文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

For men who are thoroughly fulfilled, playing meekness is the greatest mission, so recently,

2017年05月23日 23時50分43秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The news stations and news 23 you are watching are two broadcasting stations in oligopoly by six that many Japanese citizens are watching.

There seems to be few people like me who have noticed the suspiciousness from the first moment among viewers.

Japanese people ... ... in front of a very gentle and receptive people, a man pretending to be gentle appearance appearing in the title of Professor of Tokyo University.

For men who are thoroughly fulfilled, playing meekness is the greatest mission, so recently, he only talk about the meaning of this sentence is obscure.

It does not notice such a thing, it is really terrible to say that NHK is one of the stations that keeps making guests appear as guests, as a moderator from the University of Tokyo.

For example, Japanese citizens who made such a man the best-selling author,

It is completely controlled by such a country and its intelligence agency.

To say that the Asahi and the Mainichi are no longer an exaggeration to say that they are their nest,

Japan and the Japanese citizens have to be remorsefully reminded, knowing this and dismantling them as soon as possible.

This draft continues.

If you grow up in a peaceful country, your appearance will become warmer and become a gentlemanly

2017年05月23日 23時25分19秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Despite the defeat of Japan that became a thoroughly destroyed burning field, there were about 650,000 Korean Peninsula who selected Japan instead of the Korean Peninsula.

Needless to say their motherlands, they are Korean peninsula.

In a country that achieved the world's highest intellect and freedom called Japan, their descendants worked hard as students like the Japanese.

If you grow up in a peaceful country, your appearance will become warmer and become a gentlemanly appearance.

Many people advanced to Waseda and other universities.

People who think that the intelligence agencies of their mother country does not think that it has notice anything to them, is a human who has only the brains of kindergarten children.

As the most gentleman, the most highly educated ... ... It goes without saying that the title of Professor at Tokyo University is perfect.

Korea has been continuing anti-Japanese education since Syngman Rhee.

In other words, Japan is a hostile nation.

For North Korea, things are similar.

However, North Korea’s largest ideological work target was Korea, not Japan.

The monthly magazine tells that thoroughly.

Humans who grew up based on their ideological crafts are now controlling Korea's legal community.

Therefore, it is that it is a succession of ridiculous rulings.

It is needless to say that Japan is the biggest stage of ideological work.

The United States is the main battle ground of anti-Japanese propaganda,

It goes without saying that the main battlefield of thought and craft that has an important influence on the politics of the country is Japan.

This draft continues.

But now, never again such a kind of arrogance cannot be done in any country of evil.

2017年05月23日 22時54分05秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

"An abysmal evil", "a plausible lie" is the country, its truth in Korea, when Kim Dae Jung was out of office and was a famous anti-government politician in the US and Japan, he was staying at a Famous hotel in Tokyo in Japan, unashamedly in broad daylight, it is a kidnapped country.

Japan and Japanese citizens must know that Korea could do this for Japan because Japan was a weak country without nuclear weapons, no armies.

At that time, Kim Dae-jung was mostly active in the United States.

He dropped by chance in Japan.

It goes without saying that South Korea cannot do the same thing in the United States.

The intelligence agency still exists as a matter of fact and actively acts.

But now, never again such a kind of arrogance cannot be done in any country of evil.

Then, what do they do?

Is not it really easy?

Since the United States is still a country of free and lively discussion by scholars and controversialists, it is not easy to manipulate public opinion in the United States.

However, if the newspaper company I refer to is dominated by news reports and information, things are extremely simple.

This draft continues.

The foundation of originality lies in diversity, the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis.

2017年05月23日 22時38分25秒 | 日記

The following is from papers submitted to the world at 2015-09-20.

Once, Takahashi Kazumi said, "The foundation of originality lies in diversity, the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis."

I will clearly tell you Japan, the Japanese people and the world now.

This is all that Japan and the Japanese citizens.

Meanwhile, it was not, Korea and China ... (Taiwanese, as one of the most prominent scholars of the era about China, Ko Bunyu pointed out), there are no mountains without a pirate There Is no lake without a pirate ... I am sure that the fact that Ko Bunyu pointed out that Korea was a country of a gangster from ancient times is absolutely the truth.

