RD4月号のネイティブがよく誤る語法の特集 "How to Sound Smarter - The Reader's Digest Version of those rules for talking and writing - the ones you missed in school" から取り上げる最後の表現です。
You never mean: Everyone has their grammar hang-ups
You always mean: Everyone has his or her grammar hang-ups
Why: Everyone, everybody, and close cousin each are singular, so words that refer to them should also be singular. Or, since we all have our grammar hang-ups, you could just rephrase the sentence.
You never mean: Everyone has their grammar hang-ups
You always mean: Everyone has his or her grammar hang-ups
Why: Everyone, everybody, and close cousin each are singular, so words that refer to them should also be singular. Or, since we all have our grammar hang-ups, you could just rephrase the sentence.
"hang-up" の意味が引っかかるので辞書を見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: 1. an unforeseen obstacle 2. an emotional preoccupation
1.a preoccupation, fixation, or psychological block; complex: His hang-up is trying to outdo his brother.
2.a source of annoying difficulty or burden; impediment; snag: The most serious hang-up the project has is a shortage of funds.
3.a fixture, object, or decoration that can be affixed to a wall, ceiling, other objects, etc.: He brightened up the room with flower baskets and other hang-ups.
"Even native speakers have grammar hang-ups." なので我々が分からない事だらけなのは当然ですね。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: 1. an unforeseen obstacle 2. an emotional preoccupation
1.a preoccupation, fixation, or psychological block; complex: His hang-up is trying to outdo his brother.
2.a source of annoying difficulty or burden; impediment; snag: The most serious hang-up the project has is a shortage of funds.
3.a fixture, object, or decoration that can be affixed to a wall, ceiling, other objects, etc.: He brightened up the room with flower baskets and other hang-ups.
"Even native speakers have grammar hang-ups." なので我々が分からない事だらけなのは当然ですね。