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2010年03月30日 | 英語学習

HUCKLEBERRY FINNの物語がやっと始まりました。この本にはところどころに注があり、まず最初の文にあった最初の注の記載に気になる単語がありました。
'The Adventure of Tom Sawyer': published in 1876. See Introduction, passim, for relationship between Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
この "passim" は何の意味でしょうか? 辞書を引きます。
・Dictionary.com: adverb Latin; here and there: used in bibliographic references to indicate that the writer has drawn upon material scattered throughout the source cited.
・Online Etymology Dictionary: 1803, "occurring in various places," from L., lit. "scatteredly," adv. from passus, pp. of pandere "to stretch."
あちらこちらに引用されていると言う事ですね。 3年前に憶えた "sic" と同様に便利な単語です。

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one-trick pony

2010年03月29日 | 英語学習
英単語についてのメルマガ、ArcaMax Vocabulary, March 21, 2010に面白い表現がありましたので記事を引用します。
Q: Is there anything ever "ulterior," other than a motive? Or is anything "gaping," other than a hole (or, I suppose, a maw)? How did these words come to be such one-trick ponies? Were they ever used more broadly? -- Jim Maloy, Greensburg, Pa.
A: I've always been fascinated by these one-trick ponies. You might think "one-trick pony" is an old-fashioned phrase, but it was actually coined during the 1970s to denote someone skilled in only one area or who has success only once.
One of my favorite one-tricks is "whopping," which is invariably used with "increase." As language maven Edwin Newman once asked, "When does an increase begin to whop?"
To answer your question, "ulterior" was once used to modify many adjectives. The Oxford English Dictionary lists citations for "ulterior accomplishments," "ulterior designs" and "ulterior intentions."
Readers, can you pony up any other words used exclusively in one phrase? Please send me your one-tricks!
"one-trick ponies" の意味は文中にあるので辞書は引きませんが、日本語の馬鹿の一つ憶えを思い起こせます。 最後の方に出てくる "pony up" の意味が分からないので辞書を引きす。:
・OneLook Quick Definitions: give reluctantly
・Dictionary.com: Informal. to pay (money), as in settling an account: Next week you'll have to pony up the balance of the loan.
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second language

2010年03月28日 | 英語学習
A family of mice were surprised by a big cat.
Father Mouse jumped and said, "Bow-wow!"
The cat ran away.
"What was that, Father?" asked Baby Mouse.
"Well, son, that's why it's important to learn a second language."

Note: I like this joke very much, This is wonderful.
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2010年03月27日 | 英語学習
After reaching the 'bottom of Illinois' there was nothing, logically, to do but to go back; and this is what Twain remembered to say they would do after Cairo was overshot, before he pigeonholed the manuscript in 1876.
鳩の穴が動詞になるとどう言う意味になるのでしょうか? カッバドキアに鳩の巣の谷があったのを思い出しました。 そう言えば東京にも鳩の巣渓谷がありますね。 とにかく辞書を引きます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: 1. treat or classify according to a mental stereotype 2. place into a small compartment
・Dictionary.com: 1. to assign to a definite place or to definite places in some orderly system: to pigeonhole new ideas. 2.to lay aside for use or reference at some later, indefinite time: We must pigeonhole this excellent plan until the time is ripe. 3. to put aside for the present, esp. with the intention of ignoring or forgetting, often indefinitely: to pigeonhole an unwanted invitation. 4.to place in or as if in a pigeonhole or pigeonholes: to pigeonhole papers.
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2010年03月26日 | 英語学習
インド総領事として大阪に赴任中の外交家・作家のVikas Swarupとのインタビュー記事(English Journal 3月号)からです。
Swarup: Well, when I wrote this the idea was not to be a social critic or, you know, to pontificate to the world on, you know, what their problems are and how those problems can be solved.
難しそうな単語、"pontificate" は全く知らないので早速辞書を見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner ("The new professor always pontificates")
・Dictionary.com: to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner: Did he pontificate about the responsibilities of a good citizen?
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2010年03月25日 | 英語学習

