English Collection



2018年02月28日 | 英単語
Richard DawkinsのThe God Delusionを読んでいます。
一寸長くなりますがタイトルに使われている "delusion" について書かれている個所jを引用します。
The word 'delusion' in my title has disquieted some psychiatrists who regard it as a technical term, not to be bandied about. Three of them wrote to me to propose a special technical term for religious delusion: 'relusion'. Maybe it'll catch on. But for now I am going to stick with 'delusion', and I need to justify my use of it. The Penguin English Dictionary defines a delusion as 'a false belief or impression'. Surprisingly, the illustrative quotation the dictionary gives is from Phillip E. Johnson: 'Darwinism is the story of humanity's liberation from the delusion that its destiny is controlled by a power higher than itself.' Can that be the same Phillip E. Johnson who leads the creationist charge against Darwinism in America today? Indeed it is, and the quotation is, as we might guess, taken out of context. I hope the fact that I have stated as much will be noted, since the same courtesy has not been extended to me in numerous creationist quotations of my works, deliberately and misleadingly taken out of context. Whatever Johnson's own meaning, his sentence as it stands is one that I would be happy to endorse. The dictionary supplied with Microsoft Word defines a delusion as 'a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of psychiatric disorder'. The first part captures religious faith perfectly. As to whether it is a symptom of a psychiatric disorder, I am inclined to follow Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, when he said, 'When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.'
著者のRichard Dawkinsは大胆に宗教は "delusion" と主張しています。
最後の文 "When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." は至言だと思います。
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mutatis mutandis

2018年02月27日 | 英単語

The God Delusion by Richard DawkinsのThe God Delusionを読むことにしました。
If you feel trapped in the religion of your upbringing, it would be worth asking yourself how this came about. The answer is usually some form of childhood indoctrination. If you are religious at all it is overwhelmingly probable that your religion is that of your parents. If you were born in Arkansas and you think Christianity is true and Islam false, knowing full well that you would think the opposite if you had been born in Afghanistan, you are the victim of childhood indoctrination. Mutatis mutandis if you were born in Afghanistan.
宗教の信仰は親の影響が最も大きいと言うのは当然の話ですね。最後に出てきたラテン語由来のような "Mutatis mutandis" が分からないので調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (used when comparing two or more cases or situations) making necessary alterations while not affecting the main point at issue.: what is true of undergraduate teaching in England is equally true, mutatis mutandis, of American graduate schools
・Wiktionary: With the necessary changes being made, with the necessary modifications.: What is said of the army here is to be taken also to apply, mutatis mutandis, to the air force and the navy.

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Office Party Follies

2018年02月24日 | 英単語

Reader's Digest Dec/Jan号の記事からの引用です。
・My boss ordered two pizzas for 15 employees, then ate one all by himself.
・My coworker got so drunk, he asked his girlfriend whether she was single. She said yes.

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odd one out

2018年02月23日 | 英単語

The Japan Times Online January 31のOpinion面の記事、Russia’s East-West dilemmasからの引用です。
It's in no nation's interest that Russia should continue to be the odd one out. The contemporary world is changing shape and has to be managed in new ways. If Russia wants to play a strong part in the rise of Eurasia and the connectivity of the globe, it will have to change its direction and decide how to become a good ally, not a spoiler, of both the East and West.
"odd one out" の意味を調べます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a person or thing that is different from or kept apart from others that form a group or set: She was always the odd one out at school - she didn't have many friends.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: Someone who is excluded from or left out of a group for some reason. Ever since my injury, I've been odd one out when my friends go to play football together.
・Wiktionary: Something or someone in a group that is different or exceptional, that does not fit.

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shoot oneself in the foot

2018年02月22日 | 英単語

The Japan Times Online、Jan 27, 2018の記事からの抜粋です。
Shukan Bunshun shoots itself in the foot with Komuro scandal Online reaction to the Komuro story, however, was mostly negative. Users of 2chan expressed shock that he had to retire following the publication of the story, with some chiding the sleazy nature of Shukan Bunshun’s reporting. The anger extended to Twitter, where users zeroed in on the publication’s tendency to make others unhappy to sell magazines.
Japanese netizens appear to have turned against Shukan Bunshun and other scandal-baiting publications, at least for the time being.
"shoots itself in the foot" の意味は文字通りに解釈しても分かりますが、何かニュアンスがあるのかも確かめたいので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Inadvertently make a situation worse for oneself.: We shot ourselves in the foot and basically we only have ourselves to blame.
・Wiktionary: To act against one's own interests; to unintentionally behave self-destructively.: The countries that stopped shooting themselves in the foot were able to break into new export markets

