WTO閣僚会合決裂 緊急輸入制限 米印が対立 ドーハ・ラウンンド 年内の最終合意 困難
The ministerial meeting for WTO having negoatiated in Geneva for establishing the global standards for free trades has failed to reach an agreement mainly because the United States and India have continued to have a contradictory stance for the safeguard clause and have not compromised with each other.Then many say it is very difficult that the multilateral trade talks this time,called "Doha Round," are able to get a final agreement within the year.
The ministerial meeting for WTO having negoatiated in Geneva for establishing the global standards for free trades has failed to reach an agreement mainly because the United States and India have continued to have a contradictory stance for the safeguard clause and have not compromised with each other.Then many say it is very difficult that the multilateral trade talks this time,called "Doha Round," are able to get a final agreement within the year.