文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2016年12月08日 22時47分00秒 | 日記










近々、『崩壊 朝日新聞』という本が出る(WAC出版)、そのさわりの部分と長谷川煕さんインタビューを21日発売の『WiLL』2月号で22ページにわたって掲載しているので是非読んでいただきたい。







the dark emotions unfathomable of the Chinese who were fostered by anti-Japanese education

2016年12月08日 19時35分29秒 | 日記

Regarding Oxford University written in the previous chapter, it will inform you of the fact that subscribers such as Asahi Newspaper and viewers of television stations of their subsidiaries will not know forever, Yoshiko Sakurai taught us on the front page of Sankei Shimbun.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is an article that I submitted to the world on 2016-05-03 titled, The incomprehensible dark emotions of the Chinese who were fostered by anti-Japanese education and the tremendous harshness of the history battle arising from it.

The following is a continuation of Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai's work which was posted on the front page of the Sankei newspaper yesterday. * ~ * Is me.

Mr. Su said the testimony of 102 Chinese comfort women was recorded in the same book, 87 people said that Japanese army abducted "directly".

In the same book, comfort women as a whole are about 400,000 people, at least half of them are Chinese comfort women, accusations that the Japanese army kidnapped most of the Chinese comfort women by themselves is repeated.

He asks the responsibility of the Japanese involvement of the army and harsh treatment of women are characteristic of the Japanese army in China.

Mr. Su is also the head of China Comfort women’s research center at Shanghai University. Based on the statistics of the center, 75% of comfort women died in the Japanese army (impaired and died, the number is reported to be 300,000 people (75% of 400,000 people).

* In the tradition of unfathomable evil and plausible lie, the Communist Party's dictatorship saying white as black, adding black idea as white is the essence of what is essential, in the history an unparalleled Not only is it a liar state but also as a Chinese as wrote on the net, even if it is a Chinese of shameless, is it not embarrassing that a man with a scholar's title gave a lie like this? It is useless to go to such a thing for Mr. Su, but the problem would be scholars at the University of British Columbia, Hong Kong University and Oxford University. I guess they are Chinese scholars or scholars who are funded by China, that is, they are being piloted in China.*

Mr. Takahashi pointed out that coming women's research at the center and Mr. Takahashi pointed out that the Chinese government supports Mr. Su et al.'s fabricating of comfort women from behind.

China has pushed Japanese things such as convenient history recognition for them, and in earnest against Japan, they have launched attacks that borrowed names in the history they made up .

*Readers must remember here. It is my conception of Nobel Prize-grade that it is the idea discovered for the first time in the world, 70 years after the war, who continued putting Japan as a political prisoner in international society.*

*It is also clear in this paper that Mr. Sakurai, one of the masterminds of no more evil powers, is a one party dictator of the Communist Party of China.*

Are Japanese people, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recognize the dark emotions unfathomable of the Chinese who were fostered by anti-Japanese education and the tremendous harshness of the historic battle arising from it?

70 years after the war, who continued putting Japan as a political prisoner in international society

2016年12月08日 18時28分21秒 | 日記

Regarding Oxford University written in the previous chapter, it will inform you of the fact that subscribers such as Asahi Newspaper and viewers of television stations of their subsidiaries will not know forever, Yoshiko Sakurai taught us on the front page of Sankei Shimbun.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is an article that I submitted to the world on 2016-05-03 titled, The incomprehensible dark emotions of the Chinese who were fostered by anti-Japanese education and the tremendous harshness of the history battle arising from it.

The following is a continuation of Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai's work which was posted on the front page of the Sankei newspaper yesterday. * ~ * Is me.

Mr. Su said the testimony of 102 Chinese comfort women was recorded in the same book, 87 people said that Japanese army abducted "directly".

In the same book, comfort women as a whole are about 400,000 people, at least half of them are Chinese comfort women, accusations that the Japanese army kidnapped most of the Chinese comfort women by themselves is repeated.

He asks the responsibility of the Japanese involvement of the army and harsh treatment of women are characteristic of the Japanese army in China.

Mr. Su is also the head of China Comfort women’s research center at Shanghai University. Based on the statistics of the center, 75% of comfort women died in the Japanese army (impaired and died, the number is reported to be 300,000 people (75% of 400,000 people).

* In the tradition of unfathomable evil and plausible lie, the Communist Party's dictatorship saying white as black, adding black idea as white is the essence of what is essential, in the history an unparalleled Not only is it a liar state but also as a Chinese as wrote on the net, even if it is a Chinese of shameless, is it not embarrassing that a man with a scholar's title gave a lie like this? It is useless to go to such a thing for Mr. Su, but the problem would be scholars at the University of British Columbia, Hong Kong University and Oxford University. I guess they are Chinese scholars or scholars who are funded by China, that is, they are being piloted in China.*

Mr. Takahashi pointed out that coming women's research at the center and Mr. Takahashi pointed out that the Chinese government supports Mr. Su et al.'s fabricating of comfort women from behind.

