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2006年10月30日 | 英語学習


A former Nara city government worker who claimed ill health had prevented him from working for over five years was actually involved in city work contracts worth 257 million yen during that period, it was revealed Saturday.


Malingerer makes millions on the sly

これで "malinger" が「仮病を使う」と言う動詞である事を知りました。

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London Girl

2006年10月24日 | 英語学習

RD Septemberの投書によるとロンドンにも痴漢はいるようですが、ロンドンの女性は日本の女性とはちょっと違うようです。

Travelling on a crowded London train, I was startled to see a girl thrust her arm in the air, grasping the hand of a man close to her.

Does anyone own this?” she asked. “I just found it attached to my bottom.”


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2006年10月21日 | 英語学習

NHKのPlanet EarthとかBBCのNature(だと記憶している)のような自然についての番組が好きなのですが、以前見たことのある深海生物についての番組を思い出させる記事 "Deep Sea" を見つけ、難しい学名がでて来ますが実に興味深い解説なので全部読んでしまいました。 URLは以下の通りです。

Octopus are generally hard to find because they know you are coming long before you see them. You can find their dens by looking for middens of shells and crab skeletons which they discard at the entrance, each with a single neat hole in it. Octopur have a funny habit of crawling into pots, and octopus catchers often put out and then haul them up when they are occupied.

"midden" はOneLookによるQuick definitions で、
?  noun:   a heap of dung or refuse
?  noun:   (archeology) a mound of domestic refuse containing shells and animal bones marking the site of a prehistoric settlement
と説明されています。 つまり、“shell midden” は貝塚に当たる英語となることが分かります。

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"There seems" or "There seem"

2006年10月21日 | 英語学習

文法は苦手で余り勉強しないのですが(だから苦手chicken and egg)、ネイティブでも動詞に ”s” を付けるべきかどうかでもめることがある様です。
 “seem” か “seems” かで夫ともめた奥さんからの投書です。

Q. Here's our latest quandary; it regards the following quotation attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "No matter how much cats fight, there always seem(s) to be plenty of kittens."
My husband thought it should be "seems," but "seem" sounds OK to me, but I don't know why. I find it quoted on the Internet both ways, which doesn't help matters! -- Sharon Hauser, San Jose, Calif.

なんだか、受験英語、TOEICに出そうな問題ですね。インターネットで調べると、確かにこの引用文、"No matter how much cats fight, there always seem(s) to be plenty of kittens."はリンカーンの言葉として掲載されています。

ちなみにこのネイティブの質問に対する回答、"seems" と "seem" のどちらが正しいかも少し長いですが参考に下に示します。

A. Screeching grammarians -- and even some husbands and wives -- might fight like cats over this distinction, but there's no need for such caterwauling.

In sentences such as this one, where "there" functions as an anticipatory or "dummy" subject, the true subject of the verb is the noun following the verb. So we say, "There always seems to be a problem" or "there always seem to be problems." So far, so good.

But Abe has thrown us a curveball by choosing a subject ("plenty") that can be either singular or plural, depending on its meaning. While you would say, for instance, "there always seems to be plenty of money" because here "plenty" means a single amount, you would also say "there always seem to be plenty of kittens" because here "plenty" means many individual items.

So the prepositional phrases following the true subjects ("money," "kittens") enrich the meaning and help us determine the singularity or plurality of "plenty." Take them out, and you have to determine the choice of verb by context alone, e.g. "Do we have enough food?" "There seems to be plenty," and "Do we have enough chairs?" "There seem to be plenty."

つまり、"There" は仮の主語で、動詞(seem)の実の主語は"to be" の後に続く名詞なのですが、投書の例がネイティブにも悩ましいのは、名詞に "plenty" が付いているので名詞が単数なのか複数なのか判断に困るという例でした。従って、回答者の助言は "plenty" を除き、名詞が単数なのか複数なのか判断しなさいでした。

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Honeymoon Salad

2006年10月14日 | 英語学習

Honeymoon saladはどんなサラダか知っていますか?

Lettuce alone without dressing.



先日英語でしゃべらナイトに出ていたアンジェラ・アキのように "Lettuce" をレチュースなんて発音したらこのサラダの味はわかりませんよ。
そうです、"Let us" と発音し、最後のドレッシングはかけ言葉になっているのに気が付きましたね。

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Cinderella is bad at sports>

2006年10月07日 | 英語学習


Q: Why is Cinderella bad at sports?

A: Because she has a pumpkin for a coach, and she runs away from the ball.

(RD August issueから)

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