先月4月の例会のレクチャーは "Writing Pilgrimages, Exile and Politics: Women's Travel Diaries in Late Edo Period Japan" と題され、江戸時代に旅行をした女性の日記の話でした。ASJの会報には堅苦しい言葉がよく使われるのですが、このレクチャーのminutesにも次ぎの難しそうな単語がありました。
The chief focus of Orise's diary was on her husband Atsutane and his affairs, but women did not go entirely unrecorded in it. She faithfully corresponded with the family in Edo but for all that, her main purpose in writing was to serve as her husband's amanuensis.
"amanuensis" は全く知らない単語なので早速辞書を引きます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation)
・Dictionary.com: a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another; secretary.
口述筆記をした訳ではないでしょうからsecretaryの方が意味が近いでしょう。 "amanuensis" は難しいだけの単語に思えましたが、次ぎの辞書に面白い次ぎの注がありました。
・Webster's New World College Dictionary: an assistant who takes dictation or copies something already written; secretary: now a somewhat jocular usage