English Collection



2021年11月29日 | 英単語
Ernest Hemingwayの短編小説 'Fifty Grand' からボクシングの戦いぶりを記述している個所の引用です。
It goes along like that for three rounds more. They don't talk any. They're working all the time. We worked over Jack plenty too, in between the rounds. He don't look good at all but he never does much work in the ring. He don't move around much and that left-hand is just automatic. It's just like it was connected with Walcott's face and Jack just had to wish it in every time. Jack is always calm in close and he doesn't waste any juice.

6/10/2011 に electricity を意味する "juice" を取り上げていますが、今回の "juice" はその前(3/6/2009)に取り上げた "juice up" の意味に近いですね。辞書で "juice" の項を又読み直します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A person's vitality or creative faculties.: ‘it saps the creative juices

・Collins Dictionary: essence, strength, or vitality: He's still full of the juice of life

・Cambridge English Dictionary: energy: This early in the morning it's hard to get the creative juices flowing (= to start thinking of good ideas).
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2021年11月27日 | 英単語
The Japan Times OnlineのOct.26の記事からです。
I felt fluish and then … I lost my sense of smell and taste
After catching COVID-19, it wasn’t the hotlines or hospitals that helped — it was the kindness of one stranger.
直ぐに辞書を見ましたが、文脈をじっくり見れば "fluish" は何を意味しているか分かったはずですね。
・YourDictionary: The definition of fluish is showing signs of the flu.: An example of a fluish person is someone with chills, aches and pains and a runny nose.
・Urban Dictionary: The feeling that you have the flu, A word to describe the symptoms that are incorporated with the flu..
Doctor: "Could you describe your symptoms?".
Man: "Well, I have a headache, a stomach ache, and I feel very fluish."
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2021年11月17日 | 英単語
Naoki Matayoshiの 'spark' とJohn J. Rateyの "SPARK" を同時期に読み、その時のメモが混ざってしまったので次に引用する文はどちらの作品からなのか分からなくなりました。
At high intensity, between 75 an 90 percent of your maximum heart rate, your body enters into a full-fledged state of emargency, and its response is appropriately powerful. It's also within this range, usually at the upper end, that metabolism shifts from aerobic to anaerobic, in which your muscles go into a state of hypoxia because they can't pull enough oxygen from the bloodstream.
内容からするとJohn J. Rateyの "SPARK" の話の様ですが? それはともかく "hypoxia" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues.: Oxygen is cheap, widely available, and used in a range of settings and conditions to relieve or prevent tissue hypoxia.
・Merriam-Webster Dictionary: a deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues of the body: But many birds that headed for the cleaner, thinner air responded to extreme hypoxia just as their human counterparts did when moving from sea level to the Rockies and the Himalayas.
"hypoxia" は低酸素症(状態)を示している様ですが、コロナ感染で知るようになったパルスオキシメーターを連想しました。それでWikipediaを読むと次の説明がありました。以下はそのほんの一部の抜粋です。
Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method for monitoring a person's oxygen saturation. Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) readings are typically within 2% accuracy (within 4% accuracy in the worst 5% of cases) of the more desirable (and invasive) reading of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) from arterial blood gas analysis.
Pulse oximetry also is not a complete measure of circulatory oxygen sufficiency. If there is insufficient blood flow or insufficient hemoglobin in the blood (anemia), tissues can suffer hypoxia despite high arterial oxygen saturation.
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camp out

2021年11月15日 | 英単語
Naoki Matayoshiの 'spark' を読んでいます。
My family got its first television when I was about eight, but we never camped out in front of it. We weren't allowd to; my mom would say, "Don't just sit there; go out and play." We ate fish every week, not only because we were Catholic, but also because even back then it was known as "brain food."


・Oxford English Dictionary: Remain persistently in one place.: ‘the press will be camping on your doorstep once they get onto this story’

・Collins Dictionary: If you say that people camp out somewhere in the open air, you are emphasizing that they stay there for a long time, because they are waiting for something to happen.: [emphasis]...reporters who had camped out in anticipation of her arrival.

