After the drug initiation everyone was dead tired, so the door was left open for a time. I wasn't too zonked out by then so I prepared a change of clothes and after making sure
the coast was clear, dressed and crept out of the building. There were guards, but I managed to
give them the slip.
上の引用個所の最後に出てきた "
give them the slip" は文脈からすると警備員の目を盗んで抜け出すことが出来たことを意味していると推測できますが、"
give them the slip" は慣用句と思われますので、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Evade or escape from someone.: Of course I followed him, but they must have seen me and they
gave me the slip.
・Collins Dictionary: If you
give someone the slip, you escape from them when they are following you or watching you.: He
gave reporters the slip by leaving at midnight.
・Wiktionary: To evade, escape, or get away from somebody.: The police chased the suspect for two days before he finally
gave them the slip and vanished.