from July 5 Nikkei

2008年07月07日 16時55分35秒 | 新聞記事から
原油高対策 投機的資金監視で結束 サミット首脳文書 G8、情報開示強化 食料問題で特別文書 アフリカ、生産倍増

Seeing soaring oil prices in recent months as a very serious problem,the Group of Eight nations will show their solidarity with the information disclosure and exchange on issues of speculative money inflow into the crude oil market, at the G-8 summit meeting,starting July 7, it has been learned.The deal is aimed at checking an excessive movement of funds as well as enhancing market transparency.Toward attaing the agreement,final adjustments among nations are now being conducted.Regarding the food problem,the G-8 participant countries are also going to work out the policy of doubling the production of food in Africa,and also to establish an expert panel on food security.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年07月07日 14時25分40秒 | 新聞記事から
対北朝鮮 日米、核・拉致で連携 首脳会談 申告協力に検証 米大統領「強いドル」堅持

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda had talks with U.S. President George W. Bush at a hotel in Toyakocho,Hokkaido, on Sunday, a day before the opening of the Group of Eight summit meeting held in the same Toyakocho.They confirmed the two coutries will cooperate closely in dealing with the issues,such as the North Korea's declaration of the destruction of the nuclear-related facilities and the abduction of Japanese nationals by the country.They also agreed in the point that it is very important to examine closely the content of the country's declaration.Further, U.S. president said at a joint press conference with Fukuda stringent check system is needed for verifying the process.At the same time, with regard to economy, he said also the strong dollar should be maintained, and towrd its goal U.S. will pursue the necessary policy.
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