文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Anyone who really read Tolstoy should know why Lenin was able to make a communist revolution in

2016年12月18日 18時34分20秒 | 日記

Anyone who really read Tolstoy should know why Lenin was able to make a communist revolution in Russia.

There were serfs in Russia of those days. It was disastrous.

Knowing that the Korean Peninsula, one of the poorest countries in the world until Japan was consolidated, was a country that was infringed by Yangban, I kept writing, to be the world's first human being, all readers of keen-eyed know that.

It is the first person to tell the world that Yangban thought that servants were lifetime, their own subordinate, and that the woman born there was handled private property of Yangban as well.

So the Communist revolution was fulfilled. The communist revolution is fulfilled only in countries with extreme poverty or in countries where extreme poverty exists.

So the Communist revolution was fulfilled. The communist revolution is fulfilled only in countries with extreme poverty or in countries where extreme poverty exists.

In fact it is not an exaggeration to say that it is fulfilled only in countries where there were no philosophies or religions to see at the national level.

Even saying that it was made up of that degree of philosophy in the first place is not quite exaggeration at all.

Marxism? I cannot even read instinctively.

What I sensed, essentially, that he did not go to Germany, that he did not have a close affinity to the Germans was correct,

They are piloted by a reporter who has played in the Southern German newspaper (perhaps, one person ... it is not an exaggeration to say that it is no different from being manipulated by Hitler), about half of the German citizens are, of all things, it was obvious to the newspaper coverage of the poll result of the German opinion poll that it has anti-Japanese thought.

This draft continues.

I do not think I want to go even now. It is also almost the same as the reason why I do not want to

2016年12月18日 18時19分00秒 | 日記

Because Ozaki Hidemi was a human being who steeped in communism, it would have been easy for the Soviet Union to work.

It is natural that many Intelligentsia steeped in communism from the Taisho era to the Showa era.

I think I wrote it when it appeared inevitable, but as I mentioned earlier, I was reading the Ryunosuke Akutagawa for some reason why I was a high school student.

Among the causes of Akutagawa's suicide, when Lenin set up the Communist government in 1917, I also thought that he reacted excessively as a naive intellectual.

How about me? I am a man who had read “Anna Karenina" which is the world's best novel until now, "War and Peace", "Brothers of Karamazov" at a junior high school student hour, so that there was no possibility steeping in communism.

Besides, it is because instinctive feeling is not directed at all to Germany, and instinctive sense is suitable for Italy and France.

It is because the Germans had such feeling that they overlapped with too much serious parts of Japanese people.

So I went to Italy and Paris eight times, but I never went to Germany.

I do not think I want to go even now. It is also almost the same as the reason why I do not want to go to China or Korea.

This draft continues.

It was past 12 o'clock on Saturday, so it has been waiting for 40 minutes in the long line.

2016年12月18日 18時12分41秒 | 日記

Yesterday, I decided to have lunch with one of my favorite restaurants.

It was past 12 o'clock on Saturday, so it has been waiting for 40 minutes in the long line.

I am a human who does not eat for as long as 40 minutes.

I read the monthly magazine VOICE of this month and waited.

Even though I got to the seat, even though I was eating, I read while eating.

It was because useful papers were continuing.

I will write about the paper I was reading even at the table.

I was surprised that Editor of Shūkan Gendai was from the University of Tokyo, but I knew that he joined Kodansha, so I thought that I could understand it, so I read.

As saying that he stayed in Beijing for four years, the impressions of Chinese senior officials about Trump's winning were particularly useful papers.

However, I thought of the dangers inherent in humans like him.

Because it is an examination honor student, he is serious.

He try hard to find out about the partner country. He will try to tell.

But he does not have the eyes that I or Umesao Tadao has, or the core philosophy.

What is a Chinese person? What is the Communist Party of China? I felt that there was no fundamental elucidation or doubt about such things.

Humans like him will bring it, information such as the opinion of Chinese high officials is very useful. That is why I pray that he will carefully remember him.

This is because I think that if it is a superior belonging to the Information Council of the Chinese Communist Party, it is no doubt that it will be subject to information handling.

This draft continues.


2016年12月18日 17時54分56秒 | 日記



日本の防衛力3周遅れ 全ての攻撃、報告義務を











En d'autres termes, dans le monde même, la race humaine

2016年12月18日 17時50分14秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Le statut que les États-Unis ont oublié une petite providence de ce Dieu et que Asahi Shimbun et ainsi de suite dirigé le Japon est restauré et ils ne font pas le Japon à peu près fortement, mais dans l'état comme les choses comme être exploité par le pays comme la Corée et La Chine a frappé la marque,

Le monde devient un état dangereux, secouant comme si l'être humain comme Bokova qui a grandi dans la monocratie de parti du Parti communiste devient avec les Nations Unies dominées et nains Japon et continue à l'opprimer.

