from today's Nikkei

2008年07月08日 14時29分08秒 | 新聞記事から
サミット開幕 食料輸出規制撤廃促す 首脳文書案 価格高騰に懸念 アフリカ交え会合 支援を拡大・検証

The Group of Eight summit meeting, or Toyako Summit,started Monday its three-day schedule,first of all, with the expanded meetimng inviting seven headsof state from Africa held on its first satge on the day.In the meeting, they all agreed on the awareness that the recent surging oil and food prices have had a serious influence on many countries,espacially on poor countries. They also reached an agreement to establish the framework in cheking the progress of G-8 nations' aids to African coutries in ordet to promote the development in Africa.Meanwhile, according to sources,it has also been learned that the request for the abolishment of the food export bans in several nations, which is believed to be one of causes of global food price hikes, is included in a spacila document on food issue set to be adopted at this Toyako Summit.
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