Keynes and Veblen, while grasping many aspects of the two economists who fought with the times, a book advocating sharp criticism to mass society.
Introduction to economic ethics Nishibe Susumu (Chuko-Bunko · 840 yen + tax)
Reviewer. Journalist Higashitani Satoshi Born in 1955, Yamagata Prefecture. After graduation Waseda the politics and economics department, to the magazine editor. He served as editor in chief of business magazines and magazine "Speakers" and since 1997 he works as a free journalist with a focus on economic and political fields. Book as "Glory and defeat of economists".
I decided to redo everything.
In the spring of 1983, I was thinking of changing jobs.
It was a pressing feeling that "I will change my life."
I was being in editing a magazine for the "Friends of the Fun" supervised by a museum, almost I was supposed to be cheap, I could have kept my pride, but my desire was "I cannot leave this as it is.”
When such an idiotic everyday continued casually in the shop of the bookstore I took a book called "Introduction to economic ethics."
The author is Nishibe Susumu, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, I knew the name but I was attracted by the chapter "Keynesian tombstone".
"Characterizing Keynes' policy practices, criticism activities and speculative activities is a blind burning of energy as if it is finding the meaning of supremacy in the continuity of activities"
When browsed this passage, I felt something opened as "Ah!”
While I was a student, I kept graduating from the political thought of the West European politics in the 1930’s, as a theme of graduation thesis, by the embarrassment of nihilism in this era, I was graduated with mercy without being written.
That was also a small heart scar.
Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo suggested that Keynes' economic thought, which seemed aggressive, was also immersed in nihilism.
Finding the meaning of supreme success in decisions is considered a feature of the thought of the 1930s, but Keynes, who was deemed a reliever of such a crisis era, is not immune to nihilism.
Rather, I felt like I was late for knowing that his economic thought was born from such fighting with the time spirit.
Eight months later I was looking for the next job by quitting my previous work.
Ordinarily, in the case of a career change he will retire after deciding the next position, but such a thing seemed to be false.
I thought that I could not encounter my original work without doing all over again.
If you think about it now that you are immersed in the continuity of activities is actually the pathology that people who lost the norm or purpose to date fall, so the first thing I should do is to rethink myself first Absent. However, I felt completely perverted, as if affirmation was given to leaving to new activities by reading "Introduction to economic ethics".
This book was a monumental work that disclosed the criticism of contemporary economics and criticism of mass society developed by Mr. Nishibe, for general readers.
It argues that there is no qualification for governing a nation and providing relief to people in economics that was confined to expertise, the sentences that cut into the deep psychology of the two heretic economists, Veblen and Keynes who tried to escape from there, it went on to foretell Mr. Nishibe's subsequent speech activity.
Although I read this book and made a selfish interpretation, the author Nishibe launches thought magazine ten years later, at that time, I could not imagine at all that it would be involved as a "helper".
And even though it was a reading material, there was no way to scrutinize the mind that writing a story of contemporary economists whose origin is Keynes.