English Collection


plying their trade

2012年07月31日 | 英語学習

さて、入院前ですが、サンデル教授のThe Case against Perfectionを読みました。
In India, the number of girls per 1,000 boys has dropped from 962 to 927 in the past two decades. India has banned the use of prenatal diagnosis for sex selection, but the law is rarely enforced. Itinerant radiologists with portable ultra-sound machines travel from village to village, plying their trade. One Bombay clinic reported that, of 8,000 abortions it performed, all but one were for purposes of sex selection.
"plying their trade"の "ply" は昨年取り上げていましたが、今回の意味あるいは用法ははちょっと違います。
Collins English Dictionaryを見ると、
1.to carry on, pursue, or work at (a job, trade, etc) 
3.to sell (goods, wares, etc), esp at a regular place
6.also intr (esp of a ship) to travel regularly along (a route) or in (an area) ⇒ to ply between Dover and Calais, to ply the trade routes
・Vocabulary.com:apply oneself diligently: “Ply one's trade”
Ply means to work steadily at something. If you've got a lemonade stand and you're busy perfecting your recipe and seeking out customers, you're doing a good job of plying your trade.
A ship that regularly travels a particular route plies that route. When someone offers you food or drink, often in hopes of getting something in return, they're plying you: "If I ply you with cake, will you take my dog for a walk?" The noun ply is very different from the verb, referring to layers or strands. Four-ply yarn is made up of four strands. Plywood is made of many layers of wood glued together.

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2012年07月30日 | 英語学習

The Case against Perfectionを読み始めました。副題はETHNICS IN THE AGE OF GENETIC ENGINEERINGとあり、中々興味の湧くテーマです。著者はNHKのTV番組表で見掛けたハーバード白熱教室(番組自体は見ていませんが)のMichael J. Sandel氏で、新聞などでも話題になっていたので名前だけは知っています。
初っ端の話は、"... a couple decided they wanted to have a child, preferably a deaf one. Both partners were deaf, and proudly so. Like others in the deaf-pride community.
In hopes of conceiving a deaf child, they sought out a sperm donor with five generations of deafness in his family. And they succeded. Their son Gauvin was born deaf." とちょっと信じがたい内容から始まり、人間が人工授精、GM、クローン生物の生成と自然の営みを超える行為を始めていますが、どこまで許せて、何がどうして許せないかと言う複雑な問題を次々と提示していきます。中々興味が湧く内容ですが、このブログではもっぱら英語に焦点を当てます。 さて、この本から最初に取り上げたい単語が出てきた個所を次に引用します。
Genetic enhancement is possible for brains as well as brawn. In the mid-1990s scientists managed to manipulate a memory-linked gene in fruit flies, creating flies with photographic memories. More recently researchers produced smart mice by inserting extra copies of a memory-related gene into mouse embryos. The altered mice learn more quickly and remember things longer than normal mice.
"brawn" は初めて見る単語ですが、brainsとの対比なので体力を意味しているのかなと想像します。辞書で確認します。
・Collins English Dictionary: 1.strong well-developed muscles 2.physical strength, esp as opposed to intelligence: "That's because most true nobleman are inbred morons with more brawn than brains .
・Macmillan Dictionary: physical strength, especially when compared with mental skill and intelligence: a job that needs brains, not brawn
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: 1. physical, muscular strength; 2. powerful muscles: The expression "brains over brawn" asserts the idea that mental fortitude and ability is more important than physical strength.
なるほど、筋力、体力を示しているのですね。"more brawn than brains" あるいは "brains over brawn" で覚えると良いようです。

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Best Patient

2012年07月29日 | 英語学習

Five surgeons from big cities are discussing who makes the best Patients to operate on.

The first surgeon, from New York, says, 'I like to see accountants on my operating table, because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.'

The second, from Chicago, responds, 'Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is color coded.'

The third surgeon, from Dallas, says, 'No, I really think librarians are the best, everything inside them is in alphabetical order.'

The fourth surgeon, from Los Angeles chimes in: 'You know, I like construction workers ... those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over.'

But the fifth surgeon, from Washington, DC shut them all up when he observed: 'You're all wrong! Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains and no spine, and the head and the ass are interchangeable!

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2012年07月24日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 6月号に15のTriviaクイズが載っていました。 米国人向けの問題でもあり、何れも難しいクイズですが、その内の5題を紹介します。
1. What familial similarity links Margaret Thacher, Julia Roberts and Willam Shakespeare?
2. Which nation comprises at least 13,667 islands?
3. The Order of the Elephant is the highest honour awarded by which European contry?
4. Which came first: the Iron Age or the Bronze Age?
5. In golf, what is a snowman?

これから3泊4日の予定で旅行にでかけます。 と言っても行き先は歩いて十分の病院です。
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2012年07月23日 | 英語学習
数ヶ月前のReader's Digestに掲載されていたAlgebraical wordsに関するクイズです。
Which spelled-out numbers can replace each X to create words?
1. HXY
3. WXY
4. CAX
例として1番の答えを示します。 XはONEで、正しいスペルはHONEYとなります。
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Enjoy A Piece of PI

2012年07月22日 | 英語学習

今日はパイもどき(?)を食べる日だそうです。 パイを食べる正式なパイの日は3月14日でした。
今年のReader's Digest 3月号にパイ(Pi)についての次ぎの記事がありました。
Global Pi Day elebrations on March 14 (to represent 3.14) often involve the baking, throwing and eating of pies - after their area and circumference have been calculated. If you miss out, July 22 (to represent 22/7) is Pi Approximation Day, so why not eat something approximating a pie - a pastie, sausage roll or Turkish pide, perhaps?

