文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2018年12月14日 14時09分15秒 | 日記




辻元清美「昔は『自分だけが正義』だった…」 どん底からの転機とは…2017.9.11 11:30AERA


「どうしてそこまで怒るの?」「そこまで言わなくてもいいのに」――。このところ、イライラする人や罵詈雑言を目にする機会が多いとは思いませんか? あそこでもここにもいる「感情決壊」する人々。なぜ私たちはかくも怒りに振りまわれるようになったのか。それにはちゃんと理由がありました。アエラ9月11日号では「炎上人(えんじょうびと)の感情決壊」を大特集。怒りの謎に迫ります。



*  *  *







以前は、感情にまかせて怒っていたかもしれません。集団的自衛権問題で小泉元総理に「総理! 総理!」と呼びかけた時も、鈴木宗男さんとの対決も、怒りを120%の力で相手にぶつけ、攻撃していました。






2018年12月14日 12時40分34秒 | 日記






辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、


Comes A Time - Neil Young


Neil Young ~ LIVE UNRELEASED VERSION ~ RAZOR LOVE + viDeo ~ *Best* I've heard


Természetes, hogy az olyan állam, mint az ilyen "fenevad", esik.


How much demand gratitude did Japan have in Korea and China so far?


Il est naturel que l’Etat comme une telle "bête" tombe.




Such as actively entering China in this timing, it is like going into the fire itself.




È naturale che lo stato come tale "bestia" cada.










É natural que o estado como essa "besta" caia.


Ийм терлийн "араатан" шиг унана.


Es natural que el estado como tal "bestia" caiga.








Es ist natürlich, dass der Staat wie dieses „Tier“ fallen wird.




Japan should do ‘look on with folded arms’ for such countries


Last year, Japanese staff in China decreased by about 16% compared with 2012, while


Neil Young-Only Love Can Break Your Heart




If you go to China you will be stolen important intellectual property, if the anti-Japanese activity


exchange rate risk, China, which has reduced foreign exchange reserves, is more dangerous.


Neil Young - Out On The Weekend


I think that worrying is useless, but in 2019 Korea will also be in trouble.




they also recruited 64,000 people to 'turn off the electricity of the university'.






Leaving assets of about 8 trillion yen in Japan rule age in Korea, total ODA to China over


There is no need to deeply deal with the country that returns it with an enemy.


เป็นธรรมชาติที่รัฐเช่น 'สัตว์ร้าย' ดังกล่าวจะตก


This Nikkei newspaper article seems to be regarded as ‘Xinhua News Agency’ or ‘People's Daily.


Neil Young - Heart Of Gold


I suspect it is an article that it is an article written by being impressed by China.




Korea and China we cannot feel such gratitude, ethics, conscience-so to speak ‘human nature’


Естествено е, че държавата като такъв "звяр" ще падне.






It is natural that the state like such ‘beast’ will fall.


It is better to escape to ASEAN with many TPP member countries.






There is no need to deeply deal with the country that returns it with an enemy.

2018年12月14日 05時51分11秒 | 日記

'Following issue monthly magazine WiLL this month,' Keidanren, who still casts sheep's eyes at China, Keidanren Chairman 'Contribute to the development of China'-Is it what the financial world top says?', It was published entitled by Katsumata Hisayoshi (former 'Weekly Toyo economy' editor-in-chief).

Preamble abridgment.

Nikkei newspaper nonsense article

On the other hand, some Japanese companies have started to withdraw from China, saying ‘China is no good’.

Last year, Japanese staff in China decreased by about 16% compared with 2012, while the number of expatriates in ASEAN increased by about 32%.

The amount of investment also decreased by about 30% compared to the same year in China, and investment in ASEAN doubled.

Meanwhile, in the article ‘Japanese company investing in Southeast Asia’ of Nihon Keizai Shimbun dated November 4, I doubted my eyes.

