

沢山の人が私の山口敬之さんを紹介するブログを見ているが…。See so many people my blog of introduce Takayuki Yamaguchi

2017年05月29日 22時10分18秒 | マスゴミによる日本経済破綻計画阻止委員会

See so many people my blog of introduce Takayuki Yamaguchi but It is possible of North korea conspiracy.



Some weeks before I wrote a fiction about black telephone(top of northkorea),then heavy access from some bodies ,some of them serching with a word "Asshole such bugs",then I rearize this is Atack from north korea or some bodies so forth.I think so.


But after that, They may recognize that My analyze is not abusured from no reason.


Aweful access is gone away,but today's blog access about Takayuki Yamaguchi is close to 60 access,so I wonder what is going now?


Perhaps people in japan need to have reliable infomation from belivable person.


That is not existing media oh! no no ! I should express it in another word "motal mass-gomi"


In short,It's not undergoing "motal mass-gomi" but infomation from "Takayuki Yamaguchi".That's all.


As long as I see, there is hardly real infomation.Story teller should have a right and dignity.But Undeergoing mass-gomi have no piece of reality.


Obeying Fuchina R4(so called renho),pour no confident ad hoc excuse,and tell all japanese that All japanese believe this vargue and empty doubtful uttering as the real.


It's totally No way,no way to accept,Never contempt us all japanese such a fool like Left hand bugs.Get away this trivial disgusting bugs or Jerk!


I'm not Osaka!But I dare say!It never have the right be called as you,these are bug!,mass-gomi bug!Never say more,If it weeping something then,I dare insert its anal with my hand and go through to its mouse and make them move like pappet souds like "gatta gatta"!


It son of a bitch no! no! It is the neusea Larva of R4!


I hope it help studying your plactical Lambasting mass-gomi English.

今回のスカッドの打ち上げに関しての感想を述べます。(I express my view of purpose about missile lunching.)今回から一応英語を入れてみようかな?

2017年05月29日 20時55分18秒 | マスゴミによる日本経済破綻計画阻止委員会


May be they have a lot of scoud missile.


But it can't keep aborting surplus missle,because their existance shows arsenal of missile is close here.So they oblige to get misslie dismantle or explode into pieces.


Diffinitely north korea's acitivity always undergoes under trees or within long cave.


North korea manage to hide these regular missile with all means,after Marth 12th and North pole star 2nd is on the way to plactical use.


And they are bothered by finding a way of processing old surplus missles.I'm afraid.


Basically Mass-gomis is always satisfied with lefting country instabilyzed.So they tend to pour their trivial useless wasting effort to accomplish that situation.


It's long absense of useing English,So I feel head ache a little.