・Merriam-Webster Dictionary: to take up one's position : settle down —often used with out: camp out in the library for the afternoon
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2021年11月12日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の単語クイズ欄 "WORD POWER" からの問題、名前にも使われる単語の " harry" 編です。
"harry": torment: Our dog's favorite activity is harrying the mailman.

Reader's Digestの例文だけでは物足りないので辞書の例文も調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Persistently carry out attacks on (an enemy or an enemy's territory): ‘the raiders then spent three months harrying and burning the area’

・Collins Dictionary: If someone harries you, they keep bothering you or trying to get something from you.: He is increasingly active in harrying the government in late-night debates.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: to repeatedly demand something from someone, often causing them to feel worried or angry: She harried the authorities, writing letters and gathering petitions.

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2021年11月10日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の単語クイズ欄 "WORD POWER" からの問題、名前にも使われる単語の "sally" 編です。

"sally": set out: Gene and Laurel are about to sally forth on the trip of a lifetime: a cruise around the world.

Reader's Digestの例文だけでは物足りないので辞書の例文も調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: formal, humorous Set out from a place to do something.: I made myself presentable and sallied forth.

・Collins Dictionary: If someone sallies forth or sallies somewhere, they go out into a rather difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant situation in a brave or confident way.: ...worrying about her when she sallies forth on her first date.

・Macmillan Dictionary: to leave a place to go on a trip or for a definite purpose, showing confidence and energy: Every afternoon she sallied forth to do the shopping.
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2021年11月08日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の単語クイズ欄 "WORD POWER" からの問題、名前にも使われる単語の "jenny" 編です。

"jenny": female bird: The jenny wren offered her chicks a juicy worm.

Reader's Digestの例文だけでは物足りないので辞書の例文も調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A female donkey or ass.: ‘Both jennies have foals each year which the couple sell on to fellow donkey lovers.’
おや? 雑誌の説明ではメスのミソサザイだったのに、この辞書ではメスのロバになっている。他の辞書も見ます。

・Collins Dictionary: the female of certain animals or birds, esp a donkey, ass, or wren


"wren" はどんな鳥か知らないのでWikipediaで調べると次の様な興味のあることが書かれていました。
The wren was also known as the kuningilin ('kinglet') in Old High German, a name associated with the fable of the election of the "king of birds". The bird that could fly to the highest altitude would be made king. The eagle outflew all other birds, but he was beaten by a small bird that had hidden in his plumage.
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2021年11月04日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の単語クイズ欄 "WORD POWER" は jimmyharry の様に人の名前にも使われる単語が名前以外の意味に使われる問題でした。

全部で15問の内に、このブログで過去に取り上げた単語が4つ("tad", "warren", "patsy", "barb")ありましたが、名前としても使われる単語とは知りませんでした。

今回は逆に名前として使われている事は知っているが、別の意味を知らなかった単語を覚えたいと思います。とは言ってもいっぺんには覚えられないので、一日1単語を取り上げます。とりあえずは "jimmy" です。

"jimmy": force open: The thief used a butter knife to jimmy the lock.
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2021年11月02日 | 英単語
二人の登山家が岩壁を登っている最中に "killer bees" に襲われた、Reader's Digest 9月号の記事、"A THOUSAND STINGS" からの引用です。
April paused, looking down pensively at his red climbing shoes. Indecent Exposure had always given him the heebie-jeebies. It wasn't the most difficult rout in Hueco Tanks, but it was probably the most initimidating. It had two pitches, or sections between belay points, and both had passages that left yu hanging our unprotected over 130-foot drops.

くだけた感じの表現ですが "the heebie-jeebies" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A state of nervous fear or anxiety.: The list was enough to give me the heebie-jeebies.

・Collins Dictionary: apprehension and nervousness: This place is so spooky, it's beginning to give me the heebie-jeebies.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: strong feelings of fear or worry: Don't start talking about ghosts - they give me the heebie-jeebies.

常に "the" を付けて使う様です。
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