English Collection



2019年11月29日 | 英語の原書を読む
安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
At the curb, on the same side of the street, three young men who looked like delinquents lolled aginst a railing, each with one foot propped against it, awaiting the arrival of a victim.
"lol" は最近ネットのやり取りで見かけるので以前に取り上げた覚えがありますが、記録にありません。(OXFORD dictionary: Used to draw attention to a joke or amusing statement, or to express amusement.: 'I love how you said ‘coffee is not my cup of tea’. LOL!)’
この "loll" は略語ではないし、動詞です。辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dicti onary: Sit, lie, or stand in a lazy, relaxed way.: ‘the two girls lolled in their chairs’

・Collins Dictionary: If you loll somewhere, you sit or lie in a very relaxed position.: He was lolling on the sofa in the shadows near the fire.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: to lie, sit, or hang down in a relaxed, informal, or uncontrolled way: I spent most of the weekend lolling about/around on the beach.
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2019年11月28日 | 英語の原書を読む
安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
No, that's enough. Enough of reasoning. If I searched, I could certainly find as many pretexts as I wanted. But no matter how many objections I marshalled, I should not be able to reverse the two facts that you pointed out to me.
"marshal" に将軍の意味があったとは思いますが、動詞だとどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Methodically assemble and arrange (facts, ideas, objects, etc.): She is one of those people who can marshal their thoughts quickly and articulate them clearly.
・Collins Dictionary: If you marshal people or things, you gather them together and arrange them for a particular purpose.: Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.
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vestigial tail

2019年11月27日 | 英語の原書を読む
安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
I was not the only one who had been shut in; considering the whole world a jail was quite in keeping with my feelings at the time. Even more, I imagined that everyone was frantically trying to escape from the world. The real face becoming useless, like a vestigial tail was an unexpected fetter, and apparently one from which not a single person and succeeded in escaping.
"vestigial tail" は2/7/2014に "coccyx" を取り上げた際の説明文中で使われていました。
Cambridge English Dictionaryは "vestigial" を次の様に説明しています。
used to describe something, especially a part of the body, that has not developed completely, or has stopped being used and has almost disappeared: a vestigial organ/limb/tail
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2019年11月26日 | 英語の原書を読む
安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
I had intended to blame you but on the contrary was blamed myself; perhaps I was gradually getting used to my own defeatism. Who the deuce ever thought up the stupid proposition that women were anything to get carried away about? I wonder.
"deuce" というとテニスや卓球の試合でのデュースを連想します。また私のブログで以前(3/13/2012 "deuce-take-it" を取り上げた覚えがあります。思い出しました、"deuce" は "devil" の婉曲語ですね。念のために辞書を見ます。
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: What has happened?; What? (Deuce is an old word for devil.) What the deuce! Who are you? What the deuce! Who did this?

・Oxford Dictionary: Used as a euphemism for 'devil’ in expressions of annoyance, impatience, surprise, etc.
how the deuce are we to make a profit?’
上に引用した個所の後にも次の様に "deuce" が出てきました。
Yet the fact that the note I had left was in the same place as before seemed to indicate that you had ignored the notebooks....What in the deuce did it mean when you had taken the pains to come this far?
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2019年11月25日 | 英語の原書を読む
さて、安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
When we finished dinner, time suddenly began to jell around us. Perhaps it was the weight of the ceiling. The disproportionately massive concrete pillars standing in the middle suggested great haeaviness.
"jell" は "jelly" を連想しますが、関係があるのでしょうか?

・Infoplease: to become clear, substantial, or definite; crystallize: The plan began to jell once we all met to discuss it.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: (of a substance) to change from a liquid to a partly solid state, or (of ideas or plans) to become more clear and certain: I’ll let you know as soon as our plans jell.
History and Etymology for jell: back-formation from jelly
"jelly" と関係がありましたね。
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2019年11月22日 | 英語の原書を読む
安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
Yes, the mask--surely it had read the line somewhere before--complimented you on the shape of your fingers and then asked about the cut on your right thumb that you had got making buttons. And after noting that your hand did not attempt to escape its gaze, it broached the subject of human relations, like some algebraic equation that does not include such divers items as name, occupation, and address.
"broach" は過去二度(8/18/2016 / 10/30/2008)取り上げています。

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2019年11月21日 | 英語の原書を読む
安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
The problem was quite profound. That I thought it profound was itself most profound, Thus, I should probably persevere in the attempt to be your stand-in. It wasn't for I liked, but mobilizing all my memories of your impressions and conversations, I attempted to conjure up various men's expressions, that you might like.
"stand-in" は7/2/2010に取り上げていました。
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2019年11月19日 | 英語の原書を読む
このブログもかなり休みましたが、安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読み始めたので再開します。
As soon as I realized this, an amazing transformation took place within me, as if some master sleight-of-hand artist had waved his handkerchief. I was changed into a merciless assailant, aiming my polished, shining fangs straight at my opponent's neck, like a bat that suddenly darts from an invisible hole.
上の文中に出てきた "sleight-of-hand" はこのブログで直接取り上げてはいませんが、2/26/2011 に取り上げた:
"palm off": “Palming”an object (as in a playing card) is a type of sleight of hand, secretly removing the desired article and leaving only the undesired one.
1/8/2010 に取り上げた:
"pass": a motion of the hands that is meant to deceive, as in card tricks or magic; sleight of hand
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