文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Why are "pro-Japanese forces" here subject to liquidation?

2016年12月01日 22時49分31秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Dangerous thought method penetrates each world
Why are "pro-Japanese forces" here subject to liquidation?
It is a secret that the extreme left is exerting its power in Korea.
Although I have repeatedly insisted, the main reason why Korea became funny is because of the self-destructive historical view based on the pro-North Korea nationalism which spread rapidly in the 1980s.
Professor Lee Young-hoon of Seoul National University summarizes its historical view as follows.
"Joseon with a beautiful culture like to jewels received the invasion of Japan, which is a robbery, since then the era of pro-Japanese groups, the rebels of ethnic groups, won major giants. It was a case that one occupying force, America The subsequent Syngman Rhee administration, and also the Park Chung-hee administration of the 1960s and c. In the pro-Japan group changed its appearance to pro-USA Sadaejuui. Ethnic division and tragic Korean war. 1970s, was the history of rebellion they controlled. Even though it did economic development, it lost our heart. Justice has been defeated in history like this in the past. "
President Park, the Seenori party, and the conservative newspapers such as Chosun Ilbo are all pro-USA Sadaejuui whose pro-Japanese groups have changed their appearance, so they should be liquidated, saying, dangerous thought method, still penetrates deeply into each strata Of Korea.

That is why the Park administration had no choice but to use "a powerful medicine" - the historical textbook 's nationalization revival - to correct distorted historical views.
"Liberal democracy", President to protect
It is believed that President Park gave a discourse at this timing as a background to the sense of crisis for the extreme leftists to be in power.
After making a deep apology to the fact that the person, but after expressing that she did not pursue private interests or hold her heart, she said, "I am concerned about the problem of retreat including the shortening of the I will leave it in the ruling and opposition parties discuss and minimize the turmoil and blanks of national affairs and show a plan to steadily transfer the regime, I will withdraw from the Presidential position according to the schedule and the order of the law "it was.
Opposition leaders, on the other hand, revealed that they are "unacceptable" and that they will carry out impeachment prosecution as planned.
However, opposition parties alone will not reach 200 people required for impeachment prosecution.
Non-Park-type ruling party members must agree more than 28 people.
About fifty lawmakers who were supposed to agree with impeachment prosecution before the discourse are now being pressed for serious decisions.
Conservatives conducting a demonstration "Protecting the Park administration" are urging non-Park members to reconsider themselves, saying that conducting impeachment prosecution without investigating the truth leads to self-destruction of conservative forces, before Park discourse it was.
The expression "retreat according to the order of the law" in Park's discourse means that in order to revise the Constitution and shorten the term of office,
Some argue that the ruling party should move for that purpose.
Before the discourse, President Park's approval rating was 4%, but opposition against impeachment was 20%.
This layer is all conservative.
Ruling party lawmakers will criticize the scandal but return to the park may it establish a healthy next presidential candidate to protect the liberal democracy regime.

Did you gather with a candle to bring down President Park only?

2016年12月01日 22時18分00秒 | 日記

Prove perfectly that the Asahi Shimbun's comfort women's coverage is a lie, Professor Tsutomu Nishioka of Tokyo Christian University, who had already published papers in the monthly magazine in the 1990s, in this chapter, I introduce the paper of him which published today's Sankei Shimbun "Theory". 

I am convinced that the country should give him the greatest merit award as far as it is given as a human who has kept the honor and truth of past, present and future Japan and the Japanese people.

If you know enemies and you know yourself 100 choices will not be dangerous. (know your enemy、know thyself、and you shall not fear a hundred battles)

People who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun actually do not know anything about Korea's reality. The Asahi Shimbun will not notify. Not only the Asahi Newspaper but also the Mainichi Shimbun will be similar.

Until two years ago August, the fact that the Asahi Shimbun dominated Japan is as described above.

Similarly to the Asahi Shimbun editorial, it has been proved.

That is why Japan has been treated as good for Korea.