Mark Twain のTHE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINNを読むことにしました。これも娘が昔買った本で(読んだかどうかは不明、前半は読んだ跡があるが後半は綺麗なので多分途中で読むのを止めたようだ)、家にあったので読んで見ると言う安易な選択です。早速物語と思ったのですが何故かその前にPeter Coveneyと言う方が書いた結構長いINTRODUCTIONがあり、今日の単語はそこからです。
He received a clear sense of what the Hannibal of his youth had been really like, stripped of all the rosy prevarications of selective memory.
この "prevarications" の意味を辞書で見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: intentionally vague or ambiguous
・Wiktionary: 1. (now rare) Deviation from what is right or correct; transgression, perversion. 2. Evasion of the truth; deceit, evasiveness.; Prevarication became the order of the day in his government while truth was a stranger in those halls. 3. Evasiveness as a means of playing for time; procrastination, hesitancy.

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in bid to

2010年03月24日 | 英語学習
The Japan Times Online, March 9 のキャプションです。
Maebashi farmers turn to wolf urine in bid to rid area of damaging wild boars
"in bid to" は私の知らない慣用句のようですが、とりあえず新聞記事なので先を読みましょう。
The Maebashi Municipal Government is considering launching an experiment to use wolf urine in powdered form to drive away wild boars that are blamed for about 5 billion a year in damage to agricultural products nationwide.
記事の意味は分かりました。"in bid to" は "in order to" と同じと考えても良さそうですがどうでしょうか? 辞書で確認します。 残念ながら慣用句としての "in bid to" は見つかりませんでした。 "bid" には "an attempt to attain some goal or purpose" の意味がありますが、記事のキャプションには "attain" とは反対の意味の "rid" が続いているので混乱してきますが、Googleで "in bid to" の使用例を検索すると41,700,000例が出てきて、だいたい "in order to" で置き換えても意味が通じるので、やはりここでは"in bid to" は "in order to" と同じと考えても良いと結論を出しましたがどうでしょう?
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2010年03月23日 | 英語学習
ノンフィクション「蜂は何故大量死したのか」の著者、Rowan Jacobsen、とのインタビュー記事(English Journal 3月号)からです。
Jacobsen: No, 'cause, you know, it was interesting, um, when I was working on the book, CCD was a big deal, or it became a big deal in the United States, but a lot of other countries were still denying that they had CCD.
"CCD" と言うと、デジタルカメラで使われる "CCD"(charge-coupled device) しか知りませんが、ここでは当然その意味ではありません。インタビューの中ではこの言葉の説明は出てきませんが、記事の注に "CCD"= Colony Collapse Disorder (蜂群崩壊症候群)とありました。日本でもミツバチが減ったと言うニュースは聞いたことがあるので覚えても良い略語でしょう。
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2010年03月22日 | 英語学習

昨日東京はとても暖かく、木蓮の花があちこちに咲いているのに気が付きました。ソメイヨシノではないようですが桜の花も咲き始めたようです。 さて、The Japan Times Online, March 6 のキャプションです。
Sex offender rehab takes new tack
この "tack" は以前取り上げた "tack"(to add something that is extra or does not belong )や "tack"(to change one's course of action, conduct, ideas, etc)とも違う意味です。 新聞記事なので先を読みます。
Emphasis on treatment, parole pays off, Canadian expert says
Still, the country must develop a stronger parole system if it wants to reduce the risk of recidivism, said William Marshall...
罰を強化するではなく更生に力を入れる方針を採用したとの記事のようです。辞書で "tack" をまた見てみます。
・Dictionary.com: a course of action or conduct, esp. one differing from some preceding or other course.
・AllWords.com: (nautical) direction, hence approach try a different tack. Specifically a course or direction that enables the vessel to head upwind
"new tack" と言っても、 "tack" は全く新しい方針に使うのではなく従来とは異なる方針に使うのですね。

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2010年03月21日 | 英語学習
A kid asked a priest, "Father, besides praying, do you have any other pastime?"
The priest tapped the kid's cheek and calmly replied, "Nun my child, Nun."
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