from today's Nikkei

2008年07月28日 16時00分08秒 | 新聞記事から
原材料高騰 転嫁しやすく 神鋼や三菱化学 価格決定見直し 製品価格上昇 需要冷え込む恐れも

Against the background of recent surging prices of materials,in a variety of business fields ,the movement that they introduce the system which enables to make it easier to transfer material price hikes to their product prices, has been spreading.Specifically, Kobe Steel,Ltd. is going to adopt "price fluctuation adjustment surcharge system" ,in which a special steel' price will be related to the prices of some of the materials.Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation also will do the same.There is a merit in this movement such as enhancement of transparency of material costs,especially from the manufacturing parties' side, but at the same time, there is a concern that final consumer demand will decline through the retail price hikes.
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