Umesao Tadao, the world's best anthropologist born in Japan and a folklorist, was a counterpart to the scholars on the television in Japan now.

For several years, he lived in almost all provinces in China at that time, went from Pakistan to India, of course, also covered the Korean Peninsula, and carried out field work.

The conclusion was "an abysmal evil", "a plausible lie" country.

He was a true keen-eyed scholar who also concluded that Japan is not Asia.

This draft continues.


2017年05月23日 13時31分40秒 | 日記
















































2017年05月23日 12時56分26秒 | 日記



他们对美国和中国进行了精彩的对话,并于2017年1月31日从“Tokuma Shoten”发行。








2017年05月23日 12時55分16秒 | 日記



他們對美國和中國進行了精彩的對話,並於2017年1月31日從“Tokuma Shoten”發行。







It does not appear in the Japanese version at all.

2017年05月23日 11時29分19秒 | 日記

The following is an article which Yamanaka Tetsuhide introduced earlier contributed Agora to Oct. 7, 2016.

Even after the president apologized by the Asahi newspaper acknowledged the false reports due to a comfort women problem, but the Asahi continues to express expressions that recall "compulsory entrainment and sex slave" in the English version, I have pointed out in several speech magazines.

Specifically, in English articles on comfort women issue, regardless of content, "A comfort woman is the euphemistic name of women who have been forcibly made sexual intercourse by Japanese soldiers during World War II. Many of them were from the Korean Peninsula ", the sentence is inserted.

Even in an article telling that Sugiyama Foreign Affairs Council clearly denied compulsion entrainment or sexual slavery of comfort women at the United Nations, the above sentences are mechanically inserted.

It does not appear in the Japanese version at all.

In other words, it is an "addition operation" which adds only to the English version mechanically.

This draft continues.

Now, are all hegemonic acts that China is doing are "invasions"?

2017年05月23日 11時10分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Suppression of human rights / speech

In many literatures, efforts to approach the truth of history are important, but if people of the same age can obtain testimony, it is possible to draw a historical image that is still three-dimensional.

The significance of the oral history which Mr. Ito Takashi et al."

I would like to ask those who say "Japan's invasion".

Now, are all hegemonic acts that China is doing are "invasions"?

Tibet, Uyghur oppressed, extending tentacles to the Senkaku · Okinawa, Spratly Islands as steal, inside China, suppression of human rights · speech ... including abduction that seems to be an event of this century.

These are just invasions of the human spirit.

Before saying past invasion in sync with the propaganda of the opponent, "Is there an invasion there now" it is problem.

Mr. Akihiko Tatebayashi

Its heart is that China took what to take from Japan. And they say that China is now a big country.

2017年05月23日 10時11分26秒 | 日記

The following is an article sent to the world in 2016-02-03.

It will try to make Japan an "eternal sinner" in the international community.


The following is from the other day Sankei Shimbun.

Emphasis in the sentence is me.

In every case, China will bring out the "historical issue" of Japan that invoked "aggression war" and try to make Japan into an "eternal sinner" in the international community.

This is a quote from "The Inconvenient Truth of the Japan-China War" (Minor Kitamura / Lin Si Yun, PHP Bunko), but by reading this book you can see the outline and essence of the matter.

I would like to ask people who speak Japan's invasion

"President Mao will see you"

Suddenly they were said so, three people, Tanaka Kakuei, Ohira Masayoshi, Nikaido Susum, came to the press conference.

Mao Zedong's witty remark of "Is the fight already over?" Is this time.

There was a lot of things resembling mildness in the tension.

40 years since then! (Exactly 44 years).

It is a story that caught from a son among the three.

"While it was in the banquet that I visited China, as a member said," Friendship continued to this day since you told us that you do not forget the benefits of those who dug a well, it is a matter for congratulation that, but An unexpected word came back from a senior high official. "


"We are not drinking well water at this moment, it is mineral water!"

Well, how.

Old jacket, good bye....

That's why Farewell, "to hide one's talents, to bide one's time in obscurity and wait for the right opportunity".