China has pushed Japanese things such as convenient history recognition for them, and in earnest against Japan, they have launched attacks that borrowed names in the history they made up .

*Readers must remember here. It is my conception of Nobel Prize-grade that it is the idea discovered for the first time in the world, 70 years after the war, who continued putting Japan as a political prisoner in international society.*

It is also clear in this paper that Mr. Sakurai, one of the masterminds of no more evil powers, is a one party dictator of the Communist Party of China.

Are Japanese people, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recognize the dark emotions unfathomable of the Chinese who were fostered by anti-Japanese education and the tremendous harshness of the historic battle arising from it?

However the content is absurd, prestigious Oxford University is involved in the publication,

2016年12月08日 17時58分36秒 | 日記

The unrealistic nature of the story and indelible depiction represent well the spirituality of the Chinese who wrote it rather than the Japanese. It is an article that I sent to the world on 2016-05-03 titled.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai, which is on the left side of today's Sankei newspaper front page.

All of the Japanese citizens must devote deep gratitude to her work. She is the real one in the real thing. The light hits the truth hidden by the Asahi Shimbun and other hidden truths.

It can be said that her work is a work of an artist.Because she is the one who expresses the hidden truth and expresses it. The reader should know that I am doing the same work as her at all.

Emphasis on sentences and * ~ * are me.

To Foreign minister Kishida, Foreign Minister Wang Yi unsmilingly said in Beijing on April 30 th.

Sino-Japanese relations often fell into a valley, I think the Japanese side best understood the cause.

Mr. Kishida returned to Mr. Wang Yi, an irreverent claim that is equal to unilateral criticism against Japan, gently replying, It is undesirable that the traffic of foreign minors of both countries is unavailable.

There is no need to become high-handedly. But is it OK for Japan diplomacy to do this?

In May last year, China launched a joint committee with Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Netherlands, in order to register a comfort woman on the memory heritage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

They are staring at the Deadline of Filing Period of Claim for Review at the end of the month.

As Japan 's foreign minister, it should should give calmly Mr. Wang a warning to treat fairly with history issues such as comfort women.
Did Foreign Affairs bureaucrats tell Mr. Kishida the terrible content of "Testimonies from Chinese Comfort Women, Japanese Empire's Sex Slave" (UBC Press) that Professor Shiro Takahashi of Meisei University has warned from early?

It is believed to be the core of the application data that China submits to UNESCO, and has already been introduced by CNN and the Wall Street Journal.

The book is co-authored by Shanghai Normal University Professor Su Zhiliang et al.

The book is co-authored by Shanghai Normal University Professor Su Zhiliang et al, about 250 pages in English. It was published with the cooperation of British Columbia University of Canada, Hong Kong University, and Oxford University.

* The fact that university is in all parts of the world, whether it is indiscriminate by no means how it is indisputable whether it exists. But these universities must be a shame. *

However the content is absurd, prestigious Oxford University is involved in the publication, so it is easy to win the trust of the international community.

If you read it, it is as dark as you read the Coomaraswamy report.

The unrealistic nature of the story and indelible depiction representative well the spirituality of the Chinese who wrote it rather than the Japanese.

This draft continues.

C'est la théorie nucléaire de l'état intermédiaire du général Pierre Gallois

2016年12月08日 09時43分07秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Le préambule abréviation

En fait, la France, elle aussi, a abouti à la même conclusion à Charles de Gaulle et armée d'armes nucléaires.

"Il ne semble pas répliquer à l'URSS au sujet de l'Amérique qui sacrifie New York quand l'URSS attaque Paris, elle a 10 armes nucléaires par elle-même.

C'est la théorie nucléaire de l'état intermédiaire du général Pierre Gallois.

Il sera possible de dire un choix naturel en pensant au risque de dépendre du pays étranger dans la sécurité de l'Etat.

Cet article continue.

È la teoria nucleare dello stato livello intermedio del generale Pierre Gallois

2016年12月08日 09時42分39秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

L'abbreviazione preambolo

In realtà, anche la Francia, ha portato alla conclusione lo stesso di questo in tempi di Charles de Gaulle e dotato di armi nucleari.

"Non sembra di vendicarsi su URSS dell'America di sacrificare New York quando URSS attacca Parigi. Dispone di 10 armi nucleari da solo. Si cerca ancora una volta di Mosca se perdere."

È la teoria nucleare dello stato livello intermedio del generale Pierre Gallois.

Sarà possibile dire una scelta naturale, se il pensiero del rischio di a seconda del paese straniero in sicurezza dello Stato.

Questo articolo continua.

Es la teoría nuclear del estado de nivel intermedio del general Pierre Gallois

2016年12月08日 09時42分09秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

La abreviatura del preámbulo

En realidad, Francia, también, llevó a la conclusión de la misma que en los tiempos de Charles de Gaulle y armado con armas nucleares.

"No parece vengarse de la URSS por el sacrificio de Nueva York por parte de Estados Unidos cuando la URSS ataca a París, tiene 10 armas nucleares por sí misma y vuelve a intentar Moscú si pierde".