If you read the following Mr. Nishioka's article, all of the subscribers should know perfectly that the Asahi Shimbun is a newspaper that kept the realities of South Korea concealed.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

Maintaining the Conservative policy of Park is the key

President Park Geun Hye of Korea announced a discourse suggesting her resignation on the way.

However, the anti-park demonstration leader and the opposition party, it is said that we will continue the exercise and impeachment prosecution calling for resignation from her public, and the turmoil of the political Situation continues.

Aiming for "revolution", pro-North Korea Extreme Left Faction

In the main column of November 23, I am pointed out that the mastermind of the anti - Park demo is pro - North Korea Extreme Left Faction, and they deny Korea 's liberal democracy regime, not the Choi Soon-sil scandal, it is aiming for a " Revolution "and that the opposition party is also piggybacking on its power.

The alliance of the Korea-US alliance, the deployment decision of high altitude defense missiles (THAAD), the dissolution of the extreme left party aiming for a violent revolution, The correction of left textbooks, the efforts to liberalize North Korea Whether it is possible to create a next conservative government to separate president Park’s scandal and to inherit the former.

It still does not know the result.

If it fails, the whole peninsula will fall into the hands of anti-Japanese forces with nuclear, even the worst case scenario is assumed.

First of all, I will introduce that leaders of the opposition party are repeating extreme remarks aiming for "revolution" during this time.

At the anti-Park demonstration on November 26, according to Moon Jae-in, a candidate for the next opponent presidential candidate who currently has a high support rate.

"We will make a campaign calling for a nationwide recession with the people until the president declares unnecessary resignation." Beyond the president's retirement, we must change the times and change the fundamentals of the nation at once.

Park Won - soon, Mayor of Seoul, one of the leading opposition candidates, made the following extreme remarks.

"Did you gather with a candle to bring down President Park only? A group of people who were privileged corruption, the pro-Japan forces, the forces against the president Park (Originally it was supposed to be Park President, looking at public opinion, a non-Park-type ruling party member who betrayed the President, and Conservative newspaper, Etc.), the Señori party (ruling party), trying to liquidate the political and economic coalition forces at once, I wonder if we gathered together. I cannot be satisfied just by President Park retiring. We must make a country in the new world."

This draft continues.


2016年12月01日 21時16分46秒 | 日記








































L'éducation coréenne commence par l'impression que le peuple

2016年12月01日 13時47分28秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Le magazine mensuel HANADA a publié ce mois-ci un fait qu'il a prouvé 100% exactitude de mon éditorial que j'ai mentionné que la réalité de la Corée est un état de fascisme.

Ce qui suit est tiré du document publié à HANADA ce mois-ci, M. Muroya Katsumi qui est le principal expert coréen au Japon, le cœur de Park et Choi Gate, la théorie coréenne des relations humaines.

L'accent mis dans les phrases autres que le titre et * ~ * sont moi.

Le préambule est omis.

"Culture de classement de style coréen"

Les humains anticipent l'avenir de la situation par leurs propres expériences, et pensent par eux-mêmes «pensent comme ça», souvent d'autres pensent «qu'ils pensent ainsi». C'est la «projection» en psychologie.

L'éducation coréenne commence par l'impression que le peuple coréen est le meilleur dans le monde.

* Je savais ce fait pour la première fois, mais en même temps, mon éditorial, la condition actuelle de la Corée est une nation du fascisme, a été prouvé à 100% correct. *

Donc quel que soit le coréen va être, il est facile de se rappeler que "Si nous sommes la meilleure tribu du monde, nous pensons comme ça" qui se passe même dans ce pays.


«Si nous traitons avec des prostituées qui ont triché et apporté comme ça», et c'est pourquoi ils sont sortis comme «japonais aurait dû traiter comme ça», il est «Conforter confort femmes étaient esclaves sexuels» (l'instigateur de cette histoire est japonaise) .


Ce projet se poursuit.

educazione coreano inizia con imprinting che la gente coreani sono i migliori al mondo

2016年12月01日 13時46分57秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Il Hanada mensile rivista di questo mese ha pubblicato un dato di fatto che si è rivelato il 100% la correttezza del mio editoriale che ho detto che la realtà della Corea è uno stato il fascismo.

