Let's enjoy English !


Visiting my friend

2004-09-03 | diary

Yesterday I visited my friend to look at a new house built by the family of her daughter .
It stands next to my friend's house.
It is big and full of the sense of the young man.

From now on, she and her daughter's families will live together merrily.

I took the picture of this flower at her garden, but we don't know the name of it.
Though my friend said it might be 'fu-yo', 'rose mallow' in English, I'm not sure.
It looks like 'hibiscus' too.

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2004-09-03 | food

Yesterday I bought these saury as they looked very tasty.

It is said that fishermen can catch a large amount of saury this fall and they are very big now.
Big saury are fatty, so they taste good.

We ate as supper after roasted them.

They bring fall to us, too.
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