English Collection


devil's advocate

2008年02月29日 | 英語学習
昨日も愛ちゃんの試合にはハラハラさせられましたが、女子も男子も準決勝まで勝ち進みましたね。世界卓球はまだまだ続きます。昨日 "devil" を取り上げましたが、私もこの話題で続けます。
ディベートの専門家の話を聞いたことがあります。その時に "Play the devil's advocate." と言う方法がディベートにある事を知りました。ディベートの為にあえて相手が困る、弱点を突く質問をするのですが、質問する前に "To play the devil's advocate." の前置きを入れる場合も入れないで質問する場合もあるようです。
Wikipediaに "a devil's advocate" の簡単な説明がありました。 In common parlance, a devil's advocate is someone who takes a position for the sake of argument. This process can be used to test the quality of the original argument and identify weaknesses in its structure.
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Speak of the devil

2008年02月27日 | 英単語・熟語
日本語でもそうですが、英語にも話し言葉にあっても書き言葉にはない表現(Pop phraseは典型的な会話表現です)は会話文を含まない本(小説以外の大半の本はそうですね)を何冊読んでも習得できませんが、ネイティブと会話をする状況になれば自然とその様な表現に接するので段々と覚えられるのでしょうね。何年も前の事ですが米国のメーカーの代理人の仕事をしていた事があり、その頃は年に2度程米国に出張し、また日本を管轄する米国人の上司がやはり年に数回日本に来ていたので英語を話す機会がありました。その頃その上司がある時私と二人で話をしている最中に "Speak of the devil" と言いました。すると上司の目の先の方向からその発言の前に二人の話の中で出た人が現れたのでした。この表現自体は会話の本で知ってはいましたが耳にしたのは後にも先にもこの時だけです。"Speak of the devil" は日本語で言えば「うわさをすれば影」で、Wipedia に詳しい説明があります。
"Speak of the devil" is an idiom or phrase used in both written and spoken English. It is used when an object of discussion (normally a person) unexpectedly becomes present during the conversation. For example, if Alice and Bob start discussing Charlie while he isn't in the room, and Charlie walks into the room, Alice or Bob might say, "Speak of the devil!"
It can also be used about a topic that quickly becomes relevant, such as the onset of rain or a car breaking down. Used in this sense it can be seen as an alternative to the phrase "tempting fate".
The phrase is an abbreviation of the Italian proverb (also well known in English) which runs, "Speak of the devil and the horns appear" (Parli del diavolo e spuntano le corna).
"Speak of the devil" にあたる表現は世界中の言語にあるようです。
Japanese: "うわさをすれば影” (uwasa o sureba kage), which translates to "Gossip (about someone) and he will appear."
フランス: "When one speaks of the wolf, one sees the tail of it."
韓国: "If you talk about a tiger, it will appear."
デンマーク・ノールウェイ: "When you speak of the sun, it shines."
チェッコ・ポーランド・ルーマニア: "Speak of the wolf"
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2008年02月26日 | 英語学習

incendiary: この単語も何度も辞書を引いた記憶があるが中々覚えられない苦手な単語: 放火犯、 焼夷弾、発火装置、扇動者、アジテーターの意味で、次の例文のように形容詞としても使われます。
They made incendiary devices out of whatever was at hand.
Few figures are as incendiary as Bob.
a. Causing or capable of causing fire.
b. Of or containing chemicals that produce intensely hot fire when exploded: an incendiary bomb.
c. Of or involving arson.
2. Tending to inflame; inflammatory: an incendiary speech.
この意味と共に"incense"も見よとあったので、知っている単語の"incense"と関係があったのだと分かり、aha-experience( epiphany)、アハ体験です。念のためにincenseを今度はMerriam-Websterで確認しました。
1: material used to produce a fragrant odor when burned
2: the perfume exhaled from some spices and gums when burned; broadly : a pleasing scent
3: pleasing attention : flattery
1: to cause (a passion or emotion) to become aroused
2: to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of
3: to apply or offer incense to
4: to perfume with incense

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the wheels turning furiously

2008年02月23日 | 英語学習

When the waiteress asked Keith, my seven-year-old son, how he'd like his eggs, I could sense the wheels turning furiously as he searched for the correct response. Suddenly his little face lit up. "Medium rare!" he replied.
the wheels turning furiouslyの表現はおそらく成句ではなく比喩表現だと思いますが、この7歳のキース君の頭の中が回転している様子は、初めて米国に行った時にサラダのドレッシングを何にするかウェイトレスに聞かれた時の事を思い出させます。

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2008年02月23日 | 英語学習

I can't believe you can fit into such a small Speedo.
大文字で始まっているので固有名詞とわかりますが、一応電子辞書を見ました。やはりspeedo = speedometer しか出ておりません。そこでWebで調べると:
A speedo, which takes its name from the swimsuit brand Speedo, may refer to any briefs-style male swimsuit such as those used in competitive swimming, regardless of the actual manufacturer. Such garments are otherwise also referred to as competition briefs, swim briefs, bathers, posing briefs, or racing briefs. The term is most common in Australian English but is also widely used in other English-speaking countries. Speedos were invented by the Australian company, Speedo.

