English Collection


pretty pass

2019年12月27日 | 英語の原書を読む
Anthony Horowitz の "The House of Silk" からの引用です。
We left her sitting in misery and Lestrade took his leave. 'I'm sure we'll run into each other again, Mr. Holmes,' he said. 'And if you need me, you know where to find me.'
'If I should ever find myself in need of Inspector Lestrade,' Holmes muttered after he had gone, 'then things will have come to a pretty pass. But let us step into the alleyway, Watson. My case is complete and yet there is still one small point which must be addressed.'
"then things will have come to a pretty pass" の個所ですが、知らない単語はないのにさっぱり意味が分かりません。私の英語の先生(辞書)に相談します。
"pass" の項に次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A state or situation of a specified, usually undesirable, nature.: If this was what was being taught these days in colleges things had come to a pretty pass.
・Collins Dictionary: a state of affairs or condition, esp a bad or difficult one (esp in the phrase a pretty pass)

・Cambridge English Dictionary: a difficult or unpleasant condition: If I'd been aware things had reached such a pass, I'd have told the police.
"pass" にこんな意味があるのですね。 "come to a pretty pass" が慣用句のようなので "come to a pretty pass" で調べると、英国で使われる表現のようです。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Reach a bad or regrettable state of affairs.: Things have come to a pretty pass indeed when the UK's ‘human rights envoy’ disgraces herself and her party by exhibiting such naked racism toward the subjects of colonial rule.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: UK It's come to a pretty pass (= it's a bad situation) when you can't even have a few quiet drinks with some friends.
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2019年12月26日 | 英語の原書を読む
Anthony Horowitz の "The House of Silk" からの引用です。
'It's an excellent price,' he was saying. 'And I am certain of it, Tobias. These works are like good wine. Their value can only rise.'
'No, no, no!' replied the other voice in a high-pitched whine. 'He calls them seascapes. Well, I can see the sea...but precious little else. ...'
絵画の話なので "seascapes" は海の景色のことだと思いますが、念のために辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A view of an expanse of sea.: The far-flung views offer one of the most superb blends of seascape and mountain possible.

・Collins Dictionary: A seascape is a painting or photograph of a scene at sea.: He looked off into the east, out across the starlit seascape.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: a painting of a view of the sea: In his seascape he mapped naval lifepaths with the care and attention of a participant.
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speak out of turn

2019年12月25日 | 英語の原書を読む
Anthony Horowitz の "The House of Silk" からの引用です。
'You were glad that Mr Carstairs married?'
'We were delighted, sir, as well as surprised.'
'I wouldn't wish to speak out of turn, sir but Mr Carstairs had formerly shown no interest in such matters, being devoted to his family and to his work. Mrs Carstairs rather burst in on the scene but we are all agreed that the house has been better for it.'
"speak out of turn" が分かりません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Speak in a tactless way.: She was the first to take umbrage if they spoke out of turn.
・Collins Dictionary: If you speak out of turn or talk out of turn, you say something that you do not have the right or authority to say.: I hope I haven't spoken out of turn.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To say something erroneous, foolish, or impudent at an inappropriate time, or to speak when one does not have the authority to do so.: I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, but I think we'd see a higher profit margin if we took better care of our employees' benefits.
政治家がかわりばんこ(in turn)に "speaking out of turn" でマスコミのネタになっていますね。
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peach on

2019年12月24日 | 英語の原書を読む
Anthony Horowitz の "The House of Silk" からの引用です。
The money they had stolen from the train was already gone, frittered away on alcohol and gamblin g. As the sun set that evening, they were crouched around the stove, drinking gin and playing cards. They had no look-out. None of the families would have dared to peach on them and they were sure that the Boston police had long ago lost any interest in the theft of two thousand dollars.
"peach on" が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Inform on.: The other members of the gang would not hesitate to peach on him.
・American Heritage Dictionary: To inform on someone; turn informer: "Middle-level bureaucrats cravenly peach on their bosses [when] one of them does something the tiniest bit illegal"
・Collins Dictionary: (intr except in obsolete uses) slang: to inform against an accomplice
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rent the air

2019年12月23日 | 英語の原書を読む
Anthony Horowitz のシャーロック・ホームズ小説 "The House of Silk" を読み始めました。シャーロック・ホームズ小説なのに作者がコナン・ドイルでは無いのは何故と思いましたが、これはコナンドイル財団がコナン・ドイルの没後初めて公認したシャーロック・ホームズ小説だそうです。
'Inside the mail car, the security guard had heard the shots and I can only imagine the terror he must have felt as he unlocked the door if they had demanded it? We will never know. A moment later, a huge explosion rent the air and the entire wall of the carriage was blown apart.
"rent the air" の動詞、現在形は "rent" あるいは "rend" だと思うが、いずれにせよ、ここでの意味に合う動詞を知りません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Sound piercingly.: ‘a shrill scream rent the air

・Collins Dictionary: If a loud sound rends the air, it is sudden and violent. He bellows, rends the air with anguish.
"rend the air" という表現がありますが、元々 "rend" に次の意味があり、
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to tear or break something violently: figurative A terrifying scream rent the air.
そこから "rend the air" の表現が出て来たのですね。
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put on the dog

2019年12月20日 | 英語の原書を読む
"a streetcar named desire" からの引用です。
When the telephone rings and they say, "You've got a son!" I'll tear this off and wave it like a flag! [He shakes out a brilliant pyjama coat] I guess we are both entitled to put on the dog. [He goes back to the kitchen with the coat over his arm.]
"put on the dog" は慣用句でしょうね。辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Behave in a pretentious or ostentatious way.: The CEO put on the dog today as he welcomed customers to the enterprise software company's annual users' conference.

