文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2018年12月16日 23時28分44秒 | 日記



2018年12月16日 23時26分27秒 | 日記



2018年12月16日 23時22分07秒 | 日記

2017-04-05に「 少数派である左翼系の弁護士が日弁連や単位弁護士会を事実上仕切っている」と題して発信した章が、今、アメーバの検索数の上位に入っている。






2018年12月16日 23時15分39秒 | 日記

戸塚 悦朗(とつか えつろう、1942年(昭和17年)- )は、日本の弁護士。
韓国人慰安婦の対日補償請求運動を支援し、1992年2月国連人権委員会で、朝鮮・韓国人の戦時強制連行問題と「従軍慰安婦」問題をNGO「国際教育開発」の代表として初めて提起し、日本政府に責任を取るよう求め、国連の対応をも要請するなど、今日の慰安婦問題の発生に多大な影響を与えた。また、慰安婦の呼称として「性奴隷(Sex slaves)」を提唱し、日弁連や国連に使用を働きかけた。


日本は「人権途上国」であり、1926年の奴隷条約を日本が未批准であることは憲法98条2項に違反するとし、さらに慰安婦は「まさに奴隷」「性奴隷 (Sex Slaves) であった」と主張している。


2018年12月16日 23時13分13秒 | 日記

戸塚 悦朗(とつか えつろう、1942年(昭和17年)- )は、日本の弁護士。
韓国人慰安婦の対日補償請求運動を支援し、1992年2月国連人権委員会で、朝鮮・韓国人の戦時強制連行問題と「従軍慰安婦」問題をNGO「国際教育開発」の代表として初めて提起し、日本政府に責任を取るよう求め、国連の対応をも要請するなど、今日の慰安婦問題の発生に多大な影響を与えた。また、慰安婦の呼称として「性奴隷(Sex slaves)」を提唱し、日弁連や国連に使用を働きかけた。


日本は「人権途上国」であり、1926年の奴隷条約を日本が未批准であることは憲法98条2項に違反するとし、さらに慰安婦は「まさに奴隷」「性奴隷 (Sex Slaves) であった」と主張している。

the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor

2018年12月16日 21時45分47秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment...he is different from many politicians, he is real...I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

I noticed in a moment...he is different from many politicians, he is real...I was really surprised

2018年12月16日 21時40分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment...he is different from many politicians, he is real...I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time

2018年12月16日 21時37分53秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration

2018年12月16日 21時36分29秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

2018年12月16日 21時35分03秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side

2018年12月16日 21時33分44秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

2018年12月16日 21時32分37秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan

2018年12月16日 21時30分57秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen...let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

2018年12月16日 21時29分08秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen ... let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan ...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.

Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget

2018年12月16日 21時27分54秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Proposal of unprecedented proposal that I sent to Japan and the world yesterday ... Let's earn deep throat as soon as possible from China and the Korean Peninsula with a budget of more than 100 million yen ... let's betray intelligence staff from them to Japan ...

Japan cannot become the leader in the world alongside the US, except what doing so.

It cannot stop Okinawa's lies and anti-Japanese activities.

It was more convinced that it was the only answer for Japan, my proposal as the friend said this morning 'it was wonderful ...' on the phone.

Communist Party dictatorship and the country that continues Nazism named anti-Japanese education for 70 years after the war,

Their foundation is constant campaign work at home and abroad ... propaganda activities and citizen surveillance.

Far from democracy is not as firm as a rock, there are many pitfalls from the maneuvering side, it goes without saying that it is an extremely easy maneuvering target.

What they do to the democracy nation is to divide citizens and divide public opinion.

If it is against Japan, it will be a fake construction of the MoriKake riot last year,

In public opinion polls frequently acquired by NHK, in the item that asks the reason for not supporting the administration,

Always put a truly ridiculous item that ‘Abe's personality cannot be trusted’ every time, and let the casters read it.

I had a chance to meet with a politician who was a prime minister before Prime Minister Abe, Kita-shinchi ... It goes without saying that it was the way that personality was untrustworthy.

In the eyes that have continued to look at such kind of politicians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was earthshaking to say that at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi, when I was descending at the escalator, walking down the corridor in the direction of the subway It was encounter with Shinzo Abe who is going.

It is different from any politician I have seen so far ... wholeheartedly, walking with the atmosphere of concentrated. ... It is about time he was resign from the prime minister by the disease.

I noticed in a moment ... he is different from many politicians, that is real ... I was really surprised.

Anyway, it was even more so, as I was a human being subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.

After he returns to the prime minister,

I was surprised when he appeared in 'Committee to say so much', I happened to see, also when he appeared on the tabloid TV show that Matsumoto Hitoshi had been showing in the late night.

Fostering laughter

However, at this time, he was, as it were, surprised by the goodness of the character that a genuine good-buddy has and the sense of truly natural and stunning humor.

When that case, when Obama was the president, when the US and France (thinking it was) got into a fierce companion (gentleness) at G 7, with fantastic quick-wittedness, fostering laughter, I was sure that he had reduced the breakdown of the conference.

This draft continues.