About the fact that Japanese companies began withdrawing from China and the attitude of focusing on Southeast Asia is becoming clearer, ‘There is concern that China's growth, which is the world's second biggest economic power, is overlooked,’ a pessimistic view It showed.

Absolutely, misplaced is also extraordinary.

Such as actively entering China in this timing, it is like going into the fire itself.

It is better to escape to ASEAN with many TPP member countries.

The article says, ‘Southeast Asia has political risks such as Thailand where military coup occurs frequently, there is also exchange rate risk such as reduction in investment income due to currency depreciation.’

Then let me say it.

If you go to China you will be stolen important intellectual property, if the anti-Japanese activity intensifies the factory may be destroyed.

Speaking of exchange rate risk, China, which has reduced foreign exchange reserves, is more dangerous.

This Nikkei newspaper article seems to be regarded as ‘Xinhua News Agency’ or ‘People's Daily.’

I suspect it is an article that it is an article written by being impressed by China.

It is good with ‘look on with folded arms’.

I think that worrying is useless, but in 2019 Korea will also be in trouble.

President Moon Jae-in is interested only in inter-Korean integration, economic policy is terrible as it cannot be called ‘policy'.

Without thinking about the growth of the economy as a whole, it is trying to raise the minimum wage by 30% in two years.

Such a thing, it probably will not work.

What is more surprising is that they also recruited 64,000 people to 'turn off the electricity of the university'.

Students and security guards will erase electricity.

In order to increase the apparent ‘number of employed people’, they are doing sloppy things like this.

Since Korea relies on economics for China, it will fall with China.

In order not to be able to rebuild the relationship with Japan, it should normally think so.

However, Korea even pulled a bow to Japan due to the war-time worker problem.

Economy, diplomacy and justice are all absurd.

Leaving assets of about 8 trillion yen in Japan rule age in Korea, total ODA to China over 3 trillion yen - How much demand gratitude did Japan have in Korea and China so far?

There is no need to deeply deal with the country that returns it with an enemy.

When Japan received skim milk powder from the US military under occupation, we passed a resolution of appreciation at the National Assembly.

But from Korea and China we cannot feel such gratitude, ethics, conscience - so to speak ‘human nature’.

It is natural that the state like such ‘beast’ will fall.

Do not make mistakes in the way.

Japan should do ‘look on with folded arms’ for such countries and build friendly relations with countries that share values.

Korea and China we cannot feel such gratitude, ethics, conscience-so to speak ‘human nature’

2018年12月14日 05時50分17秒 | 日記

'Following issue monthly magazine WiLL this month,' Keidanren, who still casts sheep's eyes at China, Keidanren Chairman 'Contribute to the development of China'-Is it what the financial world top says?', It was published entitled by Katsumata Hisayoshi (former 'Weekly Toyo economy' editor-in-chief).

Preamble abridgment.

Nikkei newspaper nonsense article

On the other hand, some Japanese companies have started to withdraw from China, saying ‘China is no good’.

Last year, Japanese staff in China decreased by about 16% compared with 2012, while the number of expatriates in ASEAN increased by about 32%.

The amount of investment also decreased by about 30% compared to the same year in China, and investment in ASEAN doubled.

Meanwhile, in the article ‘Japanese company investing in Southeast Asia’ of Nihon Keizai Shimbun dated November 4, I doubted my eyes.

About the fact that Japanese companies began withdrawing from China and the attitude of focusing on Southeast Asia is becoming clearer, ‘There is concern that China's growth, which is the world's second biggest economic power, is overlooked,’ a pessimistic view It showed.

Absolutely, misplaced is also extraordinary.

Such as actively entering China in this timing, it is like going into the fire itself.

It is better to escape to ASEAN with many TPP member countries.

The article says, ‘Southeast Asia has political risks such as Thailand where military coup occurs frequently, there is also exchange rate risk such as reduction in investment income due to currency depreciation.’

Then let me say it.