・Wiktionary: To dress up; to make a show of wealth and/or importance; to be pretentious.: If she softened her natural vowels a fraction in keeping with her role as a Protestant lady, she did not put on dog or act in a snobbish manner.

・Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary: If someone puts on the dog, they act as though they are rich or important. We were all earning good money, buying expensive suits and putting on the dog.
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deck one out

2019年12月19日 | 英語の原書を読む
"a streetcar named desire" からの引用です。
Blanche has been drinking fairly steadly since Mitch left. She has dragged her wardrobe trunk into the center of the bedroom. It hangs open with flowery dresses thrown across it. As the drinking and packing went on, a mood of hysterical exhilaration came into her and she has decked herself out in a somewhat soiled and crumpled white satin evening gown and a pair of scuffed silver slippers with brilliants set in their heels.
"decked herself out" の個所を調べます。
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To dress in an especially extravagant manner. A noun or pronoun can be used between "deck" and "out.": Wow, you sure got decked out for the party tonight! Maybe I should have worn something nicer than jeans.

・American Heritage Dictionary: Decorate, dress up, as in They were all decked out in their best clothes.

・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to decorate someone or something with something. Sally decked all her children out for the holiday party. She decked out her children in Halloween costumes.
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make a pig of oneself

2019年12月18日 | 英語の原書を読む
Tennessee Williamsの戯曲 "a streetcar named desire" からの引用です。
Apparently Mr. Kowalski was not amused.
Mr. Kowalski is too busy making a pig of himself to think of anything else!
That' right, baby.
"making a pig of himself" は慣用句の様ですが、どんな意味でしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: Overeat.: We made pigs of ourselves, with too many sweets.

・Collins Dictionary: If you say that someone is making a pig of themselves, you are criticizing them for eating a very large amount at one meal.: I'm afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner.

・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Fig. to eat too much, too fast, or noisily; to eat more than one's share. Don't make a pig of yourself!
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stood up

2019年12月17日 | 英語の原書を読む
Tennessee Williamsの戯曲 "a streetcar named desire" からの引用です。
Stanley, tell us a joke, tell us a funny story to make us all laugh. I don't know what's the matter, we're all so solemn. Is it because I've been stood up by my beau.
長くなるので上の台詞が出るまでのいきさつは引用できませんが、Mitchが来ることを期待していたBlanchですが、Mitchは来なかった状況での台詞なので、"stood up" は待ちぼうけの意味だと分かります。一応辞書で "stand up" の説明を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: If a boyfriend or girlfriend stands you up, they fail to keep an arrangement to meet you.: We were to have had dinner together yesterday evening, but he stood me up.

・Macmillan Dictionary: to not come to meet someone who you have arranged to meet, especially someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with: Did she stand you up?
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call on the carpet/on the hook/jig was up

2019年12月16日 | 英語の原書を読む
Tennessee Williamsの戯曲 "a streetcar named desire" からの引用です。
The boy's dad learned about it and got in touch with the high school superintendent. Boy, oh, boy, I'd like to have been in that office when Dame Blanche was called on the carpet! I'd like to have seen her trying to squirm out of that one! But they had her on the hook good and proper that time and she knew that the jig was all up! They told her she better move on to some fresh territory. Yep, it was practickly a town ordinance passed against her!
慣用句の連発ですね。"call on the carpet", "on the hook", "jig is all up" を順番に辞書で調べます。
"call on the carpet":
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To scold, rebuke, or reprimand someone.: When my team lost that big client, the boss called me on the carpet.

・Merriam-Webster: to criticize (someone) for doing something wrong: He was/got called on the carpet for missing the deadline.

"on the hook":
・Vocabulary.com: To be on the hook is to be caught in a bad situation or to owe money. When you’re on the hook, you’re in a tight spot. If you're on the hook for your half of lunch, you better pay up!

・Collins Dictionary: in a dangerous or difficult situation

"jig is all up" の項目は見つかりませんでしたが、 "jig is up" で辞書に説明がありました。:

・Oxford English Dictionary: The scheme or deception is revealed or foiled.: the 'jig is up; you've had your last chance’

・Wiktionary: An expression used to mean "We have been caught out and have no defense", or if spoken to a person who has just been found out as the perpetrator of an offense, where it means "You've been discovered": The universe works in strange ways: just when you think the jig is up, you get a second chance.

・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: One's plan or scheme has been discovered and/or thwarted; one's game, trick, or deception is at an end. A variant of the much more common phrase "the jig is up.": Your jig is up, Senator Marten! Your tax evasion has been found out, and the police are here to escort you to prison.
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