Quello che segue è dal documento pubblicato nel Hanada questo mese, il signor Muroya Katsumi che è l'esperto leader coreano in Giappone, il nucleo di Park e Choi Gate, teoria delle relazioni umane coreano.

L'accento nelle frasi diverse dal titolo e * ~ * me sono.

Il preambolo è omesso.

"Cultura classifica in stile coreano"

Gli esseri umani anticipano il futuro della situazione attraverso le proprie esperienze, e pensare per se stessi "pensare in questo modo", spesso pensano gli altri "che pensano così". Si tratta di "proiezione" in psicologia.

educazione coreano inizia con imprinting che la gente coreani sono i migliori al mondo.

* Sapevo che questo fatto per la prima volta, ma, allo stesso tempo, il mio editoriale, reale condizione della Corea è una nazione il fascismo, è stato dimostrato di essere corretta al 100%. *

Quindi, qualunque sia il coreano sta per essere, è facile da ricordare che "se siamo meglio tribù del mondo pensiamo così" ciò accade anche in quel paese.


"Se abbiamo a che fare con le prostitute che hanno truffato e portato come questo", e questo è il motivo per cui sono venuti fuori come "giapponese dovrebbe hanno trattato in questo modo", si tratta di "donne di conforto Consolatore erano schiave del sesso" (l'istigatore di questa storia è giapponese) .


Questo progetto continua.

La educación coreana comienza con la impresión

2016年12月01日 13時46分25秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

La revista mensual HANADA de este mes publicó un hecho que demostró ser 100% correcto de mi editorial que mencioné que la realidad de Corea es un estado de fascismo.

El siguiente es del artículo publicado en HANADA este mes, el Sr. Muroya Katsumi, el principal experto coreano en Japón, el núcleo de Park y Choi Gate, la teoría coreana de las relaciones humanas.

El énfasis en oraciones que no sea el encabezado y * ~ * soy yo.

Se omite el preámbulo.

"Cultura de clasificación de estilo coreano"

Los humanos anticipan el futuro de la situación a través de sus propias experiencias, y piensan por sí mismos "piensan así", a menudo otros piensan que "ellos piensan así". Es "proyección" en psicología.

La educación coreana comienza con la impresión de que el pueblo coreano es el mejor del mundo.

* Sabía este hecho por primera vez, pero al mismo tiempo, mi editorial, la condición actual de Corea es una nación del fascismo, se demostró que era 100% correcta. *

Así que cualquiera que sea el coreano va a ser, es fácil recordar que "si somos la mejor tribu del mundo pensamos así" que sucede incluso en ese país.


"Si estamos tratando con prostitutas que engañaron y trajeron de esta manera", y es por eso que salieron como "japonés debería haber tratado como este", es "Consolador confort mujeres eran esclavas sexuales" (el instigador de esta historia es japonés) .


Este proyecto continúa.

Die koreanische Erziehung beginnt mit dem Eindruck

2016年12月01日 13時45分50秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorigen Kapitels.

Die monatliche Zeitschrift HANADA in diesem Monat veröffentlichte eine Tatsache, dass es 100% Korrektheit meines Leitartikels erwies, dass ich erwähnte, dass die koreanische Realität ein Faschismusstaat ist.

Das folgende ist aus dem Papier in HANADA veröffentlicht in diesem Monat, Herr Muroya Katsumi, der führende koreanische Experte in Japan, der Kern des Parks und Choi-Tor, koreanische Theorie der menschlichen Beziehungen.

Hervorhebung in Sätzen außer der Überschrift und * ~ * sind mir.

Die Präambel wird weggelassen.


Die Menschen erwarten die Zukunft der Situation durch ihre eigenen Erfahrungen und denken für sich selbst "denken so", oft denken andere "sie denken so". Es ist "Projektion" in der Psychologie.

Die koreanische Erziehung beginnt mit dem Eindruck, dass die koreanischen Menschen die besten der Welt sind.