Es la teoría nuclear del estado de nivel intermedio del general Pierre Gallois.

Será posible decir una elección natural si se piensa en el riesgo de depender del país extranjero en la seguridad del Estado.

Este artículo continúa.

Es ist die Kerntheorie des Zwischenzustandes des General Pierre Gallois

2016年12月08日 09時41分39秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Die Präambel Abkürzung

Tatsächlich führte auch Frankreich zu dem in Charles de Gaulle Zeiten gleichen und mit Atomwaffen bewaffneten Abschluß.

"Es scheint nicht, dass die UdSSR über Amerikas Opfer von New York zu verachten, wenn die UdSSR greift Paris an, es hat 10 Atomwaffen allein, es versucht wieder, wenn Moskau zu verlieren."

Es ist die Kerntheorie des Zwischenzustandes des General Pierre Gallois.

Es wird möglich sein, eine natürliche Wahl zu sagen, wenn man an das Risiko der Abhängigkeit vom Ausland in der Staatssicherheit denkt.

Dieser Artikel geht weiter.

É a teoria nuclear do estado de nível intermediário do general Pierre Gallois

2016年12月08日 09時41分07秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

A abreviatura do preâmbulo

Na verdade, a França, também, levou à conclusão o mesmo como este no tempo de Charles de Gaulle e armado com armas nucleares.

"Não parece retaliar a URSS sobre os Estados Unidos sacrificar Nova York quando a URSS ataca Paris, tem 10 armas nucleares por si só e tenta novamente Moscou se perder".

É a teoria nuclear do estado de nível intermediário do general Pierre Gallois.

Será possível dizer uma escolha natural se pensar no risco de depender do país estrangeiro na segurança do Estado.

Este artigo continua.


2016年12月08日 09時40分41秒 | 日記









2016年12月08日 09時40分12秒 | 日記








그것은 Pierre Gallois

2016年12月08日 09時39分38秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장의 속편입니다.

서문 약어

실제로 프랑스도 찰스 드골 시간에 핵무기로 무장 한이 결론을 이끌었다.

"소련이 파리를 공격 할 때 미국이 뉴욕을 희생시키는 것에 대한 소련의 보복은 보이지 않는다 .10 개의 핵무기가있다.

그것은 Pierre Gallois 장군의 중간 수준 국가의 핵 이론이다.

국가 안보에 외국에 의존 할 위험을 생각한다면 자연스러운 선택이라고 말할 수있을 것입니다.

이 기사는 계속됩니다.

Это ядерная теория государства

2016年12月08日 09時39分05秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Преамбула аббревиатура

На самом деле, Франция тоже привело к выводу, так же, как это в Шарль де Голль времен и вооруженный ядерным оружием.

"Это, кажется, не мстить на СССР о Америки жертвуя Нью-Йорке, когда СССР нападает на Париж. Он имеет 10 ядерное оружие само по себе. Он пытается снова в Москве, если проигрывает."

Это ядерная теория государства промежуточного уровня общего Пьера GALLOIS.

Можно будет сказать, естественный выбор, если думать о риске в зависимости от иностранного государства в государственной безопасности.

Эта статья продолжается.

Este teoria nucleară a stării de nivel intermediar al generalului Pierre Gallois

2016年12月08日 09時38分38秒 | 日記

Următoarele este continuarea capitolului precedent.

Prescurtarea preambul

De fapt, Franța, de asemenea, a condus la concluzia la fel ca și acest lucru în vremuri Charles de Gaulle și înarmați cu arme nucleare.

"Nu pare să se răzbune pe URSS despre America sacrifica din New York, când URSS atacă din Paris. Are 10 de arme nucleare de la sine. Incearca din nou Moscova, în cazul în care pierde."

Este teoria nucleară a stării de nivel intermediar al generalului Pierre Gallois.

Va fi posibil să spunem o alegere naturală în cazul în gândire a riscului în funcție de țară străină în securitatea statului.

Acest articol continuă.

Tai branduolinė teorija tarpinio lygio valstybės Pierre GALLOIS generalinio

2016年12月08日 09時38分09秒 | 日記

Toliau yra ankstesniame skyriuje tęsinys.

Preambulėje santrumpa

Tiesą sakant, Prancūzija, taip pat prieita prie išvados, tas pats, kaip tai Šarlio de Golio laikais ir ginkluotų branduoliniais ginklais.

"Neatrodo, kad bausti nuo TSRS apie Amerikos aukoti Niujorke, kai TSRS puola Paryžių. Jis turi 10 branduolinių ginklų savaime. Jis vėl bando Maskvą, jei prarasti."

Tai branduolinė teorija tarpinio lygio valstybės Pierre GALLOIS apskritai.

Tai bus galima pasakyti, natūralus pasirinkimas, jei galvojate apie priklausomai nuo užsienio šalyje valstybinės saugumo rizika.

Šis straipsnis tęsiasi.