If you go to China you will be stolen important intellectual property, if the anti-Japanese activity intensifies the factory may be destroyed.

Speaking of exchange rate risk, China, which has reduced foreign exchange reserves, is more dangerous.

This Nikkei newspaper article seems to be regarded as ‘Xinhua News Agency’ or ‘People's Daily.’

I suspect it is an article that it is an article written by being impressed by China.

It is good with ‘look on with folded arms’.

I think that worrying is useless, but in 2019 Korea will also be in trouble.

President Moon Jae-in is interested only in inter-Korean integration, economic policy is terrible as it cannot be called ‘policy'.

Without thinking about the growth of the economy as a whole, it is trying to raise the minimum wage by 30% in two years.

Such a thing, it probably will not work.

What is more surprising is that they also recruited 64,000 people to 'turn off the electricity of the university'.

Students and security guards will erase electricity.

In order to increase the apparent ‘number of employed people’, they are doing sloppy things like this.

Since Korea relies on economics for China, it will fall with China.

In order not to be able to rebuild the relationship with Japan, it should normally think so.

However, Korea even pulled a bow to Japan due to the war-time worker problem.

Economy, diplomacy and justice are all absurd.

Leaving assets of about 8 trillion yen in Japan rule age in Korea, total ODA to China over 3 trillion yen - How much demand gratitude did Japan have in Korea and China so far?

There is no need to deeply deal with the country that returns it with an enemy.

When Japan received skim milk powder from the US military under occupation, we passed a resolution of appreciation at the National Assembly.

But from Korea and China we cannot feel such gratitude, ethics, conscience - so to speak ‘human nature’.

It is natural that the state like such ‘beast’ will fall.

Do not make mistakes in the way.

Japan should do ‘look on with folded arms’ for such countries and build friendly relations with countries that share values.

It is natural that the state like such ‘beast’ will fall.

2018年12月14日 05時49分52秒 | 日記

'Following issue monthly magazine WiLL this month,' Keidanren, who still casts sheep's eyes at China, Keidanren Chairman 'Contribute to the development of China'-Is it what the financial world top says?', It was published entitled by Katsumata Hisayoshi (former 'Weekly Toyo economy' editor-in-chief).

Preamble abridgment.

Nikkei newspaper nonsense article

On the other hand, some Japanese companies have started to withdraw from China, saying ‘China is no good’.

Last year, Japanese staff in China decreased by about 16% compared with 2012, while the number of expatriates in ASEAN increased by about 32%.

The amount of investment also decreased by about 30% compared to the same year in China, and investment in ASEAN doubled.

Meanwhile, in the article ‘Japanese company investing in Southeast Asia’ of Nihon Keizai Shimbun dated November 4, I doubted my eyes.

About the fact that Japanese companies began withdrawing from China and the attitude of focusing on Southeast Asia is becoming clearer, ‘There is concern that China's growth, which is the world's second biggest economic power, is overlooked,’ a pessimistic view It showed.

Absolutely, misplaced is also extraordinary.

Such as actively entering China in this timing, it is like going into the fire itself.

It is better to escape to ASEAN with many TPP member countries.

The article says, ‘Southeast Asia has political risks such as Thailand where military coup occurs frequently, there is also exchange rate risk such as reduction in investment income due to currency depreciation.’

Then let me say it.

If you go to China you will be stolen important intellectual property, if the anti-Japanese activity intensifies the factory may be destroyed.

Speaking of exchange rate risk, China, which has reduced foreign exchange reserves, is more dangerous.

This Nikkei newspaper article seems to be regarded as ‘Xinhua News Agency’ or ‘People's Daily.’

I suspect it is an article that it is an article written by being impressed by China.

It is good with ‘look on with folded arms’.

I think that worrying is useless, but in 2019 Korea will also be in trouble.

President Moon Jae-in is interested only in inter-Korean integration, economic policy is terrible as it cannot be called ‘policy'.

