今日はJapan's Cultural Code Words、「けじめ」 Drawing a Lineの項に出てきたちょっと怪しげな単語を覚えたいと思います。
What has changed in contemporary Japan that puts an entirely different slant on
skullduggery committed by politicians is that the news media, at least since the 1960s, has assumed the role of
kejime judge and jury. The news media, rather than the criminal justice system, has uncovered and exposed virtually all of the major scandals of the era, bringing down one cabinet minister and Diet member after anothe, and sent several prime ministers scuttling. The news media has presumed the right to apply a
kejime judgment against anyone it thinks has crossed the line. It then applies enough public pressure against the politicians concerned to force them to resign. The
fourth estate has assumed the role of morality watchdog.
fourth estate" は2年前にこのブログで取り上げていますね。 "
skullduggery" は政治家が一線を外すような何か悪いことの様ですが何でしょう? 辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: (informal) underhand dealing; trickery: "I have no answers," she said, unwilling to speculate on the possibility of any
skullduggery behind the donation.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; also : a devious device or trick: the company's apparently healthy bottom line was merely an illusion, the result of years of accounting
skulduggery ・Vocabulary.com: verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way: His approach was to allow limited borrowing to cover operating expenses only if the state broke with the accounting
skullduggery of the past.
skullduggery" は論外ですが、政治家は自分が発する言葉の影響をよく考えた上で持論を披露して欲しいですね。