Like the underwear briefs, speedos feature a "V-shape" front and solid back providing form-fitting coverage. They are typically worn below the lower waist. They are secured by a drawstring and thin banding at the upper thighs. Most speedos are made of a nylon and lycra/spandex composite. Suits commonly have an elastic front lining made of similar fabric and are secured around the waist with a cord draw string.

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2008年02月20日 | 英語学習
I had an inkling that he would change jobs.
この文の"inkling"(to have a slight idea about something; うすうす感づくこと、ほのめかし、ほのめかすもの)も何故か中々覚えられない単語です。
1. A slight hint or indication.
2. A slight understanding or vague idea or notion
Word History: Inkling has nothing to do with ink, but it may have something to do with niches. Our story begins with the Old French (and Modern French) word niche, meaning "niche." It is possible that in Old French a variant form existed that was borrowed into Middle English as nik, meaning "a notch, tally." This word is probably related to the Middle English word nikking, meaning "a hint, slight indication," or possibly "a whisper, mention." Nikking appears only once, in a Middle English text composed around 1400. In another copy of the same text the word ningkiling appears, which may be a variant of nikking. This is essentially our word inkling already, the only major change being an instance of what is called false splitting, whereby people understood a ningkiling as an ingkiling. They did the same thing with a napron, getting an apron.
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mug shot

2008年02月19日 | 英語学習
My passport picture looks like a mug shot.
英英辞書でmug shotを調べると:
mug shot: a photograph of a criminal's face, taken by the police
とあり、例文 Seven witnesses chose his picture from a book of mug shots. が出ていました。
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an item

2008年02月18日 | 英語学習
RDに "Star Treatment an item" と題した記事があり、
Now that Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy are an item, the press has dubbed them Jimeny.
の文がありました。芸能人の話なのでan itemは人気者のことかなと想像しましたが辞書で調べると、
an item:a couple in a romantic or sexual relationship
とありました。ちなみに調べるとJim Carrey: コメディアン・俳優、Jenny McCarthy:女優でした。(こんな事書かなくても映画好きはもちろん知っているのでしょうね。)
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2008年02月17日 | 英語学習
昨年は参加した東京マラソンですが今年はテレビで見ています。テレビを見ながら、予約していたRDの12月号(2006年)がやっと図書館から借りれたので読んでいるところです。Facts of Lifeと題したコーナーに "Where does the term kitty-corner come from?" と言う読者からの投書が目に付きました。 "kitty-corner" の事を知なかったので、子猫が居心地が良くいつもいるような場所の事かと想像したのですが全く違うものでした。(多分コージー・コーナー/cozy corner からの連想でしょうね。)
Kitty-corner, which means "placed or situated diagonally," has a number of variants, including cater-corner, cata- conered and catty-corner.
電子辞書にあった例文: The drugstore is kitty-corner from the bank.
元々はフランス語のquatreから来たcaterがkittyに化けたそうです。引用は長くなるのでしませんが、RDの質問とほとんど同じ内容ものがWebのWorld Wide Wordsにあるのを見つけましたので、語源の詳しい事を知りたいかたはそちらを見てください。
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Get a life!

2008年02月13日 | 英語学習
"get a life" と言うフレーズは"Saturday Night Live"(これはコメディー番組ですがsitcomではありません。シカゴに駐在していた頃時々見ていましたがNHKのサラリーマンNEOのようなスタイルのコメディです。)でポピュラーになった台詞だそうです。
一寸長くなりますがWikipedia による解説を引用します。
Get a life is an American English idiom. Used as a command, the phrase generally instructs its addressee to go out and make their way in the world, without being supported by outside sources such as parents or benefactors. It may also be directed at someone who is perceived as boring or single-minded like geeks, to suggest they acquire some other, more practical interests or hobbies and get dates, find a job, move to their own house etc. It is also used when people don't know about something that another person considers popular or normal, such as a certain TV show or board game that this person assumes everyone else knows about.
The term was popularized by William Shatner's appearance in a 1987 episode of Saturday Night Live, in which he tells a group of trekkies to "get a life." However, evidence of the term's use in the vernacular extends at least back into the 1970s, perhaps as part of a mainstream backlash against hippies.
その後Get a Lifeと題されたsitcomも放送され益々この言葉が広まったそうです。
American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms には次ぎのような説明がありました。
Acquire some interests or relationships of one's own. For example, Stop sitting around and complaining. Get a life
Standard way of suggesting that someone has succumbed to terminal geekdom. Often heard on Usenet, especially as a way of suggesting that the target is taking some obscure issue of theology too seriously. This exhortation was popularised by William Shatner on a "Saturday Night Live" episode in a speech that ended "Get a life! ", but some respondents believe it to have been in use before then. It was certainly in wide use among hackers for at least five years before achieving mainstream currency in early 1992.
NEET にピッタリの言葉のようですね。
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