Richard DawkinsのThe Selfish Geneを読んでいます。5章、Agression: stabilith and the selfish machineからの引用です。
We have been thinking of contests between members of the same species. What about inter-specific contests? As we saw earlier, members of different species are less direct competitors than members of the same species. For this reason we should expect fewer disputes between them over resources, and our expectation is borne out. For instance, robins defend territories against other robins, but not against great tits. One can draw a map of the territories of different individual robins in a wood and one can superimpose a map of the territories of individual great tits.
"great tits" がどんな鳥か気になるので調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A tit (songbird) with a black head and white cheeks, occurring in many different races from western Europe to eastern Asia.: Passerines include great tits, blue tits, warblers, and sparrows.
・Wiktionary: A bird in the Paridae family, Parus major.
どちらの写真も日本のシジューカラを連想させますが、"great tits" の腹部が黄色がかっているのに対し、日本のシジューカラの腹の色は白い印象があります。
Wikipediaに次の記述があり、その "Japanese tit" がシジューカラを指している様です。
DNA studies have shown these other subspecies to be distinctive from the great tit and these have now been separated as two distinct species, the cinereous tit of southern Asia, and the Japanese tit of East Asia.
Wikipedia英語版のJapanese titから日本語版のWikipediaに飛ぶとシジューカラの説明がありました。
We have been thinking of contests between members of the same species. What about inter-specific contests? As we saw earlier, members of different species are less direct competitors than members of the same species. For this reason we should expect fewer disputes between them over resources, and our expectation is borne out. For instance, robins defend territories against other robins, but not against great tits. One can draw a map of the territories of different individual robins in a wood and one can superimpose a map of the territories of individual great tits.
"great tits" がどんな鳥か気になるので調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A tit (songbird) with a black head and white cheeks, occurring in many different races from western Europe to eastern Asia.: Passerines include great tits, blue tits, warblers, and sparrows.
・Wiktionary: A bird in the Paridae family, Parus major.
どちらの写真も日本のシジューカラを連想させますが、"great tits" の腹部が黄色がかっているのに対し、日本のシジューカラの腹の色は白い印象があります。
Wikipediaに次の記述があり、その "Japanese tit" がシジューカラを指している様です。
DNA studies have shown these other subspecies to be distinctive from the great tit and these have now been separated as two distinct species, the cinereous tit of southern Asia, and the Japanese tit of East Asia.
Wikipedia英語版のJapanese titから日本語版のWikipediaに飛ぶとシジューカラの説明がありました。