Its heart is that China took what to take from Japan. And they say that China is now a big country.

This draft continues.

C'est une lecture incontournable pour tous

2017年05月23日 10時09分51秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki qui est le seul et unique journaliste du monde d'après-guerre et Kaori Fukushima qui est l'une des autorités des affaires chinoises à l'époque actuelle.

Kaori Fukushima est né dans la préfecture de Nara en 1967. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme de la Faculté de littérature de l'Université d'Osaka, a rejoint le siège social de Sankei Shimbun Company Osaka. Etude de langue à l'étranger à Shanghai · Université Fudan en 1998. En 2001, directeur de la succursale de Hong Kong, est resté à Pékin en tant que correspondant de la Direction générale de la Chine de 2002 à 2008. Après avoir quitté 2009, elle travaille comme journaliste libre. La politique, l'économie, la société, la culture, etc., est réputée pour des entretiens diversifiés.

Ils ont fait un excellent dialogue sur les États-Unis et la Chine et l'ont publié de Tokuma Shoten le 31 janvier 2017.

C'est une lecture incontournable pour tous les citoyens et personnes japonaises à travers le monde.

Je vais informer les gens autour du monde de leurs vrais mots.

Tous les citoyens japonais devraient se diriger immédiatement vers la librairie la plus proche.

En fait, comme pour les écrivains qui ne sont pas assez exagérés, même si on dit que c'est Ozaki Hotsumi qui existe au Japon maintenant,

Il sera douloureux de savoir que vous ne vous abonnez pas à des soi-disant érudits, soi-disant peuple culturel, soi-disant avocats des droits de l'homme et d'autres livres.

Ce projet se poursuit.

È un must per tutti i cittadini e le persone giapponesi in tutto il mondo.

2017年05月23日 10時09分20秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki che è l'unico giornalista nel mondo del dopoguerra e Kaori Fukushima, che è una delle autorità in materia cinese in età presente.

Kaori Fukushima è nato nella prefettura di Nara nel 1967. Dopo la laurea presso la Facoltà di Lettere dell'Università di Osaka, ha aderito alla sede sociale di Sankei Shimbun Osaka. Studio linguistico all'estero a Shanghai · Università Fudan nel 1998. Nel 2001 direttore di filiale di Hong Kong, ha soggiornato a Pechino come corrispondente della Direzione Generale della Cina dal 2002 al 2008. Dopo aver lasciato il 2009, lavora come giornalista gratuito. Politica, Economia, società, cultura e così via, ha una reputazione di interviste diversificate.

Hanno fatto un bel dialogo sugli Stati Uniti e la Cina e lo hanno pubblicato da Tokuma Shoten il 31 gennaio 2017.

È un must per tutti i cittadini e le persone giapponesi in tutto il mondo.

Informerò le persone di tutto il mondo sulle loro vere parole.

Tutti i cittadini giapponesi devono immediatamente andare alla libreria più vicina.

In realtà, per quanto riguarda gli scrittori che non sono abbastanza esagerati anche se dicono che è Ozaki Hotsumi che esiste già in Giappone,

Sarà doloroso sapere che non sei iscritto a cosiddetti studiosi, i cosiddetti popoli culturali, cosiddetti avvocati per i diritti umani e altri libri.

Questa bozza continua.

Es una lectura obligada para todos los ciudadanos japoneses y personas de todo el mundo.

2017年05月23日 10時08分49秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki, que es el único periodista en el mundo de la posguerra y Kaori Fukushima, que es una de las autoridades de los asuntos chinos en la actualidad.

Kaori Fukushima nació en la prefectura de Nara en 1967. Después de graduarse de la Facultad de Literatura de la Universidad de Osaka, se unió a la Sankei Shimbun Company Osaka sede. Curso de idiomas en el extranjero a Shanghai · Universidad de Fudan en 1998. En 2001 Hong Kong Director de la rama, se quedó en Beijing como corresponsal de la Dirección General de China de 2002 a 2008. Después de salir de 2009, trabaja como reportero libre. Política, Economía, sociedad, cultura y así sucesivamente, tiene una reputación de entrevistas diversificadas.

