月刊誌のEnglish JournalにTea Time Talkと題された米国テキサス在住のMs. Kay Hetherlyが投稿しているエッセイがありますが日本人とは違う目線の内容で毎月楽しみにして読んでいます。7月号は米国の鉄道についての話で、米国の鉄道は人間よりも貨物を運ぶのが主な役割のようで、速度は遅く列車が非常に長いのです。その為に運悪く列車の通過の為に踏み切りで待たされる事になると数分ではなく10分、15分待たされる事はよくある事です。 日本に住んでいたことのあるMs.Hetherlyはテキサスの友人と違って踏み切りで待たされるのにいらいらしていたようです。ではこの7月号のエッセイの一部を引用します。
"Hey," she said, "the trains don't bother me, I always keep my manicure set in the car and work on my nails when I'm waiting."
Now I never leave home without my tweezers and emery board.
この "emery board" が分からないので辞書を引きます。
Dictionary.com: a small, stiff strip of paper or cardboard, coated with powdered emery, used in manicuring.
マニキュアに関係があるようですが "emery" も調べる必要がありますので同じくDictionary.comで "emery" の項を見ます。
a granular mineral substance consisting typically of corundum mixed with magnetite or hematite, used powdered, crushed, or consolidated for grinding and polishing.
But compared to the so on and so on or et cetra et cetra of a slightly more literary time, blah blah blah and yadda yadda yadda are teleready placeholders, evoking the blase confidence of a Leno guest.
この "yadda yadda yadda" は何度か実際に使われているのを聞いた事のある "and so on" と同じ意味・仲間のようですが一度も聞いたことはありません。そして "yadda" なる単語はほとんどの辞書に載っておらずたった一つオンライン辞書のWiktonaryに説明がありました。
Wiktonary: Used three times in a row, or in combination with other words, to indicate part of a sentence which would be annoying to include, or which is incomprehensible, or which is just unimportant.
なるほど "blah blah blah" と同じように三度繰り返して言うことが多いのですね。
次ぎの "blah blah blah" の例はhttp://www.wordspy.com/words/countercruising.aspからの引用です。
Therefore, five dog years is still equivalent to 35 human years. Other formulas exist and the mileage varies depending on the breed, yadda yadda yadda.
"yadda yadda yadda" も "blah blah blah" にしても日本語では別の意味があるのでなれないと使いにくいですね。
And if you were the kind of journalist who wouldn't normally write advertorials, for example, well, you could stop holding your nose.
"holding your nose" の意味が分かりませんがイデオムである事は明白です。OneLookで検索するとDictionary.comだけが引っ掛かりました。
hold one's nose: to repress feelings of distaste, repulsion, or offense for something that one is obliged to do: He held his nose and voted for the bill.
advertorial は明らかに advertisement と editorial から出来た言葉ですが、念の為にOneLook Quick Definitionsを見ると:an advertisement that is written and presented in the style of an editorial or journalistic report とあります。
"Slam Dunks and No-Brainers" も残りは50ページ程になったのでもう一息です。
I went to collect my dog Sam from an operation. He'd had a general anaesthetic and when the veterinary nurse brought him through to the waiting room, she was concerned he was still a little wobbly.
"He may not want to eat right now," she said. "Keep his meals light and perhaps tempt him with a little fish or chicken." There was a thud. We turned to see Sam wolf down the entire contents of an ashtray.
犬の話なのに "wolf down" とはこれ如何に?そこで "wolf down" を辞書で引きます。
Dictionary.com: eat hastily; "The teenager wolfed down the pizza."
Wiktionary: To consume (food) quickly and without regard for table manners.
He wolfed down a ham sandwich.
Leafy greens and herbs have a high water content and tend to go limp and lose their crunch very quickly, while ripe berries and stone fruit bruise easily.
