from yesterday's Nikkei

2008年07月23日 13時28分09秒 | 新聞記事から
10品目で首位交代 国内100品目シェア調査 軽自動車 ダイハツが初 インクジェットプリンター キャノン奪回 「値ごろ感」に支持

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun compiled the data of the survey on the major product and service share in 2007,which shows which product or service take how much share in each of the selected 100 items of products or services.According to the data,it has been learnd that in 10 items among the 100 the first runner was changed.In the light-weight vehicle Daihatsu was top for the first time,and in the ink-jet-printer Cannon recovered the top position after a two-year interval.By the words of some critics, the most important factor when the consumer decides to buy or not to buy a product or service is the reasonability of prices.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年07月23日 12時42分49秒 | 新聞記事から
基礎的財政収支 赤字、最小でも3.9兆円 11年度時点 内閣府試算 政府目標厳しく 首相「歳出改革を継続」

The Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, or the government's panel,approved on Tuesday the estimates by the Cabinet Office on the outlook regarding the economic policy by the year of fiscal 2011.According to it, given the situation that expected growth rates from now on are all less than those initially projected,and thus the primary balance of the budgets of both the central and local governments would be in the deficit of about 3.9 trillion yen at least.This means the goal set up by the government itself will be virtually difficult to attain.In these circumstances,Prime Minister Fukuda said we should make an effort to continue expenses reforms.
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