English Collection


dead reckoning

2023年02月28日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

Military and specialized GPS can be much more accurate, but isn't likely to be available to consumer robots, which means consumer robots can't rely just on GPS. Luckily, robots can use many clues to figur out where they are, such as dead reckoning (which tracks a robot's wheels to estimate how far it has gone), vision (a bathroom looks very different from a staircase), and maps (which might be constructed in a variety of ways).

"dead reckoning" の意味をカッコ内に補足してありますが、どれ程ロボットの車が移動したかでは位置の把握としては余りにも雑です。 "dead reckoning" の説明が辞書にあるか調べます。

・Collins Dictionary: a method of establishing one's position using the distance and direction travelled rather than astronomical observations
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a way of calculating the position of a ship or aircraft using only information about the direction and distance it has travelled from a known point: The main advantages of dead reckoning location are its low cost and its easy implementation and exploitation.

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2023年02月27日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

WolframAlpha, introduced in 2009 to much hype as "the world's first computational knowledge engine," is no better. It has enormaous built-in databases of all kinds of scientific, technological, mathematical, census, and sociological information, and a collection of techniques for using this information to answer question, but its capacity to put all that information together is stll spotty.

確か "spotty" には(まだらな)斑点の意味がありましたね。 上の文では 'capacity ' について形容しているので斑点ではありませんね。 他の意味を辞書で調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: not complete; good in some parts, but not in others: a spotty knowledge of Spanish; It was a spotty performance.
・Collins Dictionary: Something that is spotty does not stay the same but is sometimes good and sometimes bad.: His attendance record was spotty.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: bad in some parts: Sales have picked up a little but they're still spotty.

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2023年02月26日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

Deep learning is brittle. As we saw in the opening chapter, deep learning can be perfect in one situation and utterly wrong in another. Hallucinations like the nonexistent refrigerator we saw earlier aren't some sort of one-off that we are picking on; they remain a persistent problem, years after the problem was first noticed. More recent models continue to be subject to the same thing, making such errors 7 to 17 percent of the time according to one study.

"one-off" を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a thing that is made or that happens only once and not regularly: It was just a one-off; it won't happen again.
・Collins Dictionary: You can refer to something as a one-off when it is made or happens only once.[mainly British]: Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: something that happens or is made or done only once: Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that just a one-off?

イギリス英語とあるので米語では何と言うのか調べると "one-shot" とありました。
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2023年02月25日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

The problem of mismatched goals can also take subtler forms. In the early days of machine learning company to build a system that could predict when cows are going into estrus. The specified goal fot the probram was to generate predictions "estrus / no estrus" as accurately as possilble.

"estrus" を辞書で調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a period of time in which a female animal is fertile and ready to have sex
・Collins Dictionary: the usual US spelling of oestrus: a regularly occurring period of sexual receptivity in most female mammals, except humans, during which ovulation occurs and copulation can take place; heat
・Wiktionary: (biology) A female animal's readiness to mate; heat, rut.: It’s the supremely human act, freely to fuck, not because you are on heat, or in oestrus, like an animal, but to give and receive pleasure.
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2023年02月23日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

Highway driving in good weather is relatively amenable to narrow AI, because highways themselves are largely closed systems; pedestrians aren't allowed, and even cars have limited access. But engineers working the problem have come to realize that urban driving is much more complex; what an appear on a road in a croweded city at any given moment is essentially unbounded. Human drivers routinely cope with circumstances for which they have little of no direct data (like the first time they see a police officer with a hand-lettered sigh saying DETOUR--SINKHOLE). One techincal term for such circumstances is that they are outliers; narrow AI tends to get flummoxed by them.

"outlier" を辞書で調べます。

・Vocabulary.com: In statistics an outlier is a piece of data that is far from the rest; think of a graph with dots, where most dots are clustered together in the middle, but one dot, the outlier, is at the top.
Think of an outlier as an outsider. An outlier refers to anything that strays from, or isn’t part of, the norm. If you like to sleep in a tent in the backyard while your neighbors and family sleep in their beds, you’re probably an outlier. You may also be an outlier if you have to travel far to your job. In geology, rock that is separated from another rock formation is called an outlier.
1. A person or thing situated away from the main body or outside its proper place.
An exception.
2. (geology) A part of a formation separated from the rest of the formation by erosion.
3. (statistics) A value in a statistical sample which does not fit a pattern that describes most other data points; specifically, a value that lies 1.5 IQR beyond the upper or lower quartile. (Note: IQR: short for interquartile range)
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in spades

2023年02月22日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

Broad intelligence, where progress has been much slower, is about being able to adapt flexibility to a world that is fundamentally open-ended--which is the one thing humans have, in spades, that machines haven't yet touched. But that's where the field needs to go, if we are to take AI to the next level.