OneLook Quick Definitions: fleshy indehiscent fruit with a single seed: e.g. almond; peach; plum; cherry; elderberry; olive; jujube
ちょっと難しい単語がありますが桃とかサクランボなど私の好きな果物がでているので "stone" が硬い種のある果物を指していることが分かります。別の辞書も見てみると:
Wiktionary: Any fruit with a soft fleshy exterior surrounding a hard pit or stone containing the seed.
pitにもstoneと同じく "the stone of a fruit, as of a cherry, peach, or plum" (Dictionary.comの説明)の意味がある事が分かりました。
久しぶりにThe Japan Times Onlineの記事(July 16号)からです。
Claim to disputed isles will damage ties: Seoul South Korean Ambassador Kwon Chul Hyun lodges a protest over Japan's decision to include in a teaching guideline its claim to Seoul-controlled islets, effectively demanding a retraction and warning that "Japan has much to lose from this."
"lodge" の意味は日本語にもなっている名詞の意味とここでは動詞ですから動詞の意味としては "provide housing for" あるいは "be a lodger; stay temporarily" しか知りませんが、この記事の意味は明らかにその様な意味ではないですね。そこで辞書です。
Dictionary.com: to put or bring (information, a complaint, etc.) before a court or other authority.
難しい単語はほとんど出てきませんが、マーケティングに特有な単語はもちろん良く出てきます。 あいにく6月23日は都合が悪く欠席しますのでその日に読まれるだろうと思われる個所を連休の間に読みましたが知っているようで知らない、あるいは明確には説明できないマーケティング用語が一つありました。それは "category killer" です。早速Dictionary.comを見ると "a retail store that specializes in one kind of discounted merchandise and which dominates the competition Example: Microsoft was once thought of as a category killer.
とありましたが、例にあるマイクロソフトはretail storeではないので余り適切な例には思えません。"category killer" で引くと普通の辞書は出てきませんが専門語辞書のInvestopediaがOneLookの検索でリストされたのでそちらも見てみると:
Large companies that put less efficient and highly specialized merchants out of business. One of the best examples of a category killer is WAL-MART, their chain has put smaller stores in a wide range of specialized categories out of business.
Category killer is a term used in marketing and strategic management to describe a product, service, brand, or company that has such a distinct sustainable competitive advantage that competing firms find it almost impossible to operate profitably in that industry. The existence of a category killer will eliminate almost all market entities, whether real or virtual. Many existing firms will leave the industry, thereby increasing the industry's concentration ratio.
An example of a category killer business is eBay. eBay as an online auction site has a natural monopoly, as buyers and sellers will naturally gravitate to the largest, most liquid market. As a result, their business has almost no competition and has forced similar auction sites like the ones run by Yahoo! into a very small portion of the market. Jupiter Communications has estimated that eBay earned 90% of all revenues in the consumer-to-consumer auction market in the year 2000.
Another type of category killer, and the definition most associated with the term, is a big box retail chain such as Best Buy or Toys "R" Us which is focused on one or few categories of merchandise and offers a wide selection of merchandise in these categories at relatively low prices. The emergence of such stores has taken a toll on many department stores.
昨日の続きで "Every Good Boy Deserves Favours" の話ですが、Wikipediaには珍しく記載が無いようです。しかしWikiquoteと言うサイトに次ぎの説明がありました。
The order of notes on the lines of the treble clef is E, G, B, D, F.
E, G, B, D, Fはそれぞれ音符のミ、ソ、シ、レ、ファを示していますので音楽に強い方はそれらの音がト音記号の5線上の音符であることから "treble clef" がト音記号を意味している事が分かるでしょう。
"clef" についてはWikipediaに詳しい説明があります。
A clef (from the French for "key") is a musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes.
これは "clef" についての最初の文ですが興味のある方はWikipediaを参照して下さい。
Many of us learned "ROY G BIV" to remember the colours of the rainbow, or "Every Good Boy Deserves Favours" to learn musical notes.
"ROY G BIV" は勿論Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violetの頭文字で意味は無さそうですがWikipediaによると英国では "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain" の方がポピュラーな様です。 RDからの引用文にあるもう一つの文句 "Every Good Boy Deserves Favours" については明日話題にします。