En d'autres termes, dans le monde lui-même, la race humaine n'existe pas si les États-Unis oublient pleinement et le Japon est entièrement dirigé par la personne passe-temps masochisme.

Quand les personnes qui, dans le monde entier, sont les mêmes que les soi-disant hommes de culture qui se rangent aux médias des Asahi et de la NHK et ainsi de suite, et qui doivent savoir que c'est la providence du Dieu, elle vient longtemps.

Cet article continue.

In altre parole, in sé mondo, il genere umano

2016年12月18日 17時49分41秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

Lo stato che gli Stati Uniti dimenticato un po 'provvidenza di questo Dio e che Asahi Shimbun e così via intestata Giappone viene ripristinato e non fanno Giappone circa fortemente, ma in stato di come le cose come l'essere gestito dal paese come la Corea e la Cina ha colpito nel segno,

Il mondo diventa lo stato pericoloso, tremando come ora se l'essere umano come Bokova, che è cresciuto nella monocracy partito del partito comunista diventa con i dominati Nazioni Unite e nani Giappone e continua ad opprimere esso.

In altre parole, di per sé mondo, la razza umana non esiste se gli Stati Uniti si dimentica completamente e in Giappone è completamente guidato dalla persona masochismo hobby.

Quando i soggetti che in tutto il mondo è uguale cosiddetti uomini di cultura che si schierano con i media della Asahi e NHK e così via e questo dovrebbe sapere che questa è la provvidenza di Dio, si tratta molto tempo fa.

Questo articolo continua.

En otras palabras, en el mundo mismo, la raza

2016年12月18日 17時49分06秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

El estatus de que Estados Unidos olvidó un poco la providencia de este Dios y que Asahi Shimbun y así sucesivamente encabezó Japón se restablece y no hacen a Japón con mucha fuerza pero en el estado como las cosas como ser operado por el país como Corea y China golpeó la marca,

El mundo se convierte en un estado peligroso, temblando como ahora si el ser humano como Bokova que creció en la monocracia del Partido Comunista se convierte en las Naciones Unidas dominadas y enanas al Japón y continúa oprimiéndolo.

En otras palabras, en el mundo mismo, la raza humana no existe si los EE. UU. Se olvidan completamente y Japón está encabezado por la persona aficionada al masoquismo.

Cuando las personas que en todo el mundo son iguales a los llamados hombres de la cultura que junto con los medios de comunicación de los Asahi y NHK y así sucesivamente y esto debe saber que esa es la providencia del Dios, viene hace mucho tiempo.

Este artículo continúa.

Mit anderen Worten, in der Welt selbst existiert

2016年12月18日 17時48分36秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Der Status, dass die USA vergaß eine kleine Vorsehung von diesem Gott und dass Asahi Shimbun und so weiter geleitet Japan ist wiederhergestellt und sie tun nicht Japan grob stark, aber es im Staat wie die Dinge wie die von dem Land wie Korea und China traf das Zeichen,

Die Welt wird gefährlich, zitternd wie jetzt, wenn der Mensch wie Bokova, der in der Parteimonokratie der Kommunistischen Partei aufwuchs, mit den dominierten Vereinten Nationen und Zwergen Japans aufwächst und sie weiterhin unterdrückt.

Mit anderen Worten, in der Welt selbst existiert die menschliche Rasse nicht, wenn die U.S. völlig vergisst und Japan vollständig von der Masochismus-Hobby-Person geleitet wird.

Wenn die Personen, die auf der ganzen Welt die gleichen sind wie die sogenannten Kulturmenschen, die mit den Medien der Asahi und der NHK und so weiter kommunizieren und dies wissen sollten, dass dies die Vorsehung des Gottes ist, so kommt es vor langer Zeit.

Dieser Artikel geht weiter.

Em outras palavras, no mundo em si, a raça

2016年12月18日 17時48分01秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

O status que os EUA esqueceram um pouco providência deste Deus e que Asahi Shimbun e assim por diante Japão foi restaurado e eles não fazem o Japão fortemente mas no estado como as coisas como ser operado pelo país como a Coréia e A China atingiu a marca,

O mundo torna-se um estado perigoso, agitando como agora se o ser humano como Bokova que cresceu na monocracia do Partido Comunista se torna com as Nações Unidas dominadas e anões Japão e continua a oprimi-lo.

Em outras palavras, no próprio mundo, a raça humana não existe se os EUA se esquecem completamente e o Japão é totalmente liderado pela pessoa do hobby masoquista.

Quando as pessoas que em todo o mundo é o mesmo que os chamados homens de cultura que lado com a mídia do Asahi e NHK e assim por diante e isso deve saber que essa é a providência do Deus, ele vem há muito tempo.

Este artigo continua.