"in spades" は以前(2/5/2014)取り上げていますが、その時の意味(without question and beyond doubt)ちょっと違うようなので再度辞書をみます。

・Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary:
1. If you have something in spades, you have a lot of it. The job required determination and ambition — and she had both qualities in spades.
2. If something happens in spades, it happens to a great degree. All this effort has paid off in spades.
・Wiktionary: n large quantities; to a high degree; to excess, without restraint.: Last year we harvested almost no potatoes, but this year we're getting them in spades.
Etymology: From the card game of bridge, in which spades is the highest suit. Perhaps influenced by phrases with similar meaning, in spadefuls or in spate.
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bare-bones/the bare bones

2023年02月21日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

Practically every time one of the tech titans puts out a press release, we get a reprise of this same phenomenon, in which a minor bit of progress is portrayed in many (mercifully not all) media outlets as a revolution. A couple of years ago, for example, Facebook introduced a bare-bones proof-of-concept program that read simple stories and answered questios about them. A slew of enthusiastic headlines followed, like "Facebook Thinks It Has Found the Secret to making Bots Less Dumb" (Slate) and "Facebook AI Software Learns and Answers Questions. Software able to read a synopsis of Lord of the Rings and answer questions about it could beef up Facebook search" (Technology Review).

"bare-bones" は多くの辞書でハイフンの無い "bare bones" 又は the bare bones" での形で掲載していました。

・Oxford English Dictionary: the basic facts: the bare bones of the story
・Collins Dictionary: the bare bones of something are its most basic parts or details.: There are not even the bare bones of a garden here–I've got nothing.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the most important facts about something, to which more detail might be added later: I don't need all the details - just give me the bare bones.
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a fortiori

2023年02月20日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読み始めました。


Althogh this wave of popularity is certainly pleasand and exciting for those of us working in the field, it carries at the same time an element of danger. While we feel that information theory is indeed a valuable tool in providing fundamental insights into the nature of communication problems and will continue to grow in importance, it is certainly no panacea for the communication engineer or, a fortiori, for anyone else. Seldom do more than a few of nature's secrets give way at one time. It will be all too easy for our somewhat artificial prosperity to collapse overnight when it is realized that the use of a few exciting words like information, entropy, redundancy, do not solve all our prblems. (Claude E. Shannon)

"fortiori" では辞書の検索にひっからず、"a fortiori" (a が付いていることに注意)で次の説明が見つかりました、

・Macmillan Dictionary: used for saying that something that is true for one case is even more true in another case: If this was the interpretation of the term in the 1916 Act, there is, a fortiori, no reason why it should not be similarly construed in the 1968 Act.
・Collins Dictionary: for similar but more convincing reasons: the act was intended not only in regard to employers but a fortiori in regard to directors
・Vocabulary.com: with greater reason; for a still stronger, more certain reason: “if you are wrong then, a fortiori, so am I”
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straggling village

2023年02月19日 | 英単語
川端康成の "雪国" を読んでいます。

Like the old post road that was its ancestor, the main street ran without a curve through the straggling village, and no doubt on through Komako's hot spring. The roofs, with rows of stones to weigh down their shingles, were very much like the ones he already knew.

この意味の "shingle" は久しぶりです。 前回は10/30/2010に "shake / shingle" のタイトルで取り上げました。
今日は "straggling village" の意味を調べます。
"straggling" は動詞の "straggle" の形容詞としての用法ですね。 "straggle" に下記の意味がありました。

・Collins English Dictionary: If a small quantity of things straggle over an area, they cover it in an uneven or untidy way.: They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to move or spread untidily and in small numbers or amounts: And some of the new towns do look more like straggling villages than towns.

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what call

2023年02月18日 | 英単語
川端康成の "雪国" を読んでいます。

'She's always liked to sing in the bath.'
'She said very seriously that I must be good to you.'
'Isn't she foolish, though? But you didn't have to tell me.'
'Tell you? Why is it that you always seem so touchy when that girl is mentioned?'
'Would you like to have her?'
'See? What call is there for a remark like that?'
'I'm not joking. Whenever I look at her, I feel as though I have a heavy load and can't get rid of it. Somehow I always feel that way. If......'

"What call" は何か問い詰めている感じがしますね。 この "call" の意味を調べます。 "no call" で使われる場合の意味と同じだと思います。

・Collins Dictionary: If you say that there is no call for someone to behave in a particular way, you are criticizing their behaviour, usually because you think it is rude.[disapproval]: There was no call for him to single you out from all the others.
・Macmillan Dictionary: used for saying that you think someone is behaving in an unreasonable or rude way: There’s no call for sarcasm!
・Wiktionary: (in negative constructions) Need; necessity.: There's no call for that kind of bad language!
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