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2018年02月21日 | 英単語

Jan.25付けのThe Japan Times OnlineのCulture, Film / Reviews欄の記事タイトルです。
Midnight Bus’: A trundling bus trip to boresville
"boresville" は大文字で始まっていないので固有の地名ではありませんが、どの様な土地なのでしょうか?
"boresville" は辞書を引いても出てきませんが、接尾辞の "-ville" についての説明がどの辞書にもありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Used in fictitious place names with reference to a particular quality.: ‘dullsville
Origin: From French ville ‘town’, used in many US town names.
・Collins Dictionary: (denoting) a place, condition, or quality with a character as specified: dragsville, squaresville
・Wiktionary:(Suffix) Used to form a name of an inhabited place, a town or city. Usage Notes: Used for many towns in the English- and French-speaking world. Also often used to construct fictional and exemplar placenames, such as Nowheresville and Smallville.
となると、"boresville" は退屈なところなのでしょう。
First known as Tioga, it was formally established as Bensenville in 1873 along the Milwaukee Road railway. The community is named after Benzen, Germany. A post office was established in 1873, but because there was an existing "Benson", the suffix "ville" was added.

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something gave

2018年02月19日 | 英単語

Kazuo Ishiguro氏のThe Buried Giantを読んでいます。
But their efforts were in vain: with each moment, the two swords seemed to fasten more thoroughly, and surely there was nothing for it but to abandon the weapons and start the contest afresh. Neither man, though, appeared willing to give up, even as the effort threatened to drain them of their strength. Then something gave and the blades came apart.
"gave" ですが、名詞の "give" あるいは "giving" はそれぞれ2/11/201510/6/2015に取り上げました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Yield or give way to pressure.: the heavy door didn't give until the fifth push
・Collins Dictionary: to yield or break under force or pressure: this surface will give if you sit on it

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harmful environmental effects of oil

2018年02月18日 | 英単語

Reader's Digest Dec/Jan号の記事からの引用です。
SCENE: A sixth-grade class
Teacher: What are the harmful environmental effects of oil on fish?
Student: When my mom opened a can of sardines last night, it was full of oil and all the sardines were dead.

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that will often serve as well in a man's eye

2018年02月17日 | 英単語
Kazuo Ishiguro氏のThe Buried Giantを読んでいます。
Besides, those weathered women with their flapping rags were once innocent maidens, some possessing beauty and grace, or at least the freshness that will often serve as well in a man's eye.
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2018年02月16日 | 英単語

Kazuo Ishiguro氏のThe Buried Giantを読んでいます。
It happened so quickly it appeared to Axl the men had abandoned their swords and were now holding one another in a complicated and mutual armlock. As they did so, they rotated a little, like dancers, and Axl could then see that their two blades, perhaps because of the huge impact of their coming together, had become melded as one. Both men, mortified by this turn of events, were now doing their best to prise the weapons apart. But this was no easy task, and the old knight’s features were contorted with the effort.
"prise" は10/28/2014に取り上げていますが、今回取り上げるのは "mortified" です。辞書を見ます。
ほとんどの辞書は "mortify" の意味として次の三つの説明をしています。
・Oxford English Dictionary:
1. Cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated.: she was mortified to see her wrinkles in the mirror
2. Subdue (the body or its needs and desires) by self-denial or discipline.: return to heaven by mortifying the flesh
3. [no object] (of flesh) be affected by gangrene or necrosis.: the cut in Henry's arm had mortified
・Collins Dictionary:
1. (transitive)to humiliate or cause to feel shame
2. (transitive) Christianity: to subdue and bring under control by self-denial, disciplinary exercises, etc
3. (intransitive)to undergo tissue death or become gangrenous
(usually used passively) To embarrass, to humiliate. To injure one's dignity.: I was so mortified I could have died right there; instead I fainted, but I swore I'd never let that happen to me again.
The Buried Giantも翻訳本があると思うのでいつか確認したい。

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