, you are emphasizing that it is extremely good or extremely well done or made.: Stevenson's deeply felt performance is a tour-de-force.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an achievement or performance that shows great skill and attracts admiration: a technical/musical/political tour de force