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Praying mantis

2004-09-15 |  creature

Among 'Spider Lily or Amaryllis' was 'a praying mantis.'

Praying mantis is 'ka-ma-ki-ri' in Japanese.
It looks like a leaf of the flower.

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Proverb 3

2004-09-15 | proverb
Care killed the cat.

It means that too much care isn't good for our health.
Even a cat that has seven lives might be killed by care.

Leading a happy and healthy life without having too much care is my wish.

The flower is 'Blue Salvia'.

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Red-crowned crane

2004-09-14 |  creature

There are some 'red-crowned cranes ' by the yard of Sun Road Kibiji.

The top of the head is red.
It is called 'Tanchou zuru' in Japanese.

It is settled to 'The Bird of Hokkaido.'
And now, the bird is designated as 'A Precious Nature Treasure.'
It is a kind of birds that is in danger of extinction.

There are many kinds of animal, plant, insect and so on that are in danger of extinction, and some have already died out.
As a result, an ecologcal system must be out of order.

So, we should take good care of them for the precious earth and for ourselves too.

A crane lives for a thousand years and a tortoise for ten
A cat has seven lives.
Both are the saying about the creatures that lives long happily.

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Rice plant

2004-09-13 | rice field (farming)

 Rice plants that my husband is growing are now in the ears.
They grow bigger day by day.

There are many moles underground of the footpath between ricepaddles.
When the moles make paths and holes, water of the field leak out.

So my husband made many pinwheels.
The quake of the ground keeps from the coming of the moles.
They are made of plastic bottles.

This is one of them.

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2004-09-12 | diary

 Thanks to 「みんなのブログ!」, I could learn to put more than two pictures in this blog.
Besides I've finally managed to link two pictures to make a picture bigger by clicking it. 
Thanks a lot!
These flowers are 'ma-tsu-ba-bo-ta-n' inJapanese.

This is 'hya-ku-ni-chi-sou' . Please click this picture!

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2004-09-12 | diary
Today I helped my aunt-in-low making goo's blog.
Though she is not so young, she is learning how to use a computer with her friends twice a week.
I am looking forward to looking at her blog from now.
Now she has another pleasure of keeping a diary in her blog.

The flower of this picture is 'shyu-u-me-i-gi-ku' in Japanese.

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Hair cut

2004-09-12 | diary
The flower of this picture is a lily that bloom in September.

I went to a beauty salon to have my hair cut and permed in the afternoon.
I usually go there about every forty days.

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Date with my husband

2004-09-11 | diary

We went to Kibiji for some purpose by car.

First we went to 'Agricultural Festival' by J.A. to buy some tools.
Second to co-op for shopping.
Third to wash our car with a washing machine.

On our way to shopping, we went to 'Sun Road Kibiji' for lunch.
The establishment is new yet, so it looks nice.
We went there for the first time.

These are the lunches we had there.
They are 'Bichu-wazen' and 'Fried Chicken with potato salad' which is a special lunch today.
And dessert and coffee after lunch were free.
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2004-09-11 | plant
This is 'ko-murasaki or murasaki-shikibu. '

This plant seems to have nothing to do with Murasaki Shikibu who wrote 'Genji-story'.
It was written about AD 1000, the Heian era in Japan and the oldest long novel in the world.
It is a treasure in Japan and in the world too.

This plant might be named like this because the color of the seeds are violet.

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Tivoli Park

2004-09-10 | scenery
Welcome to Tivoli Park !

Tivoli park is in Kurashiki too.

It is one of the many theme parks in Japan.
The park is a imitation of TIVOLI PARK in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Many people go there, but the number of people is reducing year by year.

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Cactus Flower

2004-09-10 | plant

This is a cactus flower.
It blooms only a few days.

It grows very long.
At the top of it, a little red flower bloomed.
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The Beautiful Area of Kurashiki

2004-09-09 | scenery
I strolled around 'The Beautiful Area of Kurashiki' with
my friends last Sunday.

It has the taste of old Japn; espcially KURA(store house) is unique.
And there is Ohara art-museum which is famous for exhibitting a lot of masterpieces in the world.
Many people visit there all year round.

These are the pictures of riverside and a house having an old taste in this area.
There are many willows along the river and a few swans are floating on the water.

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After the passage of typhoon

2004-09-08 | diary

On the ground of my yard, I found this.

A lot of pedals of 'ha-gi' fell down by the wind.

The part of the ground is pink.

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Proverb 2

2004-09-08 | proverb
Beauty is truth, truth beauty.

Seeking for Truth, Goodness or Virtue, and Beauty, I wish I could live my life !

This flower is 'se-n-ni-ti-ko-u' in Japanese.

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Typhoon no.18

2004-09-07 | weather

Tyhoon no.18 is passing through Chogoku area now.

It is stronger than no.16 which brought much rain and damage.
The wind is very fierce.
It has already brought much damage in Kyushu area.

In this region it began to rain now. The wind is not so strong yet.

This picture is taken at about 1:30 p.m.
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