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2012年07月21日 | 英語学習

We discovered the cancer by accident one November Sunday in 2000. Our son Terry had invited friends for a sleepover to celebrate his 12th birthday Terence had been having stomach cramps for weeks. Suddenly he was lying on the bed, doubled over in pain. Our family doctor ordered him to the emergency department.
We were immediately triaged through. Not a good sign, I thought. When Terence returned from a scan, the doctor said, almost as an aside: "There's a shadow on his kidney. When hs's feeling better, you should take a look at it."
"triage" は聞き覚えのある言葉ですが、意味を思い出せません。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
a: the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors
b: the sorting of patients (as in an emergency room) according to the urgency of their need for care: Nurses do triage in the emergency room.
・Collins English Dictionary: .(in a hospital) the principle or practice of sorting emergency patients into categories of priority for treatment: Hopefully any kind of nurse triage system would offer this safe and sensible advice.
辞書の説明は名詞に対してですが、動詞も名詞も同じ "triage" です。

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2012年07月20日 | 英語学習
昨日は "gamely" の新しい意味を憶えましたが、Reader's Digest 6月号の別の記事、ガン患者の闘病記に出てきた "game" はまさに昨日調べた意味、"willing to do things that are new, risky or difficult" で、次ぎの様に使われていました。
One $200 pill a day. A shot at more life. Sutent might have more serious side effects - rashes, fatigue, stomach distress, storokes - but Terence was game. He began taking it on Nobember 15.
この "game" は以前に調べた "game" (http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/5/6)の意味("power/skill to influence others")とも違いますね。
入院手続きの書類に「手術について」と「麻酔に関する」説明及び同意書があり、そこには起こりえる合併症など、嬉しくない事が細々と書かれています。そして入院申込誓約書で迷惑をかけない、支払いを約束する他に、連帯保証人の欄もあり、保証人は独立生計をしている別世帯の人間としてあります。 予定費用より多額の前金を払うので、こちらとしては、医療過誤を起しませんという誓約書を医者から頂きたい位なので、連帯保証人をたてろと云うのは気に入りませんが、しかたないですね。
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2012年07月19日 | 英語学習

Reader's Digest 6月号の記事、Boy on a Bike、Rwandaなど戦争で荒廃したアフリカの国々で自転車を組み立てる活動をしているBike Town AfricaのJean-Paul氏と自転車組立ての手伝いをしている少年との話です。
Asking a child (or even an adult) to assemble bikes all day without riding one is tantamound to torture. So, at around 5pm, I take him outside with a bike I know to be assembled properly and gesture for him to get on and have a spin. The gestures don't work, so I ask a translator to tell him to go for a ride. His eyes grow solemn at the news, and although the bike is built for someone half as tall as he is, he gamely throws a leg over and wobbles down an alley and around the corner.
"gamely" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Collins English Dictionary: in a brave or sporting manner: As her physical education instructor looks on, she wields a sword and gamely repulses the "attack" of her bigger opponents.
・Vocabulary.com: in a plucky manner: “he was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso”
・Cambridge English Dictionary (game): willing to do things that are new, risky or difficult: "I'll look after the baby," he said gamely (= bravely).
となると、形容詞は "game" で、 "game" に "gamely" に対応する意味があるかも確認します。
・Cambridge English Dictionary (game): willing to do things that are new, risky or difficult: It was a difficult challenge, but Roberta was game.: She's game for anything.
・Macmillan Dictionary: prepared to join in with or to try a new, difficult, or dangerous activity: He's such fun ? always game for anything.
Online Etymology Dictionaryに "game" のこの様な意味は闘鶏の意味から来たと次ぎのような説明がありました。
"brave, spirited," 1725, especially in game-cock "bird for fighting," from game (n.). Middle English had gamesome (adj.) "joyful, playful, sportive."

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gonzo surfer

2012年07月18日 | 英語学習

巨大な波を求めて挑戦したサーファーの記事、Finding the PERFECT WAVE(Reader's Digest 6月号)にあった単語がきになりました。場所はSan Diego, CA 沖のCortes Bankで並みの高さは23.4mにも達したそうです。
The Bank became an obsession for Flame. In 1990, he and a gonzo surfer and bush pilot named Mike Castillo decided to see it for themselves. From a tiny Cessna about 100m up, Flame and Castillo were shocked to find a titantic, unruly wave unloading onto the submarine reef.
"gonzo surfer" の "gonzo" は日本語の様な響きがありますが、何でしょう。 辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary: having a very strange or unusual quality: gonzo humor; a gonzo comedian; gonzo journalism (=journalism that treats a subject in a very personal, unusual, and often shocking way)
・Oxford English Dictionary: bizarre or crazy: the woman was either gonzo or stoned

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