English Collection


Why is he crying?

2022年11月12日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
Reader's Digest 9月号の記事 'AH, THE JOYS OF PARENTHOOD' からの引用です。

My six-year-old, to her crying brother: It's OK to be sad. Sometimes we need to let our feeling out. Just let yourself be sad.
Me: Oh darling, that's so lovely. Well done. Why is he crying anyway?
My six-year-old: I hit him.

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2015年12月12日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム

昨夜渋谷のヒカリエで、NHKの朝ドラ『マッサン』のヒロイン役を演じたCharlotte Kate Foxが主役のミュージカル、Chicagoを観ました。このミュージカルの事を知った半年前に直ぐに予約したので、一番前第一列のほぼ真ん中の席で観たので迫力は満点、Kelly役のCharlotteの可愛い顔もよく見えました。 Charlotteは期待通り歌も踊りも上手でしたが、Velma役のベテラン Amra-Faye Wrightの方が貫禄はありました。

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2013年12月22日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム


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2013年12月07日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム



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2013年06月24日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
今日はJapan's Cultural Code Words、「けじめ」 Drawing a Lineの項に出てきたちょっと怪しげな単語を覚えたいと思います。
What has changed in contemporary Japan that puts an entirely different slant on skullduggery committed by politicians is that the news media, at least since the 1960s, has assumed the role of kejime judge and jury. The news media, rather than the criminal justice system, has uncovered and exposed virtually all of the major scandals of the era, bringing down one cabinet minister and Diet member after anothe, and sent several prime ministers scuttling. The news media has presumed the right to apply a kejime judgment against anyone it thinks has crossed the line. It then applies enough public pressure against the politicians concerned to force them to resign. The fourth estate has assumed the role of morality watchdog.
"fourth estate" は2年前にこのブログで取り上げていますね。 "skullduggery" は政治家が一線を外すような何か悪いことの様ですが何でしょう? 辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: (informal) underhand dealing; trickery: "I have no answers," she said, unwilling to speculate on the possibility of any skullduggery behind the donation.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; also : a devious device or trick: the company's apparently healthy bottom line was merely an illusion, the result of years of accounting skulduggery
・Vocabulary.com: verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way: His approach was to allow limited borrowing to cover operating expenses only if the state broke with the accounting skullduggery of the past.
"skullduggery" は論外ですが、政治家は自分が発する言葉の影響をよく考えた上で持論を披露して欲しいですね。

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Saving 10,000 Projec

2013年03月30日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
先日丸の内カフェで駐日欧州連合代表部の経済担当官、Dr. Rene DUIGNANの話、"Saving 10,000 Project" を聴く機会がありました。日本で何故自殺者が多いのか、どうすれば自殺を減らす事ができるのかと考えたDUIGNAN氏は英語「自殺者1万人を救う戦い」を創りました。私はDVDを頂きましたが、この "サイト" からその映画が見れますので是非見てください。(映画は英語のナレーションで日本語字幕)
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Walk On

2012年03月18日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム

是非紹介したい記事が Reader's Digest のFebruary 2012号にありました。
Walk Onと題された記事は、タイの少女が留学先のシンガポールで駅のホームから落とされて足に大怪我をしたのですが、下記の記事抜粋でもある程度分かると思いますが、なげかない、うらまない、非常に強い意志の持ち主で大変感動しました。 記事の全文がインターネットにも掲載されていることを見つけたのでそのリンク先を抜粋文の下に示します。
Just as the train approached the station, the crowd pressed forward. I felt someone pushing on my backpack, and though I tried to resist, I lost my balance. Seconds before the train arrived, I fell across the tracks. Before I knew what was happening, the train’s front wheels rolled across my legs.

It was all very strange. Even though I could hear people screaming, I didn’t fully realise what had happened. Then I looked at my legs. The train wheel had run directly over my right kneecap and just below my left kneecap. It was like each leg had been cut in two. The bones were completely broken, and there was only flesh and tattered skin below the point where the wheel had hit each leg.

Finally, he told me that they would not be able to reattach my legs. I accepted what he said. Whatever was going to happen would happen. There’s no point in crying about what’s already lost.

I think my positive attitude comes from how my parents raised me. This is what my dad said in an interview: “I tell both of my daughters that nothing is certain. I could die tomorrow or in the next five years. Anything could happen - like a tsunami - so we always have to be prepared. We have to face everything head-on. If we have presence of mind, we will know how to solve our problems.

Walk Onの記事は次ぎのURLで読むことができます。

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play round

2009年06月08日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
Agatha Christieの "Murder in the Mews" の中にあった面白い表現です。
Japp took out his pocket flashlight and let it play round the inside.
意味は辞書を引かなくても状況から判断した分かります。 むしろ辞書を引いてもこの様な用法を見つけるのは難しいような気がしますが一応辞書を見てみます。 案の定 "play" には意味が多過ぎる程ありましたが、上の例文と似たような用法・意味を見つけました。
OneLook Quick Definitions: 1. move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly ("The spotlights played on the politicians"), 2. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination ("She played nervously with her wedding ring")
Dictionary.com: 1. to cause to move or change lightly or quickly: to play colored lights on a fountain., 2.to operate or cause to operate, esp. continuously or with repeated action: to play a hose on a fire.
"play" はホースで火に水をかけるのにも使われるのですね。
この "play" の意味・用法は2年前に知った「カメラ、銃、ライトなどで対象を追うの意味で使う」 "train"(http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/04/1) と似ていますね。
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take to

2009年06月06日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
Agatha Christieの "Murder in the Mews" の中の会話です。
"Did he and Mr. Laverton-West meet at all?"
"Only once, I think. They didn't take to each other much. That is to say, Major Eustace made himself as agreeable as he could to Charles, but Charles wasn't having any. Charles has got a very good nose for anybody who isn't well-quite-quite."
"take to" は明らかに慣用句のようですが知らないイデオムなので早速調べます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: 1.develop a habit; apply oneself to a practice or occupation ("Men take to the military trades"), 2. have a fancy or particular liking or desire for
Dictionary.com: a. to devote or apply oneself to; become habituated to: to take to drink.
b. to respond favorably to; begin to like: They took to each other at once.
c. to go to: to take to one's bed.
d. to have recourse to; resort to: She took to getting up at five to go jogging before work.
2.あるいはb.の意味が近いようですね。 こう言う基本的な単語のイデオムは多過ぎて私にとっては難しい単語より反って難しい場合が多いのです。
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2009年06月05日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
リーダーズダイジェスト4月号の記事に "Lisa Rudes Sandel had a nasty run-in with a pair of jeans in a dressing room." とありました。 "run-in" が分からないので辞書を見ます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: an angry dispute
Dictionary.com: a quarrel; argument.
相手が人間でもないのに " run-in/argument" するのはジーンズを擬人化しているからなのでしょう。
この "run" にしても "give"(http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/07/4) や "take"(http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/07/30) などの基本単語は色々な意味があり慣用句も多いので難しい単語よりかえって厄介な気がします。
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