Hicieron un maravilloso diálogo sobre los Estados Unidos y China y lo publicaron de Tokuma Shoten el 31 de enero de 2017.

Es una lectura obligada para todos los ciudadanos japoneses y personas de todo el mundo.

Informaré a la gente de todo el mundo acerca de sus verdaderas palabras.

Todos los ciudadanos japoneses deben dirigirse inmediatamente a la librería más cercana.

En realidad, en cuanto a los escritores que no son muy exagerados, incluso si dicen que es Ozaki Hotsumi que existe en Japón ahora,

Será doloroso saber que usted no está suscribiendo a los llamados académicos, las llamadas personas culturales, los llamados abogados de derechos humanos y otros libros.

Este proyecto continúa.

Es ist ein Muss für alle japanischen Bürger und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu lesen.

2017年05月23日 10時08分17秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki, der der einzige Journalist in der Nachkriegswelt und Kaori Fukushima ist, der in der Zeit der Autorität der chinesischen Angelegenheiten gehört.

Kaori Fukushima wurde 1967 in der Präfektur Nara geboren. Nach dem Abitur an der Fakultät für Physik in Osaka trat er in die Sankei Shimbun Company Osaka. Sprachaufenthalt im Ausland nach Shanghai · Fudan Universität im Jahr 1998. Im Jahr 2001 hielt Hongkong Filialdirektor in Peking als Korrespondent der Generaldirektion China von 2002 bis 2008. Nach dem Verlassen 2009 arbeitet sie als freier Reporter. Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur und so weiter, hat es einen Ruf für diverse Interviews.

Sie machten einen wunderbaren Dialog über die Vereinigten Staaten und China und veröffentlichten sie von Tokuma Shoten am 31. Januar 2017.

Es ist ein Muss für alle japanischen Bürger und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu lesen.

Ich werde die Leute um die Welt über ihre wahren Worte informieren.

Alle japanischen Bürger sollten sofort zur nächstgelegenen Buchhandlung gehen.

Tatsächlich, wie für Schriftsteller, die nicht ganz übertrieben sind, auch wenn sie sagen, dass es Ozaki Hotsumi ist, das in Japan jetzt existiert,

Es wird schmerzlich sein zu wissen, dass Sie nicht so genannte Gelehrte, so genannte Kulturleute, so genannte Menschenrechtsanwälte und andere Bücher abonnieren.

Dieser Entwurf fährt fort.

É uma leitura obrigatória para todos os cidadãos japoneses e pessoas ao redor do mundo.

2017年05月23日 10時07分49秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki, que é o único jornalista no mundo do pós-guerra e Kaori Fukushima, que é uma das autoridades dos assuntos chineses na atualidade.

Kaori Fukushima nasceu na prefeitura de Nara em 1967. Depois de se formar na Faculdade de Literatura da Universidade de Osaka, juntou-se à Sankei Shimbun Company Osaka sede. Curso de idiomas no exterior para Xangai · Universidade de Fudan em 1998. Em 2001 Hong Kong Branch Diretor, permaneceu em Pequim como um correspondente da Direcção Geral da China de 2002 a 2008. Depois de deixar 2009, ela trabalha como um repórter livre. Política, Economia, sociedade, cultura e assim por diante, tem uma reputação de entrevistas diversificadas.

Eles fizeram um maravilhoso diálogo sobre os Estados Unidos ea China e publicou-o de Tokuma Shoten em 31 de janeiro de 2017.

É uma leitura obrigatória para todos os cidadãos japoneses e pessoas ao redor do mundo.

Vou informar as pessoas ao redor do mundo sobre suas verdadeiras palavras.

Todos os cidadãos japoneses devem dirigir-se imediatamente à livraria mais próxima.

Na verdade, como para os escritores que não são exagero mesmo se dizer que é Ozaki Hotsumi que existe no Japão agora,

Será doloroso saber que você não está subscrevendo os chamados estudiosos, as chamadas pessoas culturais, os chamados advogados de direitos humanos e outros livros.

Este projecto continua.