小説を読んでいて登場人物が多くなると、誰が誰だか分からなくなってくるのですが、MURDER at the Tokyo American Clubもそんな状況になってきました。この話は殺人犯人の容疑者が何人もいるので、登場人物が出て来る度にメモをして置けば良かったと後悔しているところです。 次ぎの文に出て来るMr. Takeshitaも容疑者の一人のようです。
Though the years Mrs. Takeshita's hasband had been content to allow her to generate the family income base while he explored a number of promotional schemes designed to quickly swell the coffers. All his ventures, however, "bottomed out" sooner and deeper than anticipated, and it wasn't until he landed the job at the American Club, through Mrs. Takeshita's intercession, that his contribution to the
kitty became anywhere near regular and steady. That was nine years ago. In less than a decade, due to several retirements and one unexpected death, purchasing clerk to purchasing manager. And now he wanted his wife to abandon her career.
子猫の "
kitty" しか知らないので上の文に出て来る "
kitty" の意味がさっぱり分かりません。 辞書を引きます。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: an amount of money which consists of small amounts given by different people and which is used by them for an agreed purpose: We all put £20 in/into the
kitty to cover the cost of food.
・Macmillan Dictionary: an amount of money that is collected by a group to spend on a particular thing
この意味の語源説は幾つかあるのですが、Etymology Onlineの次の説明だけを引用しておきます。
The sense of "pool of money in a card game" first recorded 1887, probably from kit, in a sense of "collection of necessary supplies"
子猫の "
kitty" しか知らなかったと言いましたが、3年前に "
kitty-corner" (placed or situated diagonally Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2008/02/17) を取り上げていました。