2016年12月18日 17時47分33秒 | 日記


美國忘記了這個上帝和朝日新聞等領導日本的一點心意的地位被恢復了,他們不日本強烈地做日本,但在國家,像韓國這樣的國家經營, 中國上馬,






2016年12月18日 17時47分01秒 | 日記


美国忘记了这个上帝和朝日新闻等领导日本的一点心意的地位被恢复了,他们不日本强烈地做日本,但在国家,像韩国这样的国家经营, 中国上马,





미국 자체가 일본과

2016年12月18日 17時46分28秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장의 속편입니다.

미국이이 하느님의 섭리를 잊어 버리고 일본을 향한 아사히 신문 등이 복원되어 일본을 강하게하지는 않지만 한국과 같은 나라에서 운영되는 것과 같은 상태로 중국,

세계는 위험한 지위에있다. 공산당의 독족 정치에서 자란 보코 바와 같은 인간이 지배적 인 유엔과 결별하여 일본을 왜소하게 만들고 그것을 억압하는 것처럼 지금처럼 흔들리고있다.

다시 말해서, 세계 자체에서, 미국이 완전히 잊어 버리고 일본이 마조히즘 취미 인물에 의해 완전히 이끌린다면 인류는 존재하지 않는다.

아사히와 NHK 등 언론 매체와 어깨를 나란히하는 이른바 문화인들과 전 세계의 사람들이 동일 할 때 이것이 하나님의 섭리라는 것을 알아야 할 때가 오래되었습니다.

이 기사는 계속됩니다.


2016年12月18日 17時46分00秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Статус, что США забыли немного провидение этого Бога, и что Asahi Shimbun и так далее бланках Японии восстанавливается, и они не делают Японию примерно сильно, но она в состоянии, что и такие вещи, как эксплуатируется в стране, как Корея и Китай попал в точку,

Мир становится опасным статус, встряхивая, как сейчас, если человек, как Бокова, который вырос в партии единовластия Коммунистической партии становится с доминировала Организации Объединенных Наций и карлики Японии и продолжает угнетать его.

Другими словами, в самом мире, человеческая раса не существует, если США полностью забывает и Япония полностью возглавляет мазохизм хобби человека.

Когда человек, что во всем мире такой же, как так называемые деятелей культуры, которые бок со средствами массовой информации в Асахи и NHK и так далее, и это должны знать, что это провидение Бога, речь идет давно.

Эта статья продолжается.

Cu alte cuvinte, în lumea însăși, rasa umană

2016年12月18日 17時45分29秒 | 日記

Următoarele este continuarea capitolului precedent.

Statutul de faptul că SUA a uitat un pic mai providență a acestui Dumnezeu și că Asahi Shimbun și așa mai departe Japonia in frunte este restaurat și nu o fac Japonia aproximativ puternic, dar în stare ca lucrurile cum ar fi operat de țară precum Coreea și China a lovit marca,

Lumea devine o stare periculoasă, tremura ca acum în cazul în care ființa umană ca și Bokova, care a crescut în monocracy partid al Partidului Comunist devine cu dominat Națiunilor Unite și Japonia și pitici continuă să-l oprime.

Cu alte cuvinte, în lumea însăși, rasa umană nu există în cazul în care SUA a uitat complet și Japonia este pe deplin condusă de către persoana masochismului hobby-ul.

În cazul în care persoanele care toată lumea este la fel ca și așa-numiții oameni de cultură cu partea OMS mass-media a Asahi și NHK și așa mai departe și acest lucru trebuie să știe că aceasta este providenta lui Dumnezeu, vine mult timp în urmă.

Acest articol continuă.

Kitaip tariant, į pačios pasaulyje, žmonija

2016年12月18日 17時44分56秒 | 日記

Toliau yra ankstesniame skyriuje tęsinys.

Būsenos kad JAV pamiršo šiek apvaizdą šio Dievo, ir kad Asahi Shimbun ir taip ant firminio Japonijos atkurta ir jie neturi daryti Japoniją maždaug stipriai, tačiau ji į valstybės, kaip tokius dalykus, kaip valdo šalį kaip Korėjos ir Kinija nukentėjo ženklą,

Pasaulis tampa pavojinga būklė, drebulys, kaip dabar, jei žmogus kaip Bokova, kuri užaugo šalies vienvaldystė komunistų partijos tampa su dominavo Jungtinių Tautų ir nykštukai Japonija ir toliau jį engti.

Kitaip tariant, pats pasaulyje, žmonija neegzistuoja, jei JAV pamiršta visiškai ir Japonija yra pilnai vadovauja mazochizmas hobis asmeniui.

Kai asmenys, kurie visame pasaulyje yra tas pats kaip vadinamųjų vyrų kultūros Kas pusė su Asahi ir NHK ir pan žiniasklaidos ir tai turėtų žinoti, kad tai yra Dievo apvaizda, ji ateina seniai.

Šis straipsnis tęsiasi.