先日(5/6/2022)一時的な病気の症状で使用される "episode" を取り上げましたが、その形容詞の "episodic" が使われている記事を見かけました。The Japan Times, May 11, 2022の記事から引用します。
Buckingham Palace said she skipped the annual showpiece on medical advice, making the decision "reluctantly" as she continues to experience "episodic mobility problems."
・Oxford English Dictionary: Occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals.: Many causes of abdominal pain are episodic in nature, but the episodes may be weeks to months apart.
・Collins Dictionary: Something that is episodic occurs at irregular and infrequent intervals.: ..episodic attacks of fever.
Buckingham Palace said she skipped the annual showpiece on medical advice, making the decision "reluctantly" as she continues to experience "episodic mobility problems."
・Oxford English Dictionary: Occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals.: Many causes of abdominal pain are episodic in nature, but the episodes may be weeks to months apart.
・Collins Dictionary: Something that is episodic occurs at irregular and infrequent intervals.: ..episodic attacks of fever.