Without thinking about the growth of the economy as a whole, it is trying to raise the minimum wage by 30% in two years.

Such a thing, it probably will not work.

What is more surprising is that they also recruited 64,000 people to 'turn off the electricity of the university'.

Students and security guards will erase electricity.

In order to increase the apparent ‘number of employed people’, they are doing sloppy things like this.

Since Korea relies on economics for China, it will fall with China.

In order not to be able to rebuild the relationship with Japan, it should normally think so.

However, Korea even pulled a bow to Japan due to the war-time worker problem.

Economy, diplomacy and justice are all absurd.

Leaving assets of about 8 trillion yen in Japan rule age in Korea, total ODA to China over 3 trillion yen - How much demand gratitude did Japan have in Korea and China so far?

There is no need to deeply deal with the country that returns it with an enemy.

When Japan received skim milk powder from the US military under occupation, we passed a resolution of appreciation at the National Assembly.

But from Korea and China we cannot feel such gratitude, ethics, conscience - so to speak ‘human nature’.

It is natural that the state like such ‘beast’ will fall.

Do not make mistakes in the way.

Japan should do ‘look on with folded arms’ for such countries and build friendly relations with countries that share values.

Japan should do ‘look on with folded arms’ for such countries

2018年12月14日 05時49分25秒 | 日記

'Following issue monthly magazine WiLL this month,' Keidanren, who still casts sheep's eyes at China, Keidanren Chairman 'Contribute to the development of China'-Is it what the financial world top says?', It was published entitled by Katsumata Hisayoshi (former 'Weekly Toyo economy' editor-in-chief).

Preamble abridgment.

Nikkei newspaper nonsense article

On the other hand, some Japanese companies have started to withdraw from China, saying ‘China is no good’.

Last year, Japanese staff in China decreased by about 16% compared with 2012, while the number of expatriates in ASEAN increased by about 32%.

The amount of investment also decreased by about 30% compared to the same year in China, and investment in ASEAN doubled.

Meanwhile, in the article ‘Japanese company investing in Southeast Asia’ of Nihon Keizai Shimbun dated November 4, I doubted my eyes.

About the fact that Japanese companies began withdrawing from China and the attitude of focusing on Southeast Asia is becoming clearer, ‘There is concern that China's growth, which is the world's second biggest economic power, is overlooked,’ a pessimistic view It showed.

Absolutely, misplaced is also extraordinary.

Such as actively entering China in this timing, it is like going into the fire itself.

It is better to escape to ASEAN with many TPP member countries.

The article says, ‘Southeast Asia has political risks such as Thailand where military coup occurs frequently, there is also exchange rate risk such as reduction in investment income due to currency depreciation.’

Then let me say it.

If you go to China you will be stolen important intellectual property, if the anti-Japanese activity intensifies the factory may be destroyed.

Speaking of exchange rate risk, China, which has reduced foreign exchange reserves, is more dangerous.

This Nikkei newspaper article seems to be regarded as ‘Xinhua News Agency’ or ‘People's Daily.’

I suspect it is an article that it is an article written by being impressed by China.

It is good with ‘look on with folded arms’.

I think that worrying is useless, but in 2019 Korea will also be in trouble.

President Moon Jae-in is interested only in inter-Korean integration, economic policy is terrible as it cannot be called ‘policy'.

Without thinking about the growth of the economy as a whole, it is trying to raise the minimum wage by 30% in two years.

Such a thing, it probably will not work.

What is more surprising is that they also recruited 64,000 people to 'turn off the electricity of the university'.

Students and security guards will erase electricity.

In order to increase the apparent ‘number of employed people’, they are doing sloppy things like this.

Since Korea relies on economics for China, it will fall with China.

In order not to be able to rebuild the relationship with Japan, it should normally think so.

However, Korea even pulled a bow to Japan due to the war-time worker problem.

Economy, diplomacy and justice are all absurd.

