Let's enjoy English !


Congratulations !

2004-09-23 | diary
The flower is 'moth orchid'; 'ko-chyo-u-ra-n' in Japanese.

My friend's daughter and son each got married.
I went to my friend's house to give a wedding present this morning.

I looked at the pictures of the wedding there.
Her daughter is cute and son handsome.
Both couples were very charming and they looked happy.

Today is 'da-i-a-n'.
We make it a rule to bring a present on the morning of 'da-i-a-n';'lucky or propitious day.'
Doing so, we wish their leading a happy lives.

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Bee on the flower

2004-09-23 |  creature
A bee gathering honey was on the flower of 'be-ko-ni-a'.
I see few bees these days.
They seem to be preparing for passing the winter now.

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