English Collection



2019年10月28日 | 英語の原書を読む
"Talk like TED" から引用します。
In addition to the charts, animation, and photographs in his presentation, U2's Bono used anaphora very effectively to add more stimulation to the senses. Here are two examples:
Facts that can challenge cynicism and apathy that leads to inertia.
Facts that tell us what's working and what's not, so we can fix it.
Facts that if...
"anaphora" の意味は例が出ているので分かりますね。一応英英辞書の説明を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.: An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.

・Vocabulary.com: When the same word or phrase is used at the beginning of a series of sentences, that's anaphora. Used to show emphasis in speech or writing, anaphora is a popular tool for politicians, religious leaders, lyricists, and poets.
In Martin Luther King, Jr.'s most famous speech, he said "I have a dream" eight different times. He used anaphora as a rhetorical technique, repeating the words to drive home a point. As a literary device, anaphora also gives emphasis and rhythm to lines like these of Charles Dickens: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," with the repetition of "it was" eight more times in one sentence. In Greek, anaphora means "a carrying back."
政治家の演説や歌詞でも "anaphora" は頻繁に使われていますね。
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2019年10月27日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 9月号 "All in a Day's Work" からの引用です。
A patient came to the hospital with a burned right hand. As the doctor took down his medical history, he asked the injured man, "Do you smoke?"
"Yeah, a pack and a half a day," said the patient.
Concerned, the doctor told him, "You should consider quitting."
"No, it's OK," said the patient. "I smoke with my left hand."
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2019年10月25日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 9月号 "All in a Day's Work" からの引用です。
During a lesson about adjectives, my friend, an elementary school teacher, asked her class to describe their mothers. One boy described his mother's hair as auburn.
Impressed by his sophisticated word choice, my friend asked, "How do you know her hair color is auburn?"
Her student replied,"Because that's what it says on the box."
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2019年10月23日 | 英語の原書を読む
"Talk like TED" から引用します。
In The Psychology of Humor, Martin argues that humor is used as an "ingratiation tactic," making it easier to be accepted in a group. This explains why so many famous comedians have experienced difficult childhoods or have gone through a period when they felt like outcasts. They used humor to ingratiate themselves to the group, and they used it so often that they refined it to the point where they could make a living at it.
"ingratiation"/"ingratiate" を辞書で見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering or trying to please them.: He says, ‘You don't know whether she was trying to ingratiate herself to other kids by doing favours.

・Collins Dictionary: If someone tries to ingratiate themselves with you, they do things to try and make you like them.: Many politicians are trying to ingratiate themselves with her.

・Dictionary.com: to establish (oneself or someone else) in the favor or good graces of someone, especially by deliberate effort (usually followed by with): He ingratiated himself with all the guests.
動詞で使う時は "ingratiate oneself" とするのですね。
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2019年10月21日 | 英語の原書を読む
Carmine Gallo "Talk like TED" からの引用です。
Near the end of the concert, Pink, dressed in a gold bodysuit, jumped into a harness that propelled her high in the air like Tinker Bell and carried her across the entire length of the sold-out 17,000-person arena. Perches were stationed around the arena, where Pink would land for a few moments, closer to fans, then get pulled away to zip across the stadium while belting out one of her anthems. A reviewer for the Hollywood Reporter called it the showstopper. "It was beginning to seem like just another pop show with song-and-dance routines, but she pulled out all the stops with the encore of So What...
"showstopper" は字面からするとショーを駄目にする感じですが、文脈から全くその反対の意味の様です。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A song or other performance receiving prolonged applause from the audience.: he wants every scene to be a showstopper

・Collins Dictionary: If something is a showstopper, it is very impressive.: Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: a piece in a stage performance that the audience enjoy so much that their clapping and shouts of approval interrupt the performance: a showstopping performance
文字通り "showstopper" は厄介者の意味で使われることもある様です。
・Oxford English Dictionary:

a) An obstacle to further progress.: the subsidy limits proved to be a showstopper for other senior Democrats who refused to pass the bill with such restrictions
b) A bug that needs to be fixed before a piece of software can be used or released.: there were several last minute showstoppers that derailed the Beta 2 rollout
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In ten years or Now

