English Collection



2024年10月13日 | 英単語
Okakura Kakuzoの "The Book of Tea" を読んでいます。今日取り上げる単語は "The Tea Room" の章からの引用です。

In the tea-room the fear of repetition is a constant presence. The various objects for the decoration of a room should be so selected that no colour or design shall be repeated. If you have a living flower, a painting of flowers is not allowable. If you are using a round kettle, the water pitcher should be angular. A cup with a black glaze should not be associated with a tea-caddy of black lacquer. In placing a vase of an incense burner on the tokonoma, care should be taken not to put it in the exact centre, lest it divide the space into equal halves. The pillar of the tokonoma should be of a different kind of wood from the other pillars, in order to break any suggestion of monotony in the room.

"tea-caddy" でゴルフのキャディさんからの連想でテレビで見たことのあるカラクリ人形のお茶運びを思い起しました。"caddy" の説明を辞書で見ました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (also tea caddy) a small box with a lid (= cover) that you keep tea in
・Collins Dictionary: (British) a small container, esp for tea, (American) a container, rack, or other device for holding, organizing, or storing items: a pencil caddy; a bedspread caddy

ゴルフのキャディは "caddy" とも綴られますが、"caddie" と綴られることの方が多いようです。
(in golf) a person who helps a player during a game by carrying their clubs and equipment, and by giving advice (also caddy)

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caddy (Bane)
2024-10-23 09:43:15
Reader's Digest 9月号のWORD POWER (単語クイズ)の内1問が "caddy" でした。
答えは "tea chest" で、次の例文がありました。
Tea was once considered so valuable that it was kept in locked caddies.