* Ich wusste, diese Tatsache zum ersten Mal, aber zur gleichen Zeit, meine redaktionelle, Koreas tatsächlichen Zustand ist eine Faschismus-Nation, erwies sich als 100% korrekt. aufrechtzuerhalten.

So was auch immer der Koreaner sein wird, ist es einfach, sich zu erinnern, dass ", wenn wir der beste Stamm der Welt sind, den wir so denken", der sogar in diesem Land geschieht.


"Wenn wir es mit Prostituierten zu tun haben, die so betrogen und geholt haben", und das ist, warum sie herauskamen, wie "Japaner so behandelt haben sollte", es ist "Komödienkomfort Frauen waren Sex-Sklaven" (der Anstifter dieser Geschichte ist Japanisch) .


Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.

A educação coreana começa com a impressão de que os coreanos são os melhores do mundo

2016年12月01日 13時45分19秒 | 日記

A seguir está a continuação do capítulo anterior.

A revista mensal HANADA deste mês publicou um fato que provou ser 100% correto do meu editorial que eu mencionei que a realidade da Coréia é um estado de fascismo.

O seguinte é do papel publicado em HANADA este mês, Sr. Muroya Katsumi que é o perito coreano principal em Japão, o núcleo do parque e da porta de Choi, teoria coreana das relações humanas.

Ênfase em frases além da manchete e * ~ * são mim.

O preâmbulo é omitido.

"Coreano-estilo ranking cultura"

Os seres humanos antecipam o futuro da situação através de suas próprias experiências, e pensam por si mesmos "pensam assim", muitas vezes outros pensam "eles pensam assim". É "projeção" na psicologia.

A educação coreana começa com a impressão de que os coreanos são os melhores do mundo.

* Eu sabia este fato pela primeira vez, mas ao mesmo tempo, o meu editorial, a condição atual da Coréia é uma nação do fascismo, foi provado ser 100% correto. *

Então, seja qual for o coreano vai ser, é fácil lembrar que "se nós somos a melhor tribo do mundo que pensamos assim" que acontece mesmo naquele país.


"Se estamos lidando com prostitutas que traiu e trouxe assim", e é por isso que eles saíram como "japonês deveria ter tratado como este", é "Consolador conforto mulheres eram escravas sexuais" (o instigador desta história é japonês) .


Este projecto continua.


2016年12月01日 13時44分50秒 | 日記



以下是從本月在HANADA發表的論文,Muroya Katsumi先生,他是日本領先的韓國專家,Park and Choi Gate的核心,韓國人際關係理論。






*我第一次知道這個事實,但與此同時,我的編輯,韓國的實際情況是一個法西斯主義國家,被證明是100%正確。 *:



“如果我們和那些欺騙和帶來這樣的妓女打交道”,這就是為什麼他們出來的“日本人應該這樣對待”,它是“棉被安慰婦女是性奴隸”(這個故事的發起者是日本人) 。




2016年12月01日 13時44分21秒 | 日記



以下是从本月在HANADA发表的论文,Muroya Katsumi先生,他是日本领先的韩国专家,Park and Choi Gate的核心,韩国人际关系理论。






*我第一次知道这个事实,但与此同时,我的编辑,韩国的实际情况是一个法西斯主义国家,被证明是100%正确。 *:



“如果我们和那些欺骗和带来这样的妓女打交道”,这就是为什么他们出来的“日本人应该这样对待”,它是“棉被安慰妇女是性奴隶”(这个故事的发起者是日本人) 。



세계에서 한국인이

2016年12月01日 13時43分46秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.

이번 달 한나라 잡지는 한국의 현실이 파시즘 국가라고 언급하면서 사설의 정확성을 100 % 입증했다는 사실을 발표했다.

다음은 이번 달한다 (HANADA)에서 발표 한 논문에서 한국의 인간 관계 이론 인 박지문 (Park and Choi Gate)의 핵심 인 일본의 한국 전문가 인 Muroya Katsumi 씨입니다.

표제 및 * ~ * 이외의 문장을 강조하는 것은 나입니다.

