

誰が罠死ん盗や捨罠盗、狂惨盗、汚挫割を支持するんだ?Who support Nasty Political Party MINSHIN,SHAMIN,etc

2017年05月30日 20時01分15秒 | マスゴミによる日本経済破綻計画阻止委員会


What is Letf side alike?Answer:All Activity and Group who disgrase its nationalized country.


I want to hear shii(:chairman of communist party)'s judgement of these undergoing situation.Is this a sane?or crazy?


I also want left side Member of Parliament or prefecture president KOIKE to hear samething.


But Koike's Sick state of Dementia progress into phase two,so her fase mascle seems to collapse to impossible frame up with make up.


Half of MINSHIN's tokyo prefectual parliament run away into TOMIN-FAST(:leader KOIKE the Dementia).


But as far as I see,What KOIKE the Dementia do is Wait wait wait and Hear hear hear opinion of capitol people.And She keep somehow distance to decision which has possibility critisized.


General Active Japanese who is free from Impression operation,understand "Tomin Fast" means "Election First",Basically Koike the Dementia only postpone like paku-kune former president of Fuck-korea Important Decision President of Capital must do,Gradually unvailed unfair attitude that she keep hostage as TokyoOlinpic and transfar to Toyosu.


It's always seed of bothering for Japan Captal Politics.Every time Election choose lacked property peason as president.


As the case of course,Koike play same part, and make all capital people face koike-made Crisis which formerly no one face.


This is a tipical dificency of democracy.

美人局(つつもたせ)の最たるもの。山口氏を貶めて共謀罪審議を止めろ?This is the tipical badger game.And Stop diet deliberations

2017年05月30日 16時01分49秒 | マスゴミによる日本経済破綻計画阻止委員会


Some one believe this bug in sane?This bug take pubulic people in its secret.On this behaver,Most of the people recognize she is crazy or suffer a psychologic disorder.


Such sort of method(badger game) is rare thing in America or Europe.Espesially in france,such a affair is private life porblem.Even in the paparatch heaven:England,its bug diffinitely is recognized as Fool,or Crazy, or professional prostitution.


Purpose of this Action must distrub diet deliveration now undergoing.But personal sex scandal,and he is not goverment official,only Jounalist moreover free,not having any political power or influence at all.


And it say itself as journalist,but no one believe this bug have enough intelligence,or ethic,or prudence.Only one thing all people in the world agree is this female tipical an intimidator stop and distort legal diet deliberation in exchange to its dirty and obscene bottom affair now famouse for second handed public lavatory.


Most of people totally are fed up with that,but further more this tirivial obscene bad scandal is possively "MINSHINTO"'s conspyracy.


Everybody totaly feel nusty of only R4's nationality problem,and in addition,This bug prostitusion's Uttering.


And Increadible thing to all people in the world except concern of "MINSHINTO",they do believe this farce as goreat achivement!


Oh my Gurdian Spirit!What should do for anihiriate them at all?