English Collection



2010年08月31日 | 英語学習

今日の単語もReader's Digest、7月号のAsk Auntyからです。
The only good shot I ever got off against an express-line violator was totally by accident. A little four-year-old girl was behind me in the store, sitting in the shopping cart. She must have just started learning her numbers and was counting - loudly - the number of items rolling on the belt, ending with, "Twenty-five! That's too many!" The shopper turned beet red and scooted out. I'd love to hear if readers have some of their own zingers that have worked on checkout hogs.
私が経験した米国のスーパーでのexpress-lineは普通5~10アイテムだったと思います。 このスーパーのexpress-lineの制限は25点だったのでしょうか、それともこの "checkout hog" は制限を大幅に超過したのでしょうか? それはともかくとして、 "zingers" の意味ですが、文脈からすると気の利いた決め台詞の様な意味のようですがどうでしょう? 辞書を見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a striking or amusing or caustic remark ("He always greeted me with a new zinger")
1. A surprising or unusually pointed or telling remark.; My little niece let fly with the zinger that my sister was pregnant again.
2. An event that when experienced leaves the witness dazed, either physically or metaphorically.; I was still reeling from the zinger of seeing my ex on a date with my best friend.
1.Informal A witty, often caustic remark.
2.Informal A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events.
Wiktionary/Wordnikにある2番目の意味での "zinger
" は余り経験したくないですね。
記事の抜粋最後の文にある "hogs" については明日の話題にします。

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quibbling lawyers and gibbering politicians

2010年08月30日 | 英語学習
さて、英語の話題に移ります。 Bushido からの引用はこれが最後です。 最後の章、THE FUTURE OF BUSHIDOからの引用です。
The state built upon the rock of Honor and fortified by the same--shall we call it the Ehrenstaat or, after the manner of Carlyle, the Heroarchy?--is fast falling into the hands of quibbling lawyers and gibbering politicians armed with logic-chopping engines of war.
"quibbling" と "gibbering" は弁護士と政治家を形容している言葉なのでおよその見当は付きますが辞書で確認します。 いずれも元になった動詞形で引いて見ます。 まずは "quibble" です。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a) argue over petty things ("Let's not quibble over pennies") b) evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections
・American Heritage Dictionary: a) To evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections. b) To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil.
次は "gibber" を調べます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
・Dictionary.com: 1.to speak inarticulately or meaninglessly. 2.to speak foolishly; chatter.
・Wiktionary: To jabber, talk rapidly and unintelligibly or incoherently.
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course meal

2010年08月29日 | 英語学習

What does a man consider a seven course meal?
A hot dog and a six pack of beer.

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get on my case

2010年08月28日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest、7月号の人生相談コーナー、Ask Auntyにあった文です。
I've been chubby, not fat, all my life. I'm a vegetarian and I think I'm fairly active. But now, at 27, my mum is still getting on my case about my weight.
"getting on my case" は文脈から「干渉する」ことだと推測できますが、どうでしょうか?
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: get on somebody's case (informal): to criticize someone in an annoying way for something that they have done: I just don't want him getting on my case for being late for work.
・Dictionary.com: get/be on someone's case, Slang. to bother or nag someone; meddle in someone's affairs: Her brother is always on her case about getting married. Why do you keep getting on my case?
・Wiktionary: To lecture, berate, or complain to somebody, especially to find fault or criticize.
His boss was always getting on his case about his standards of dress, even though he worked well and seldom left the back room.
"getting on my case" の正反対の "getting off my case" と言う表現もある事が分かりました。 (Dictionary.com)to stop bothering or criticizing someone or interfering in someone's affairs: I've had enough of your advice, so just get off my case.
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2010年08月26日 | 英語学習
Bushido、IS BUSHIDO STILL ALIVE?の章から引用します。
It behooves us to take more to heart the following words of a saintly man, devout Christian and profound scholar:--"Men have divided the world into heathen and Christian, without considering how much good may have been hidden in the one, or how much evil may have been mingled with the other. They have compared the best part of themselves with the worst of their neighbors, the ideal of Christianity with the corruption of Greece or the East. They have not aimed at impartiality, but have been contented to accumulate all that could be said in praise of their own, and in dispraise of other forms of religion."
"behoove" は知らない単語ですが、
"behoove" を辞書で見ます。 
・OneLook Quick Definitions: be appropriate or necessary ("IT behooves us to reflect on this matter")
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: to be necessary, advantageous, or appropriate
Tips: Behoove is usually used in the sense of "something behooves…" meaning that something is fitting, proper, or prudent, given the circumstances. If it behooves you to do something, it means that doing it will benefit you in some way.
Usage Examples:
It behooves us to provide our employees with the best compensation plan possible. (benefits, profits)
I think it would behoove us to consider his recommendation. (benefit, profit, help)
なるほど、私も真似して文を作ると "I think it would behoove us to read Nitobe's Bushido.
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English Collection Summary No. 1001 - 1100