서문은 생략되었습니다.

"한국식 순위 문화"

인간은 자신의 경험을 통해 상황의 미래를 예견하고 자신이 "이렇게 생각하라"고 생각하며 종종 다른 사람들은 "그렇게 생각한다"고 생각합니다. 그것은 심리학에서의 "투사"입니다.

한국인 교육은 세계에서 한국인이 최고라고 각인하는 것으로 시작됩니다.

* 나는이 사실을 처음 알았지 만, 동시에 한국의 실제 사상은 파시즘 국가이며, 100 % 정확함이 입증되었다. *

한국인이 무엇이든, "우리가 세계에서 가장 훌륭한 종족이라면 우리는 이같은 생각을한다"라는 것을 기억하기 쉽습니다.


"우리가 사기 낀 여성 매춘부를 다루는 경우"이런 식으로 "일본인은 이런 식으로 취급해야합니다"라는 이유로 나왔다. "위안부 여성은 성 노예였다"(이 이야기의 선동자는 일본어이다) .


이 초안은 계속됩니다.

образование начинается

2016年12月01日 13時43分13秒 | 日記

Следующее является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Ежемесячный журнал Ханада в этом месяце опубликовал тот факт, что она оказалась на 100% правильность моей редакционной статье, что я говорил, что реальность Кореи является государственным фашизму.

Ниже приводится из статьи, опубликованной в Ханада в этом месяце, г-н Muroya Катсуми, который является ведущим специалистом Кореи в Японии, ядро парка и Choi ворота корейской теории человеческих отношений.

Особое внимание в других, чем заголовок предложений и * ~ * это я.

В преамбуле опущено.

"Культура рейтинга в корейском стиле"

Люди предвидеть будущее ситуации через свой собственный опыт, и думаю, что для себя "думать, как это", часто думают другие "они так думают". Это "проекция" в психологии.

Корейский образование начинается с запечатления, что корейский народ являются лучшими в мире.

* Я знал этот факт в первый раз, но в то же время, моя редакционная, фактическое состояние Кореи является фашизм нации, была доказана на 100% правильно. *

Так что все, что корейский будет, то легко вспомнить, что «Если мы хотим лучшего племени в мире мы думаем, как это", что происходит даже в этой стране.


"Если мы имеем дело с проститутками, которые обманули и привезли, как это", и именно поэтому они вышли как "японский следовало бы относиться как это", это "Утешитель комфорт женщины были секс-рабынями" (зачинщик этой истории на японском языке) ,


Этот проект продолжается.

educația coreeană începe cu amprentare că oamenii coreene sunt cele mai bune din lume

2016年12月01日 13時42分46秒 | 日記

Următoarele este continuarea capitolului anterior.

lunar Hanada revista luna aceasta a publicat un fapt care sa dovedit a fi de 100% corectitudinea editorial mea că am menționat că realitatea Coreea este un stat fascismului.

Următoarele este din lucrare publicată în Hanada luna aceasta, dl Muroya Katsumi, care este cel mai important expert coreean în Japonia, nucleul Park și Choi Gate, teoria relațiilor umane coreeană.

Se pune accentul în alte zone decât titlul și fraze * ~ * sunt eu.

Preambulul este omis.

"Cultura clasament în stil coreean"

Oamenii anticipează viitorul situației prin propriile lor experiențe, și cred că pentru ei înșiși ", cred ca aceasta", de multe ori alții cred că "ei cred". Este "proiecție" în psihologie.

educația coreeană începe cu amprentare că oamenii coreene sunt cele mai bune din lume.

* Am știut acest lucru pentru prima dată, dar în același timp, editorial mea, starea actuală Coreea este o națiune fascismului, s-a dovedit a fi de 100% corecte. *

Așa că orice coreean va fi, este ușor să ne amintim că "Dacă suntem cel mai bine trib din lume credem ca acest lucru", ceea ce se întâmplă chiar și în această țară.