2019年10月18日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 9月号 "Laughter the Best Medicine" からの引用です。
Two regulars are sitting at a bar when one of them casually points to a couple of drunks across from them. "That's us in ten years," he says.
His friend takes a sip from his beer, sets it down on the bar, turns to his friend, and slurs, "That's a mirror."
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2019年10月16日 | 英語の原書を読む
"Talk like TED" から引用します。
There are people who like their spaghetti sauce plain; there are people who like their spaghetti sauce spicy; and there are people who like it extra-chunky.
スパゲティソースがプレイン、スパイシーそして "extra-chunky" と来たので "chunk" は塊なので味ではないから違和感を感じ、辞書で "chunky" を確認しました。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (of food) containing chunks or thick pieces of something.: a chunky soup

・Collins Dictionary: consisting of or containing thick pieces: chunky dog food

・Cambridge English Dictionary: Chunky foods have pieces or lumps mixed into a smooth base: I love chunky peanut butter!
そういえば、レトルトのカレーなどは余り "chunky" ではないのが多いですね。
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rub off on

2019年10月15日 | 英語の原書を読む
"Talk like TED" からの引用です。
"You can give somebody an idea. If that person doesn't want to do it, what are you going to do? The passion that the person has for her own growth is the most important thing. And then we help them to go and find the knowledge, because nobody in the world can succeed alone. The person with the idea may not have the knowledge, but the knowledge is available." You are reading his because you have a passion for personal growth. You've probably mastered (or are close to mastering) the topic on which you speak. Don't be afraid to share your excitement. It will rub off on your audience.
"rub off" だとこすれ落ちる感じですが、その後に "on" があるので、こすれ落ちた後に "on" の後に引っ付くのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Be transferred by contact or association.: When parents are having a hard time, their tension can easily rub off on the kids.

・Collins Dictionary: If someone's qualities or habits rub off on you, you develop some of their qualities or habits after spending time with them.: He was a tremendously enthusiastic teacher and that rubbed off on all the children.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: If a quality or characteristic that someone has rubs off, other people begin to have it because they have been with that person and learned it from them: His enthusiasm is starting to rub off on the rest of us.
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keep your eyes on the prize

2019年10月11日 | 英語の原書を読む
"Talk like TED" (Carmine Gallo著)を読み始めました。TEDは以前NHKの教育TVで何回か見た事があり、興味を覚えたプリゼンターの本(ZOOBIQUITY など)を読んだこともあります。最近は見ていませんが番組はまだ続いているのでしょうか?
"Talk like TED" から取り上げる最初の表現は "keep your eyes on the prize" です。
And during the break there was a deputy sheriff who was offended that the janitor had come into court. And this deputy jumped up and he ran over to this older black man. He said, "Jimmy, what are you doing in this courtroom?" And this older black man stood up and he looked at that deputy and he looked at me and he said, "I came into this courtroom to tell this young man, keep your eyes on the prize, hold on."

"keep your eyes on the prize" は慣用句の様に見えますが、慣用句として取り上げている辞書は見当たりません。Webで検索すると説明がありました。幾つかのサイトから説明を引用します。
・Word Associations Network: KEEP ONE'S EYES ON THE PRIZE, verb. To be eagerly focused on succeeding
・10 Useful Business English expressions: In order to maintain your focus, it is necessary to keep in mind why you have set up a business and why you have been trying to carve out a niche in this difficult industry. Have a goal in mind or keep an eye on the prize.

・Writing Explained: To remain steadfastly focused on one’s goal.
Origin: This expression likely became popularized by a song of the same name during the Civil Rights Movement in America. Many African Americans, and others involved in the movement, used this song as a way to motivate and unite those in the fight for equal rights.
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under a spell

2019年10月09日 | 英語の原書を読む
さて、松本清張の短編小説 THE WOMAN WHO WROTE HAIKE から引用します。
"I wouldn't say fishy exactly." He opened his eyes and smiled at Seisa. "Anyway, don't worry about it. And thanks for all the trouble you've gone to."
Seisa returned his smile. "Sachijo seems to have got you under her spell, too."
"have got you under her spell" の個所の "spell" ですが、 "spell" に魔力とかまじないの意味があるので、ここは魅力の意味があると思います。辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: So devoted to someone that they seem to have magic power over one.: throughout her long life people fell under her spell

・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.: enchanted; under the control of magic.: Her soft voice and faint perfume put Buxton under a spell. Then enchantment was broken when he found his wallet missing.
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