2010年08月25日 | 英語学習

今朝の "polyandry vs. polygyny" のトピックで私の English Collectionへの投稿が丁度1100件目となりました。 English Collectionの目的は、私の個人的な偏見と独断により選んだ英単語、英語表現を私が覚えたいために書いていますが、意味を辞書でせっかく調べたのにも関わらず中々覚えられません。 その為に自分の復習のための<A href="http://kakabane.hp.infoseek.co.jp/EC_Summary_List.htm"><B>サマリー</B></A>を100件毎に作るようにしており、今回も "<A href="http://kakabane.hp.infoseek.co.jp/EC_1001-1100.htm"><B>No.1001-1100</B></A>"のリストを作成しましたので参考にして下さい。サマリーの内容はほとんどがトピックのタイトルと英英辞典の説明文抜粋ですが、実際に投稿した日の記事へのリンクが付けてあるので、トピックの出典等の詳細を見たい場合も直ぐ確認できるようになっています。

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polyandry vs. polygyny

2010年08月25日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 7月号のWord Powerにあった "polyandry"は選択問題なので難しくはありません。
A: having two or more husbands
B: having two or more children
C: having male and female traits
Polyandry is rare in human societies, mostly because women object to picking up that many socks off the floor.
性差別のない "polygamy"(having more than one spouse at a time)は前から知っていますが、興味があるのはむしろ "polyandry" の対語の方です。 調べるとそれは "polygyny" (having more than one wife at a time)でした。 しかし冷静に考えると一人でももてあましているので、一生 bachelor も悪くないなと思いますが、やはり結婚は経験して見ないと分からないし、するとバツイチが一番良いのではとも思いますが・・・(今日は脱線し過ぎですね。)
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weal or woe

2010年08月24日 | 英語学習
次ぎの文は "Bushido THE INFLUENCE OF BUSHIDOの章"で先日話題にした "pall" が出てきた次ぎの章にあります。
When the Creator himself is pictured as making new resolutions in his heart upon smelling a sweet savor (Gen. VIII, 21), is it any wonder that the sweet-smelling season of the cherry blossom should call forth the whole nation from their little habitations? Blame them not, if for a time their limbs forget their toil and moil and their hearts their pangs and sorrows. Their brief pleasure ended, they return to their daily tasks with new strength and new resolutions. Thus in ways more than one is the sakura the flower of the nation.
"toil and moil" 語呂の良い表現ですね。"toil" の意味は分かりますが、"moil" は何でしょうか? "moil" も同じ様な意味で "toil and moil" が慣用句になっている気がします。 まず "moil" を見ると:
・Dictionary.com: hard work or drudgery
とあり "toil" と同じ意味もある事が分かります。(別の意味はconfusion, agitation, or trouble; turmoilもあります)
"toil and moil" の用例を示している辞書は次ぎの辞書しか見つかりませんでした。
・Wiktionary: to work hard; to drudge; to toil, to moil
"toil" も "moil" も同じ意味なので冗長ですが、語呂の良い表現なのでこのような表現方法を使うのでしょう。
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toil and moil

2010年08月23日 | 英語学習
次ぎの文は "Bushido THE INFLUENCE OF BUSHIDOの章"で先日話題にした "pall" が出てきた次ぎの章にあります。
When the Creator himself is pictured as making new resolutions in his heart upon smelling a sweet savor (Gen. VIII, 21), is it any wonder that the sweet-smelling season of the cherry blossom should call forth the whole nation from their little habitations? Blame them not, if for a time their limbs forget their toil and moil and their hearts their pangs and sorrows. Their brief pleasure ended, they return to their daily tasks with new strength and new resolutions. Thus in ways more than one is the sakura the flower of the nation.
"toil and moil" 語呂の良い表現ですね。"toil" の意味は分かりますが、"moil" は何でしょうか? "moil" も同じ様な意味で "toil and moil" が慣用句になっている気がします。 まず "moil" を見ると:
・Dictionary.com: hard work or drudgery
とあり "toil" と同じ意味もある事が分かります。(別の意味はconfusion, agitation, or trouble; turmoilもあります)
"toil and moil" の用例を示している辞書は次ぎの辞書しか見つかりませんでした。
・Wiktionary: to work hard; to drudge; to toil, to moil
"toil" も "moil" も同じ意味なので冗長ですが、語呂の良い表現なのでこのような表現方法を使うのでしょう。
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2010年08月22日 | 英語学習
Mother to daughter: "What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable?"
"Of course he is, Mom. He's thrifty, doesn't drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children."
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