"În cazul în care avem de-a face cu prostituate care trisat si a adus ca aceasta", și de aceea au venit ca "japoneză ar fi tratat ca acest lucru", este "femeile confort Mângâietor erau sclavi sexuali" (instigatorul această poveste este de origine japoneza) .


Acest proiect de continuă.

Korėjos švietimo prasideda spauda, kad korėjiečiai yra geriausias pasaulyje

2016年12月01日 13時42分15秒 | 日記

Toliau yra ankstesniame skyriuje tęsinys.

Mėnesio žurnalas HANADA šį mėnesį paskelbė, kad jis įrodė, 100% teisingi mano vedamajame, kad minėjau, kad Korėjos realybė yra fašizmas valstybė.

Taip yra iš šį mėnesį paskelbtoje HANADA popieriaus, p Muroya Katsumi kuris yra pirmaujanti Korėjos ekspertas Japonijoje, Park ir Choi vartai, Korėjos žmogiškųjų santykių teorijos esmė.

Dėmesys, išskyrus antraštę sakinių ir * ~ * yra man.

Preambulėje yra praleistas.

"Korėjos stiliaus reitingą kultūra"

Žmonės numatyti situacijos ateitį per savo patirtimi ir galvoti už save "galvoti, kaip ši", dažnai kiti galvoja ", jie taip manau". Tai "projekcija" psichologijos.

Korėjos švietimo prasideda spauda, kad korėjiečiai yra geriausias pasaulyje.

* Aš žinojau, šį faktą pirmą kartą, bet tuo pačiu metu, mano redakcijos, Korėjos tikrasis būklė yra fašizmas tauta buvo įrodyta, kad 100% teisinga,. *

Taigi nepriklausomai nuo korėjiečių bus, tai lengva prisiminti, kad "Jei mes esame geriausia pasaulyje gentį mes manome, kaip tai, kad" vyksta net toje šalyje.


"Jei mes susiduriame su prostitutėmis, kuris apgauti ir atnešė kaip šis", ir tai, kodėl jie išėjo kaip "japonų turėjo traktuojami kaip ši", tai yra "Globėjas komforto moterys sekso verges" (šio pasakojimo kurstytojas yra japonų) ,


toliau šiame projekte.

pendidikan Korea bermula dengan imprinting yang orang Korea adalah yang terbaik di dunia

2016年12月01日 13時41分47秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesinambungan daripada bab sebelumnya.

Majalah Hanada bulanan bulan ini menerbitkan satu hakikat bahawa ia terbukti 100% ketepatan editorial saya yang saya nyatakan bahawa realiti Korea adalah sebuah negara fasisme.

Berikut adalah dari kertas yang diterbitkan dalam Hanada bulan ini, Encik Muroya Katsumi yang pakar Korea iaitu di Jepun, teras Park dan Choi Gate, teori hubungan manusia Korea.

Penekanan dalam ayat selain daripada tajuk dan * ~ * adalah saya.

mukadimah ditinggalkan.

"Gaya Korea kedudukan budaya"

Manusia menjangka masa depan keadaan melalui pengalaman mereka sendiri, dan berfikir untuk diri mereka sendiri "berfikir seperti ini", sering orang lain berfikir "mereka fikir begitu". Ia adalah "unjuran" dalam bidang psikologi.

pendidikan Korea bermula dengan imprinting yang orang Korea adalah yang terbaik di dunia.

* Saya tahu fakta ini buat kali pertama, tetapi pada masa yang sama, editorial saya, keadaan sebenar Korea adalah sebuah negara fasisme, telah terbukti menjadi 100% betul. *

Jadi apa sahaja Korea akan menjadi, ia adalah mudah untuk ingat bahawa "Jika kita adalah puak yang terbaik di dunia kita berfikir seperti ini" yang berlaku walaupun di negara itu.


"Jika kita berhadapan dengan pelacur yang ditipu dan dibawa seperti ini", dan sebab itu mereka keluar sebagai "Jepun sepatutnya dilayan seperti ini", ia adalah "wanita Comforter keselesaan hamba seks" (penghasut cerita ini adalah Jepun) .


draf ini berterusan.