Leaving assets of about 8 trillion yen in Japan rule age in Korea, total ODA to China over 3 trillion yen - How much demand gratitude did Japan have in Korea and China so far?

There is no need to deeply deal with the country that returns it with an enemy.

When Japan received skim milk powder from the US military under occupation, we passed a resolution of appreciation at the National Assembly.

But from Korea and China we cannot feel such gratitude, ethics, conscience - so to speak ‘human nature’.

It is natural that the state like such ‘beast’ will fall.

Do not make mistakes in the way.

Japan should do ‘look on with folded arms’ for such countries and build friendly relations with countries that share values.

and build friendly relations with countries that share values.

2018年12月14日 05時48分25秒 | 日記

'Following issue monthly magazine WiLL this month,' Keidanren, who still casts sheep's eyes at China, Keidanren Chairman 'Contribute to the development of China'-Is it what the financial world top says?', It was published entitled by Katsumata Hisayoshi (former 'Weekly Toyo economy' editor-in-chief).

Preamble abridgment.

Nikkei newspaper nonsense article

On the other hand, some Japanese companies have started to withdraw from China, saying ‘China is no good’.

Last year, Japanese staff in China decreased by about 16% compared with 2012, while the number of expatriates in ASEAN increased by about 32%.

The amount of investment also decreased by about 30% compared to the same year in China, and investment in ASEAN doubled.

Meanwhile, in the article ‘Japanese company investing in Southeast Asia’ of Nihon Keizai Shimbun dated November 4, I doubted my eyes.

About the fact that Japanese companies began withdrawing from China and the attitude of focusing on Southeast Asia is becoming clearer, ‘There is concern that China's growth, which is the world's second biggest economic power, is overlooked,’ a pessimistic view It showed.

Absolutely, misplaced is also extraordinary.

Such as actively entering China in this timing, it is like going into the fire itself.

It is better to escape to ASEAN with many TPP member countries.

The article says, ‘Southeast Asia has political risks such as Thailand where military coup occurs frequently, there is also exchange rate risk such as reduction in investment income due to currency depreciation.’

Then let me say it.

If you go to China you will be stolen important intellectual property, if the anti-Japanese activity intensifies the factory may be destroyed.

Speaking of exchange rate risk, China, which has reduced foreign exchange reserves, is more dangerous.

This Nikkei newspaper article seems to be regarded as ‘Xinhua News Agency’ or ‘People's Daily.’

I suspect it is an article that it is an article written by being impressed by China.

It is good with ‘look on with folded arms’.

I think that worrying is useless, but in 2019 Korea will also be in trouble.

President Moon Jae-in is interested only in inter-Korean integration, economic policy is terrible as it cannot be called ‘policy'.

Without thinking about the growth of the economy as a whole, it is trying to raise the minimum wage by 30% in two years.

Such a thing, it probably will not work.

What is more surprising is that they also recruited 64,000 people to 'turn off the electricity of the university'.

Students and security guards will erase electricity.

In order to increase the apparent ‘number of employed people’, they are doing sloppy things like this.

Since Korea relies on economics for China, it will fall with China.

In order not to be able to rebuild the relationship with Japan, it should normally think so.

However, Korea even pulled a bow to Japan due to the war-time worker problem.

Economy, diplomacy and justice are all absurd.

Leaving assets of about 8 trillion yen in Japan rule age in Korea, total ODA to China over 3 trillion yen - How much demand gratitude did Japan have in Korea and China so far?

There is no need to deeply deal with the country that returns it with an enemy.

When Japan received skim milk powder from the US military under occupation, we passed a resolution of appreciation at the National Assembly.

But from Korea and China we cannot feel such gratitude, ethics, conscience - so to speak ‘human nature’.

It is natural that the state like such ‘beast’ will fall.

Do not make mistakes in the way.

Japan should do ‘look on with folded arms’ for such countries and build friendly relations with countries that share values.